[Ord. 667, 2-5-2008]
Creation: There is created the position of monitor of motor vehicle parking.
Appointment: The Mayor, by or with the advice and consent of the City Council, is authorized to employ, from time to time, as many persons, male or female, to fill such position and perform the duties thereof, as may be necessary to effectively oversee the parking of motor vehicles within the City.
Term Of Office: Monitors shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and shall perform their duties at such times and places within the City as may, from time to time, be established by directive of the Mayor.
Ticket Procedure: Monitors or officers of the police department of the City of Lincoln shall patrol assigned areas and oversee the parking of motor vehicles upon the alleys, streets, and public parking lots of the City. Upon observing a violation of any parking regulation of the City, as set forth in this chapter, monitors or police officers shall issue a ticket to the offender. If the offender is not personally present, the ticket shall be affixed to the motor vehicle. The ticket shall specify the parking regulations violated under this chapter and inform the offender that he may compromise and avoid prosecution for the parking offense by paying to the City the sum of $10 if paid within 48 hours of the issuance of said ticket. If said $10 is not paid within 48 hours after the issuance of the ticket, then the fine shall increase to $25 if paid within 30 days of the issuance of the ticket. If said ticket is not paid within 30 days of the issuance of the ticket, the fine shall increase to $50. If said ticket is not paid within 60 days of the issuance of the same, the fine thereafter shall increase to $100 for each and every violation. Any person making such payment shall receive a receipt therefor. Penalties as herein set forth shall not apply to the provisions of Chapter 7 of this title where fines are set forth for specific offenses and shall not apply to violations of Section 9-5-12 of this chapter, which fine shall be a minimum of $25 payable not later than 30 days after the violation occurs.
Knowledge Of Parking Rules Required: It shall be the duty of monitors to familiarize themselves with the ordinances of the City pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles.
Uniforms: Monitors shall wear at all times while on duty a uniform of a style and color prescribed by the Mayor.
Compensation: Monitors shall be compensated at rates fixed from time to time by the City Council.
Power Of Arrest Not Granted: Monitors shall not have the power of arrest and shall have only the powers specifically enumerated in this section.
[1960 Code § 9.04.830; Ord. 243, 10-19-1987]
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places:
On a sidewalk;
In front of a public or private driveway;
Within an intersection;
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
On a crosswalk;
Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic control signal located at the side of a street;
Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing;
Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of said entrance when properly signposted;
Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
At any place where official signs prohibit stopping;
On streets or parts of streets where curb is painted yellow.
No person other than a police officer, as provided herein, shall move a vehicle into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful, or start or cause to be started the motor of any motor vehicle, or shift, change or move the levers, brake, starting device, gears, or other mechanism of a standing motor vehicle to a position other than that in which it was left by the owner or driver thereof, or attempt to do so.
[1960 Code § 9.04.565]
It is unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle on private property within the corporate limits of the City without the consent of the owner or lawful possessor of such private property.
[1960 Code § 9.04.570]
When official signs prohibiting parking are erected on any street or portion thereof, it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle in any such designated place.
[Ord. 243, 10-19-1987; amended Ord. 412, 3-4-1996; Ord. 433, 4-21-1997; Ord. 657, 9-17-2007]
When signs are erected in a block giving notice thereof, vehicles shall be parked at an angle of 45° with the curb upon any of the streets or parts of the streets described below:
Name of Street
Between Chicago Street and Hamilton Street and between Logan Street to the intersection of Logan Street with the alley between Logan Street and Sangamon Street
Between Kickapoo Street and McLean Street
Chicago Street
Between Broadway and Pulaski Streets
Between Kickapoo Street and McLean Street
Kickapoo Street
Between Broadway and Pulaski Streets
Kickapoo Street
Between Latham Place and Pekin Street
Latham Place
Between Kickapoo and McLean Streets
McLean Street
Between Broadway and Pulaski Streets
Pekin Street
Between Kickapoo Street and McLean Street
Pulaski Street
Between Kickapoo Street and McLean Street
Sangamon Street
Between Clinton Street and Pekin Street
Upon all remaining streets and parts of streets in the City, vehicles shall be parked parallel with the curb, headed in the direction of traffic and with the right hand wheels of such vehicles parallel with and within 12 inches of the curb.
