[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
Terms used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:
An operator occupied residence providing accommodations for a charge to the public, with no more than five guestrooms for rent, in operation for more than 10 nights in a twelve-month period. Breakfast may be provided to the guests only. Bed and breakfast establishments shall not include motels, hotels, boarding houses, or food service establishments.
The owner of the bed and breakfast establishment, or the owner's agent, who is required by this chapter to reside in the bed and breakfast establishment, or on contiguous property.
A room intended to serve no more than two transient guests per night.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
In order to operate a bed and breakfast establishment, the owner must obtain a permit from the City of Lincoln code enforcement office. In order to obtain such a permit, the owner must submit an application verifying compliance with all provisions of this bed and breakfast chapter. Upon the filing of an application, the code enforcement officer shall investigate the application and approve or reject the application. The application for such license shall be made to the building code enforcement officer in writing, signed by the applicant if an individual or by a duly authorized officer of a corporation, verified by oath or affidavit. The applicant shall submit a fee of $30 with the application for a new bed and breakfast establishment.
The license to operate a bed and breakfast establishment shall be valid for the twelve-month period beginning May 1 and ending the following April 30. In order to renew such license, the applicant must submit a renewal application for the following fiscal year. The building code enforcement officer shall investigate the renewal application and approve or reject the renewal application. In order to properly investigate the renewal application, the building code enforcement officer is hereby authorized to conduct an annual walk through inspection of the bed and breakfast establishment. There shall be no fee for submitting and obtaining the renewal application and obtaining a renewal license for a bed and breakfast establishment.
The decision of the building code enforcement officer for both a new permit and a renewal of a permit may be appealed to the City Council so long as the applicant files a written appeal with the City Clerk within 15 days of the decision of the building code enforcement officer. The City Council shall take final action on the appeal at the next City Council meeting following the appeal unless the City Council determines to continue the appeal in order to obtain additional information or to serve notice upon property owners it decides may be interested in the appeal.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
Bed and breakfast establishments which serve breakfast shall comply with the following minimum standards:
Food shall be clean, wholesome, free from spillage, free from adulteration and misbranding and safe for human consumption. Containers of food shall be stored above the floor, on clean racks, shelves or other clean surfaces in such a manner as to be protected from splash or other contamination. Milk of only pasteurized grade A may be used. Use of home canned food is prohibited except for jams and jellies.
Food shall be protected from contamination while being stored, prepared, served, and during transportation. Perishable foods shall be stored at temperatures that will protect them against spoilage. Potentially hazardous food shall be maintained at safe temperatures of 45° F. or below, or 140° F. or above, as appropriate, except during necessary periods of preparation and serving. Frozen food shall be kept at temperatures that will keep them frozen, except when being thawed for preparation. Potentially hazardous frozen food shall be thawed at refrigeration temperatures or below, quick thawed as part of the cooking process, or thawed by another method approved by the local health department. An indicating thermometer shall be located in each refrigerator. Raw fruits and vegetables shall be washed thoroughly before use. Stuffings, poultry, and pork products shall be cooked to heat all parts of the food at least 165° F. before being served. Salads made of meat, poultry, potatoes, fish, shellfish, or eggs and other potentially hazardous prepared food, shall be prepared from chilled products with a minimum of manual contact. Portions of food once served to an individual may not be served again. Laundry facilities shall be separated from food preparation areas. Live animals shall be excluded from food preparation areas.
No person knowingly infected with a communicable disease that may be transmitted by food handling may work in a bed and breakfast establishment.
If the bed or breakfast operator suspects that any employee, family member or the operator himself or herself has a communicable disease, the operator shall notify the Logan County health department immediately.
All operators shall be certified. Certification shall be achieved by successfully completing an examination offered by the Logan County health department as described in the current edition of the state of Illinois food service sanitation rules and regulations.
Persons preparing or serving food or washing utensils shall wear clean outer garments and maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness. They shall wash their hands thoroughly before starting work and as often as necessary while working to remove soil and contaminants. After visiting the toilet room, persons shall wash their hands thoroughly in a lavatory, but never in the kitchen sink.
No one, while preparing or serving food, may use tobacco in any form.
Utensils shall be kept clean and in good repair.
Multiuse eating and drinking utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned after each use. Facilities needed for the operations of washing, rinsing and sanitizing shall be provided.
Pots, pans and other utensils used in the preparation or serving of food or drink and all food storage utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned after each use. Cooking surfaces of equipment, if any, shall be cleaned at least once each day. Nonfood contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at intervals that will keep them in a clean and sanitary condition.
Residential sinks and home style mechanical dishwashing machines are acceptable facilities for washing multiuse eating and drinking utensils. Utensils shall be air dried.
Immediately following either manual or mechanical washing of eating or drinking utensils, and pots, pans and other cooking utensils, these utensils shall be effectively sanitized by being submerged in a hypochlorite solution with a chlorine concentration continuously maintained in 100 ppm, or another approved sanitizing solution which shall be used at the concentration tested and approved by the Logan County health department. Dishpans may be used to accomplish the final sanitizing rinse.
The reuse of single service utensils is prohibited.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
Each person who is provided accommodations shall be provided individual soap and clean individual bath clothes and towels. Clean bed linen in good repair shall be provided for each guest and as often as necessary. Clean linen shall be stored and handled in a sanitary manner.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
Every bed and breakfast establishment located in an R-2 zoning district shall meet the state Fire Marshal's requirements for one- and two-family dwellings. In addition, the following standards shall be required for bed and breakfast establishments located in an R-2 zoning district:
Manual extinguishing equipment shall be provided on each floor in accordance with NFPA 10 - standards for the installation of portable fire extinguishers.
All combustibles or flammable liquids must be stored in approved containers and all combustibles or flammable liquids which exceed 30 gallons must be stored both in approved containers and approved cabinets. No combustible storage in or under stairways.
All trash containers shall be metal.
No cooling facilities shall be permitted in guestrooms.
Fire escape maps shall be placed on the back of each sleeping room door.
All hallways and stairways shall be adequately lighted as well, with exit lights and emergency lighting.
The furnace enclosure must have a minimum one hour fire rating.
No portable heating devices shall be permitted in guestrooms.
Smoke detectors shall be installed in each sleeping room. All detectors shall be interconnected such that the activation of one alarm will activate all the alarms in the bed and breakfast establishment. All detectors shall be approved and listed and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Required smoke detectors shall receive their primary power from the building wiring and, when primary power is interrupted, shall receive power from a battery.
The operator shall submit a floor plan of the bed and breakfast establishment to the local fire department.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
Bed and breakfast establishments located in an R-2 zoning district are exempted from meeting the off street parking provisions required by Sections 11-4-7 and 11-7-4 of this Code.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
The bed and breakfast establishment shall provide proof of liability insurance.
[Ord. 525, 4-2-2001]
The bed and breakfast establishment shall fulfill the requirements of the Illinois department of revenue, including the payment of any applicable hotel taxes.