[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the fair, efficient and expedited enforcement of this Code, as may be allowed by law and directed by ordinance, through a Code Hearing Department proceeding and to establish a Code Hearing Department and personnel.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
There is hereby created a separate and independent department of the City of Lincoln to be known as the Code Hearing Department.
The City of Lincoln hereby adopts in its entirety, Division 2.2 of Article 1 of the Illinois municipal code. Any inconsistency between this chapter and Division 2.2 of Article 1 of the Illinois municipal code shall be resolved with respect to alleged violations to be adjudicated under authority of this subsection in favor of Division 2.2 of Article 1 of the Illinois municipal code. The Code Hearing Department shall have the power and authority under this subsection and Division 2.2 of Article 1 of the Illinois municipal code to enforce any municipal ordinance by an administrative adjudication proceeding, other than:
Building code violations that must be adjudicated pursuant to Division 31.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois municipal code;
Any offense under the Illinois vehicle code or a similar offense that is a traffic regulation governing the movement of vehicles;
Any reportable offense under Section 6-204 of the Illinois vehicle code.
The City of Lincoln hereby adopts in its entirety, Division 31.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois municipal code. Any inconsistency between this chapter and Division 31.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois municipal code with respect to alleged violations to be adjudicated under authority of this subsection shall be resolved in favor of Division 31.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois municipal code. The Code Hearing Department shall have the power and authority under this subsection and Division 31.1 of the Illinois municipal code to enforce any municipal ordinance law, housing or building code or zoning ordinance that establishes construction, plumbing, heating, electrical, fire prevention, sanitation or other health and safety standards that are applicable to structures in a municipality or any municipal ordinance that requires, after notice, the cutting of weeds, the removal of garbage and debris, the removal of inoperable motor vehicles or the abatement of nuisances from private property.
Any other provision of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, any officer or employee of the City who charges any person with a violation of any provision of this Code may elect to proceed by filing a complaint in Logan County circuit court or by utilizing any other enforcement procedure authorized by this Code rather than utilizing the procedures set forth in this chapter. Any officer or employee of the City who seeks administrative adjudication of any complaint under this chapter may at any time prior to commencement of the hearing on the merits of such complaint by the hearing officer dismiss the complaint seeking administrative adjudication without prejudice and thereafter refile the complaint under this chapter, utilize any other enforcement procedure authorized by this Code or refile the complaint in Logan County circuit court.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
The Code Hearing Department shall consist of, upon appointment by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council and under the direct supervision of the Mayor, a hearing officer, and such other positions as may be approved by the City Council, with the powers and duties as hereinafter set forth. Other than the hearing officer, one person may serve more than one such position. Compensation for each of the positions shall be as approved by the City Council.
Hearing Officer:
The hearing officer, prior to appointment, must be an attorney licensed to practice law for at least three years in the state of Illinois. The hearing officer shall preside over all adjudicatory hearings and shall have the following powers and duties:
To administer oaths;
To hear testimony, to accept evidence that is relevant to the existence of violation of this Code and to rule upon motions, objections and the admissibility of evidence;
To issue subpoenas directing witnesses to appear and give relevant testimony at the hearing, upon the request of the parties or their representatives;
To preserve and authenticate the record of the hearing and all exhibits and evidence introduced at the hearing;
To issue and sign a written finding, decision and order stating whether a violation of this Code exists;
To impose penalties, sanctions or such other relief consistent with applicable provisions of this Code and to assess costs upon finding a party liable for the charged violation, except however, that in no event shall the hearing officer have authority to impose a penalty of incarceration;
To review final determination of liability for an ordinance violation in accordance with the administrative review procedures hereinafter set forth; and
To hold conferences for the settlement or simplification of issues.
Prior to conduction of code hearing proceedings under this chapter, the hearing officer shall have successfully completed a formal training program which includes the following:
Instruction on the rules of procedure of the administrative hearings over which the hearing officer shall preside;
Orientation to each subject area of the code violations that he/she will adjudicate;
Observation of administrative hearings; and
Participation in hypothetical cases, including ruling on evidence and issuing final orders.
Director: The director is authorized and directed to:
Operate and manage the Code Hearing Department;
Adopt, distribute and process all notices as may be required under this chapter or as may be reasonably required to carry out the purpose of this chapter;
Collect monies paid as fines and/or penalties assessed after a final determination of liability;
Certify copies of final determinations of an ordinance violation adjudicated pursuant to this chapter, and any factual reports verifying the final determination of any violation liability which was issued in accordance with this chapter;
Promulgate rules and regulations reasonably required to operate and maintain the administrative adjudication system hereby created;
Collect unpaid fines and penalties through private collection agencies and direct the pursuit of all postjudgment remedies available by law;
Provide input of violation notice information;
Establish hearing dates and notice dates;
Record fine and penalty assessment and payments;
Issue payment receipts;
Issue succeeding notice of hearing dates and/or final determination of liability;
Keep accurate records of appearances and nonappearances at code hearing, pleas entered, judgments entered, sanctions imposed, if any, fines and penalties assessed and paid;
Effectuate any other authority as may be reasonably required for the proper administration of this chapter;
Designate one or more assistant directors to assist in fulfilling responsibilities hereunder; and
The Building and Safety Official shall be the default director under this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
The adjudication of any ordinance violation shall afford a party due process of law. The notice charging a violation of this Code shall be accompanied by a summons and shall contain, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following information:
The name and address of the defendant.