[1960 Code § 9.04.590]
Double parking of motor vehicles or other vehicles is at all times and on all streets or public ways prohibited in the City.
[1960 Code § 9.04.600; amended 1975 Code]
No parking of motor vehicles or other vehicles shall be permitted in any of the alleys within the City.
[1960 Code § 9.04.620]
In all cases where a business, house or building abuts on an alley or has an entrance to or exit from such alley, trucks or other motor vehicles shall load and unload goods and merchandise from such alley entrance or exit.
No truck or other motor vehicle shall be left standing in any street or alley for a greater length of time than is reasonably necessary for loading or unloading such goods or merchandise.
At no time shall any truck or other motor vehicle be so parked or left standing, whether loading or unloading goods or merchandise, as to obstruct the passageway of other vehicles passing through or along any street or alley in the City.
[1960 Code § 9.04.610]
Motor vehicles over 22 feet in length or other vehicles over 22 feet in length shall at all times park parallel with the curb, and only in the locality or space where parallel parking is permitted by this chapter.
[Ord. 279, 8-7-1989]
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon any street in such manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic, except that a driver may stop temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of passengers or when necessary in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals of a police officer.
Further, the following are declared obstructions to traffic:
The parking of a motor vehicle, camper, trailer, boat or other personal property (hereinafter called "vehicle") upon any of the streets in the City for longer than 72 hours consecutively without moving the vehicle for use or cause, shall constitute an obstruction of the street.
[Amended 11-21-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-993]
A vehicle which constitutes an obstruction, as herein set forth, shall be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter and is declared to be a nuisance. It may be abated by any police officer by impounding such vehicle and by removing and conveying such vehicle or by causing such vehicle to be removed to a vehicle pound. A vehicle pound is declared to be any suitable place designated by the police department of the City as a vehicle pound. The owner or operator of said vehicle may have it removed from such impoundment by paying the cost of towing and impounding of the vehicle together with all fines and penalties as provided in this title.[1] The right to impound shall be in addition to any other remedy provided herein. The registered owner of the vehicle at the time of the violation shall be presumed to be the violator, as well as the vehicle itself, and the actual operator thereof.
See Section 9-7-9 of this title.
[1960 Code § 9.04.640]
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle at any time on any parkway.
[Ord. 2019-896, 5-20-2019]
No person owning, controlling, driving or operating any vehicle shall park a vehicle between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. in the following locations:
Name of Street
Broadway Street
Between Logan Street and Sangamon Street and between Chicago Street and McLean Street; and on Broadway Street the east half block between McLean Street and Hamilton Street (from the alley to Hamilton Street)
Chicago Street
Between Decatur Street and Pekin Street; and on Chicago Street, east side, between Pekin Street and Delavan Street
Clinton Street
Between Logan Street and Sangamon Street, and between Chicago Street and Kickapoo Street; and on the south side of Clinton Street between Kickapoo Street and Hamilton Street, except that parking is allowed on the south side of the 500 block of Clinton Street between the alley and Hamilton Street
Decatur Street
North side, between Kickapoo Street and McLean Street
Delavan Street
South side, the west half block from Chicago Street to the alley
Fifth Street
South side, between Jefferson Street and State Street; and on the north side of Fifth Street between Jefferson Street and Madison Street and between Monroe Street and Jackson Street
Hamilton Street
Between Pulaski Street and Broadway Street; and on Hamilton Street, west side, the south half block between Broadway Street and Pekin Street.
Kickapoo Street
East side, between Decatur Street and Clinton Street; and on Kickapoo Street between Clinton Street and Pekin Street; and on Kickapoo Street, east side, between Pekin Street and Latham Place
McLean Street
Between Decatur Street and Pekin Street
Pekin Street
The east half block between Logan Street and Sangamon Street (from the alley to Sangamon Street); and on Pekin Street between Chicago Street and Kickapoo Street; and on Pekin Street, north side, between Kickapoo Street and McLean Street; and on south side of Pekin Street, the west half block between Kickapoo Street and Pekin parking lot
Pulaski Street
[Amended 9-20-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-957]
Pulaski Street between Chicago Street and McLean Street; and on Pulaski Street, south side, between McLean Street and Hamilton Street; and on Pulaski Street, north side, the east half block between McLean Street and Hamilton Street (from the alley to Hamilton Street)
Sangamon Street
East side, between Decatur Street and Clinton Street; and on Sangamon Street between Clinton Street and Clinton Street
[1960 Code § 9.04.660]
No person shall start a vehicle which is stopped, standing or parked unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety.
[1960 Code § 9.04.820]
Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a street in violation of any of the provisions of this title, such officer is hereby authorized to move such vehicle or require the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to move the same to a position off the paved or improved or main traveled part of such street.
Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any street where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic, such officer is hereby authorized to provide for the removal of such vehicle to the nearest garage or other place of safety.[1]
See Section 9-5-10 of this chapter.
[Ord. 243, 10-19-1987; amended Ord. 260, 9-6-1988; Ord. 264, 10-17-1988; Ord. 283, 10-16-1989; Ord. 284, 10-16-1989; Ord. 360, 10-4-1993; Ord. 363, 4-26-1994; Ord. 378, 10-3-1994; Ord. 380, 10-17-1994; Ord. 385, 1-3-1995; Ord. 391, 3-20-1995; Ord. 394, 6-5-1995; Ord. 403, 9-18-1995; Ord. 428, 1-6-1997; Ord. 475, 9-21-1998; Ord. 518, 12-4-2000; Ord. 531, 7-6-2001; Ord. 540, 10-15-2001; Ord. 546, 5-20-2002; Ord. 561, 2-3-2003; Ord. 610, 6-6-2005; Ord. 633, 6-5-2006; Ord. 634, 6-19-2006; Ord. 650, 7-16-2007; Ord. 680, 7-21-2008; Ord. 682, 8-18-2008; Ord. 715, 8-16-2010; Ord. 719, 11-15-2010; Ord. 2011-740, 12-19-2011; Ord. 2020-917, 2-3-2020]
When signs are erected in a block giving notice thereof, no person owning, controlling, driving or operating any vehicle shall cause, allow, permit or suffer such vehicle to stand or to be left or to remain parked at any time upon any of the streets described below, and parking is hereby prohibited at all times upon the following streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Beck Drive
[Added 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1015]
Entirety of the street
Broadway Street
Between Chicago Street and Sangamon Street
Broadway Street
The west half block from McLean Street to the alley
Burlington Street
The west half block between Ottawa Street and Kankakee Street
Burlington Street
Between North Sherman Street and Commercial Drive
Castle Manor Drive
[Added 4-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-939]
Entirety of the street
Chicago Street
Beginning 165 feet south of Tremont Street and extending south 44 feet, except for taxicab purposes
Chicago Street
The first stall on the northwest side of Chicago Street immediately northeast of the intersection of Broadway and Chicago Streets, except for taxicab stand purposes
Chicago Street
The first stall immediately north of Broadway Street, except for taxicab purposes
Clinton Street
Between Hamilton Street and Kickapoo Street
College Street
Between Eighth Street and Tenth Street
Davenport Street
Between Ottawa Street and Kankakee Street, except the northwest part of Davenport Street beginning 14 feet east of the right of way of Ottawa Street and extending 140 feet east
Davey Street
Beginning at North State Street and extending east to the alley between the 600 block of Seventh Street and the 500 block of Eighth Street
Decatur Street
Between Union Street and Kickapoo Street
Denver Avenue
The east half from the alley to McLean Street
Eighth Street
From State Street to Maple Street
Elm Street
Between Eighth Street and Tenth Street
Fifth Street
Between Logan Street and State Street
Fourth Street
Between South Union Street and Maple Street between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day when Carroll Catholic School is in session
Galena Street
From Kankakee Street west to the alley. Gavin Street, west side, from West Kickapoo Street to North Street
Gavin Street
[Added 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1015]
Entirety of the street
Hamilton Street
From Broadway Street to Pekin Street
Heitmann Drive
Beginning at the south edge of Inlet Street and continuing north for 203 feet
Hennepin Street
For the first 60 feet north of the intersection of Hennepin Street and Keokuk Street
Hudson Street