The date, time and place the violation was observed.
A citation to the ordinance violated.
A description of the act or omission which violates the ordinance.
The signature of the person issuing the notice.
The address of the structure where the violation is observed, if applicable.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
Service shall be provided by state law under the applicable provision of the Illinois municipal code.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
The administrative adjudication of any ordinance violation shall afford a party due process of law and shall substantially follow the procedure set forth below:
Any administrative proceeding conducted by the Code Hearing Department shall afford the parties an opportunity for a hearing before a code hearing officer.
An attorney who appears on behalf of any person shall file with the hearing officer a written appearance on a form provided by the Code Hearing Department for that purpose.
The hearing officer may grant continuances only in cases where a continuance is absolutely necessary to protect the rights of the defendant. Lack of preparation by either party shall not be grounds for a continuance. Any continuance authorized by a hearing officer under this chapter shall not exceed 25 days.
All testimony shall be given under oath or affirmation.
The hearing officer may issue subpoenas to secure the attendance and testimony of relevant witnesses and production of relevant documents. Issuance of subpoenas shall be subject to restrictions contained in this chapter.
The formal and technical rules of evidence shall not apply to the conduct of the hearing. Evidence, including hearsay, may be admitted only if it is of a type commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct of his or her affairs.
No violation may be established except upon proof by a preponderance of the evidence; provided, however, that a violation notice, or a copy thereof, issued and signed in accordance with state law shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the facts contained therein.
Upon timely request of any party to a proceeding, any person, who the hearing officer determines may reasonably be expected to provide testimony which is material and which does not constitute a needless presentation of cumulative evidence, shall be made available for cross examination prior to a final determination of liability.
The record of all hearings before a hearing officer shall include:
All documents presented at the hearing;
A copy of the notice of the violation or notice of hearing; and
A copy of the findings and decisions of the hearing officer.
The record of a hearing before a hearing officer may include a record of the testimony presented at the hearing, which may be by means of a tape recording, transcription or other appropriate means.
The Code Hearing Department shall not be required to provide recording services or equipment.
Any party desiring to record the testimony presented at the hearing shall provide its own court reporter, transcriber or recorder at that party's own expense regardless of the outcome of the hearing.
The hearing officer may reasonably limit where the court reporter, transcriber or recorder may be placed in the hearing room. If the party, the court reporter, transcriber or recorder is unwilling to follow reasonable limitations then the hearing officer may remove the court reporter, transcriber or recorder.
Upon conclusion of a hearing, the hearing officer shall make a final written determination on the basis of the evidence as to whether or not a code violation exists. Upon issuing a final determination of liability, the hearing officer shall:
Impose penalties and/or fines that are consistent with applicable provisions of this Code.
Issue orders that are consistent with applicable provisions of this Code, including, but not limited to, orders to cure or abate any continuing violations of this Code; and
Assess costs reasonably related to instituting the hearing.
In the issuance of a final determination of liability, a hearing officer shall inform the defendant of defendant's right to seek judicial review of the final determination.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
If at the time set for a hearing the recipient of a violation notice or a notice of hearing, or the recipient's attorney of record, fails to appear, the hearing officer may find the recipient in default and proceed with the hearing and accept evidence relevant to the existence of a code violation and conclude with a finding, decision and order. A copy of the order of default shall be served in any manner permitted under this chapter.
Within 21 calendar days from the issuance of an order of default, a recipient of a violation notice or a notice of hearing who has been found to be in default may petition the hearing officer to set aside the determination and set a new hearing date on the basis that the failure to appear at the hearing was for good cause. If the petition is granted, the hearing officer shall serve notice of the new hearing date upon the petitioner in any manner permitted by this chapter no less than seven calendar days prior to the hearing date.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
A final order of a hearing officer shall constitute a final determination and shall be subject to review under the Illinois administrative review law.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
Any fine, other sanction or costs imposed by a hearing officer's order and any expenses incurred by the City to enforce the order, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs and costs related to property demolition or foreclosure, that remain unpaid after the exhaustion of, or failure to exhaust, judicial review of a hearing officer's final determination of liability for a code violation shall be a debt due and owing the City and, as such, may be collected in accordance with applicable law.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
All fines and other monies paid to the City in accordance with this chapter shall be remitted to the City of Lincoln treasurer for deposit to the City general fund.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
There shall be no posthearing motion practice before the Code Hearing Department.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
The City hereby adopts and incorporates canon 3(A)(6) of the code of conduct for administrative law officers. Therefore, hearing officers and other personnel of the Code Hearing Department are required to refrain from public comment about a pending proceeding before the Code Hearing Department.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
In instances where this Code calls for the imposition of a mandatory minimum fine upon a finding of liability, a hearing officer may not waive, suspend or reduce the imposition of said mandatory minimum fine.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
For an ordinance violation of this Code, fines and penalties shall be as established from time to time by the Mayor or City Council.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
The director may adopt any other necessary and proper rules, regulations or provisions to carry into effect this chapter and the powers granted and purposes stated in this Code.