From the north right of way of Keokuk Street north to the intersection of the north right of way of Inlet Street projected west to the west side of Hudson Street
Illinois Route 10
From Keokuk and Limit Streets to the IC railroad crossing
Jackson Street
Between Fourth Street and Fifth Street on the northeast and southeast sides of an alley located thereon
Jackson Street
From Fifth Street to Sixth Street
Kankakee Street
From Lincoln Avenue to Keokuk Street
Keokuk Street
From Kankakee Street to Illinois Route 10 East
Keokuk Street
South and east
From Union Street to the intersection of Campus View Drive
Kickapoo Street
Between Burlington Street and Keokuk Street
Kickapoo Street
From Latham Place to Keokuk Street; and on the west side of Kickapoo Street from Pekin Street to Delavan Street and from 180 feet south of Lincoln Avenue, north to Keokuk Street. On the south right of way line of Burlington Street beginning at a point 70 feet east of the east right of way line of North Kickapoo Street and going east for a length of 40 feet
Kickapoo Street
From Wichita Street inclusive north to the corporate limits
Kickapoo Street
From Wyatt Avenue to Willard Avenue; and on the west side of Kickapoo Street from Clinton Street to Wyatt Avenue
LaDue Street
Between Broadway and Wyatt Avenue
Latham Place
And on the west side of McLean Street, parking is banned for a distance of six feet on each side of the two driveways serving #6 Latham Place
Latham Place
Latham Street
From Beach Street to Hudson Street
Limit Street
From Illinois Route 10 East to the south corporate limits, except parking parallel to the curb will be permitted from 243.8 meters (800 feet) north of the centerline of Tremont Street on the west side and from 192.0 meters (630 feet) north of the centerline of Tremont Street on the east side, to 102.7 meters (337 feet) north of the centerline of Broadway and Nugent Streets
Limit Street
From 250 feet north of Broadway Street south to the corporate limits and from Keokuk Street to 1,000 feet south of Keokuk Street
Logan Street
Between Clinton Street and Burlington Street and on the west side of Logan Street between Clinton Street and Union Street
Madigan Drive
From the northern boundary of the Insurance Auto Auction real estate northerly to Woodlawn Road
Madigan Drive
From its intersection with Sysco Drive northerly to the northern boundary line of the property currently owned by Insurance Auto Auction
Madigan Drive
It shall be unlawful to park any semitruck and trailer
Maple Street
The north half block between Second Street and Third Street
Miller Street
From Pulaski Street to Tulip Drive
Ninth Street
Between Union and Elm Streets
North Hamilton Street
From the IC railroad crossing to Galena Street
North Logan Street
Between a point 70 feet south of the warehouse entrance to a point immediately south of the office entrance of the Ball-Foster Glass Container Company on the east side of North Logan Street and between a point on the south side of the intersection of North Logan Street with Omaha Street to a point on the north side of the intersection of North Logan Street with Oklahoma Street on the west side of North Logan Street, it shall be unlawful to park any semitruck or trailer, and every truck as defined in 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-211 and any succeeding enactments thereof
North Logan Street
Between Omaha Street and Yosemite Street and on the northwest side of North Logan Street between Omaha Street and Denver Street
North McLean Street
The first parking stall located immediately north of the alley on the west side of the 100 block of North McLean Street
North Monroe Street
[Added 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1015]
On the west side beginning on Twenty First Street thence north 600 feet; and on the easterly side beginning at Twenty First thence north 230 feet and then from 470 feet north of Twenty First Street to 600 feet north of Twenty First Street
North Street
From Gavin Street to College Street
Ottawa Street
From Keokuk Street to 160 feet south of Wichita Avenue; and on the west side of Ottawa Street from the extension of the north side of Wichita Avenue, south 215 feet
Ottawa Street
At a point 116 feet north of the north right of way of Davenport Street extending from that point north 522 feet to the drive leading into the parking area next to the baseball field
Ottawa Street
From Feldman Drive to Ophir Avenue
Pekin Street
To McLean Street to Hamilton Street
Pekin Street
From McLean Street west 250 feet; and on the north side of Pekin Street from Sherman Street to Sheridan Street, except the handicap parking space
Pulaski Street
Between Kankakee Street and the alley running through block 21 of the original town, now City of Lincoln
Second Street
Between Maple Street and Walnut Street
Stahlhut Drive
State Street
North of the alley between Sixth Street and Seventh Street and State Street, from Fifth Street to Fourth Street; and on the west side of State Street from Fourth Street to Third Street
Sysco Drive
Third Street
Between Maple Street and the extension of Union Street
Tremont Street
On the north side, beginning at 1720 Tremont Street and continuing to 1800 Tremont Street.
Twenty First Street
Beginning 250 feet west of the intersection of Twenty First Street and Jefferson Street and extending 100 feet west
Union Street
[Amended 10-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1015]
Between Eighth Street and Woodlawn Road; and on the east side of Union Street between Woodlawn Road and Twentieth Street and between Feldman Drive and Lincoln Parkway
Union Street
Between Fourth Street and Ottawa Street and on the east side of Union Street between Seventh Street and Eighth Street on any day while Central School is in session
Union Street
Between Seventh Street and Eighth Street
Union Street
For a distance of 72 feet north of the north right of way of Woodlawn Road
Walnut Street
East and west
Of the 300 block, a distance of 30 feet south from the south edge of the alleyway entrance and 30 feet north from the north edge of the alleyway entrance on both sides of Walnut Street
Walnut Street
Of the 500 block, from Fourth Street to the alley
Walnut Street
From Seventh Street north to the alley except the south 90 feet on the east side of Walnut Street
West Kickapoo Street
From Gavin Street to State Street
Wichita Street
East of the alley to Kankakee Street
Woodlawn Road
From Union Street west to the corporate limits
Wyatt Avenue
From LaDue Street to Primm Road; and on Primm Road from Wyatt Avenue, south to the north driveway into Lincoln Community High School
[1960 Code § 9.04.840]
No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition and removing the key, or, when standing upon any perceptible grade, without effectively setting the brake thereon, and turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway.
[1960 Code, § 9.04.850]
No person shall stand or park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of:
Displaying or advertising it or any article, thing or merchandise for sale.
Washing, greasing or repairing such vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency.
No person shall operate or park on any street any vehicle for the primary purpose of advertising.
[Ord. 243, 10-19-1987; amended Ord. 255, 6-20-1988]
Parking time shall be limited to 120 consecutive minutes in the following designated areas, streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Fifth Street
As it adjoins Postville Park except for a thirty-foot strip thereof running west from the intersection of Washington Street and Fifth Street in which all parking shall be prohibited; also, the west side of Washington Street as it adjoins Postville Park except for a thirty-foot strip thereof running south from the intersection of Washington Street and Fifth Street in which all parking shall be prohibited.
North Kickapoo Street
From Delavan Street to Peoria Street and a part of the west side of North Kickapoo Street commencing at a point 20 feet north of the north line of Peoria Street running in a northerly direction from a distance of 120 feet.
Parking time shall be limited to 60 consecutive minutes in the following designated areas, streets or parts of streets:
Name of Street
Eighth Street
Between Maple Street and the extension of Walnut Street
Limit Street
Between Welch Drive and Delavan Street.
Pekin Street
From a point 88 feet north of the northerly right of way line of Pekin Street along the easterly right of way line of McLean Street to the point of beginning, thence north 46 feet so as to provide two parking stalls on the east side of McLean Street between Pekin and Delavan Streets
Primm Road
From 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., between the north high school driveway and the corporate limits to the south, excluding a forty-foot section beginning 60 feet south of the north driveway, excluding a 125-foot section beginning 140 feet south of the north driveway and excluding a seventy-five-foot section beginning 415 feet south of the north driveway, all on the east side.
[1960 Code § 9.04.946]
No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic control signal indication to proceed.
[Ord. 26, 4-7-1975]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any trailer truck detached from the tractor on any public street or alley in the City at any time of the day or night, unless loading or unloading with permission of the City police department. The fact that a trailer truck which is illegally parked is registered in the name of a person shall be considered prima facie proof that such person was in control of said trailer truck at the time of such parking, and anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense.
[Ord. 625, 12-5-2005, eff. 1-1-2006]
General Requirements: It shall be prohibited to park any motor vehicle which is not properly displaying registration plates or decals issued to a person with disabilities, as defined by 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-159.1, pursuant to Section 5/3-616, 5/11-1301.1, or 5/11-1301.2, or to a disabled veteran pursuant to Section 5/3-609, as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a person with disabilities or a disabled veteran, in any parking place, including any private or public off street parking facility, specifically reserved, by the posting of an official sign as designated by Section 5/11-301, for motor vehicles displaying such registration plates. It shall be prohibited to park any motor vehicle in a designated access aisle adjacent to any parking place specifically reserved for persons with disabilities, by the posting of an official sign as designated under Section 5/11-301, for motor vehicles displaying such registration plates. When using the parking privileges for persons with disabilities, the parking decal or device must be displayed properly in the vehicle where it is clearly visible to law enforcement personnel, either hanging from the rearview mirror or placed on the dashboard of the vehicle in clear view. Any motor vehicle properly displaying a disability license plate or a parking decal or device containing the international symbol of access issued to persons with disabilities by any local authority, state, district, territory, or foreign country shall be recognized by state and local authorities as a valid license plate or device and receive the same parking privileges as residents of this state.
Violation: An individual with a vehicle displaying disability license plates or a parking decal or a device issued to a qualified person with a disability under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-616, 5/11-1301.1, or 5/11-1301.2 or to a disabled veteran under Section 5/3-609 is in violation of this section if: a) the person using the disability license plate or parking decal or device is not the authorized holder of the disability license plate or parking decal or device or is not transporting the authorized holder of the disability license plate or parking decal or device to or from the parking location and b) the person uses the disability license plate or parking decal or device to exercise any privileges granted through the disability license plate or parking decal or device under this Code.
Specific Handicapped Parking Areas:
Name of Street
Broadway Street
The easternmost space on the north side of the 600 block.
Broadway Street and North McLean Street
The third parking stall located immediately north of the intersection of Broadway and North McLean on the east side of the 100 block of North McLean Street.
Chicago Street and Pekin Street
The first parking stall immediately north of the intersection of Chicago Street and Pekin Street on the east side of the 200 block of North Chicago Street.
Clinton Street
The westernmost space on the south side of the 400 block.
Kankakee Street and Pulaski Street
Two spaces on the east side of Kankakee Street immediately south of the south right of way line of Pulaski Street at said intersection as specifically located by the City engineer and street superintendent.
Pekin Street lot
The first parking stall off of the alley on the east side, being the south easternmost parking stall in the Pekin Street lot
South Sangamon Street
The northernmost space on the west side of the 100 block
Any person or local authority owning or operating a public or private off street parking facility may, after notifying the police or sheriff's department, remove or cause to be removed, to the nearest garage or other place of safety, any vehicle parked within a stall or space reserved for use by a person with disabilities which does not display person with disabilities registration plates or a special decal or device as required under this section.
Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of Subsection (A)1 of this section shall be fined $250 in addition to any costs or charges connected with the removal or storage of any motor vehicle authorized under this section. It shall not be a defense to a charge under this section that either the sign posted pursuant to this section or the intended accessible parking place does not comply with the technical requirements of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-301, department regulations, or local ordinance, if a reasonable person would be made aware by the sign or notice on or near the parking place that the place is reserved for a person with disabilities.
Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of Subsection (A)2 of this section shall be fined $500 and may have his or her driving privileges suspended or revoked by the secretary of state for a period of time determined by the secretary of state. The secretary of state may also suspend or revoke the disability license plates or parking decal or device for a period of time determined by the secretary of state. The circuit Clerk shall distribute $250 of the $500 fine imposed on any person who is found guilty of or pleads guilty to a violation of this section, including any person placed on court supervision for violating this section, to the law enforcement agency that issued the citation or made the arrest. If more than one law enforcement agency is responsible for issuing the citation or making the arrest, the $250 share shall be shared equally.
As used in this section, "authorized holder" means an individual issued a disability license plate under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-616; an individual issued a parking decal or device under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1301.2; or an individual issued a disabled veteran's license plate under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-609.
[Ord. 2015-841, 10-5-2015]
Definition Of Fire Lane: "Fire lane" shall mean travel lanes that allow firefighting equipment to move freely thereon and gain access to buildings, structures, fire hydrants, wall hydrants, or fire department connections applying automatic sprinkler or standpipe systems.
Prohibitions: No person shall stand, stop, or park a motor vehicle within any area designated and posted as a fire lane within the City of Lincoln.
Designation Of Fire Lanes:
By written agreement between the City and any school board, hospital, church, condominium complex unit owners' association, commercial and industrial facility, shopping center or apartment complex owner, which controls a parking area located within the City limits, empowering the City to designate and enforce fire lanes on such parking area, including City enforcement of the maintenance of the designated fire lanes. Such agreement shall be approved and executed by the City Administrator or Mayor, shall not exceed a period of 20 years, and shall be recorded in the office of the Logan County Clerk and recorder's office.
By the City Council, pursuant to the recommendation of the City Administrator or Mayor, and by ordinance, resolution, or written agreement, on any private or semiprivate roads, streets, driveways, trails, parkways, parking areas or other roadways open to or used by vehicular traffic where the City Council has, pursuant to a condition in a planned development zoning classification, special use permit or variation or pursuant to a condition in an annexation agreement required the designation of fire lanes.
Methods Of Posting: Fire lanes shall be posted in accordance with the building code adopted by the City of Lincoln.
Penalty: Any person violating the provisions contained in this section shall be subject to a fine of no less than $75 and no more than $750.
Tow Zone: The City Administrator or Mayor, pursuant to the passage of an ordinance designating a fire lane, or pursuant to the recording of a written agreement empowering the City to designate and enforce fire lanes, may have such a lane posted as a tow zone. Any motor vehicle within such tow zone shall be subject to removal by a towing service, and the owner shall be responsible for the cost of the same.
Maintenance: Owners of property on which fire lanes are designated are responsible for providing required pavement markings and for obtaining appropriate signage at owner's expense, in accordance with City standards, to give the public notice of the location of the fire lane, the standing, stopping, and parking prohibitions, and that fines may be imposed by the City against violators.
Citations: City firefighters, City police officers, parking enforcement officers, and/or building code officials are hereby authorized to issue citations for violations of the parking and standing prohibitions and for maintenance violations, as provided for in this section.
[Ord. 2015-844, 11-16-2015]
When signs are erected in a block giving notice that said block is deemed to be a snow route in the event of the accumulation of snowfall greater than two inches, no person owning, controlling, driving or operating any vehicle shall cause, allow, permit or suffer such vehicle to stand or to be left or to remain parked at any time upon any of the streets described below, and parking is hereby prohibited during said snow event until the snow event has ceased:
Name of Street
Lincoln Avenue
From College Avenue to North Union Street
Park Place
From North Union to North Elm Street
North side of Pulaski Street
Between South Ladue and South Sherman
From North Kickapoo to Bond Street
Wyatt Avenue
From Railer Way to South McLean Street
Vehicles found to be parked in violation of this section shall be cited for said violation and, to obviate the safety hazards occasioned by incomplete snow removal, be summarily towed on orders of a police officer to some place where the vehicle may be lawfully parked, to the City impoundment lot, or to a privately owned impoundment lot. The costs of such towing shall be assessed to and paid by the operator or registered owner of the vehicle along with a fine of no less than $75 and no more than $750.