[1960 Code, Sec. 2.42.010]
Unless it appears from the context that a different meaning is intended, standing words used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this section:
Any street, alley, avenue, lane, court or public place in the City.
All motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire for which public patronage is solicited; provided, however, that railroad cars, street railway cars and motor buses operated by the City or operated under the authority and jurisdiction of the Illinois commerce commission shall not be considered taxicabs.
[1960 Code, Secs. 2.42.020, 2.42.030]
No person whether acting as owner, principal, agent, employee, lessee or licensee, shall operate or permit to be operated upon the streets of the City a taxicab or motor vehicle for the carriage of passengers for hire without having first procured a license therefor from the City as hereinafter provided. Such person shall first make application in writing for license to the City Clerk, upon forms provided by said Clerk.
[1960 Code, Sec. 2.42.040]
No license shall be issued to any person who does not, on August 7, 1939, have such taxicab license for which public convenience and necessity for additional taxicab service has been established, and no additional taxicab licenses shall be issued to any person who now has a taxicab license until public convenience and necessity have first been established for additional taxicab service as hereinafter provided.
A board known as the public vehicle license board of the City is hereby created which shall consist of the Mayor and the members of the City Council. It shall be the duty of said board to pass upon all applications for taxicab licenses and to determine whether public convenience and necessity require the additional taxicab service. It shall be compulsory for any applicant for taxicab license to publish for three successive days in the local newspaper a notice of the filings of such application and the date of the public hearing held to determine the necessity of each additional taxicab service. The board shall require the applicant to pay the expense of publication of said notice.
Upon such publication and before the date set for hearing, the holders of existing taxicab licenses or any other person affected by the issuance of additional taxicab licenses may file with the board a complaint against the issuance of additional taxicab licenses and may offer proof upon the question of public necessity and convenience for additional taxicab service, but in all events the burden of proof shall be upon the applicant to establish by clear and convincing evidence that public convenience and necessity require additional taxicab service.
[1960 Code, Sec. 2.42.050]
Before any permit or license for a "taxicab" as herein defined shall be issued, the owner shall file with the secretary of state proof of financial responsibility, in accordance with 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/8-101 through 5/8-116, as now in force or hereafter amended.
[Ord. 571, 10-20-2003]
Annual license fees shall be charged by the City to each person applying for and securing a license for the operation of a taxicab in the sum of $25 for each such taxicab. Such license fee shall be in lieu of any fees heretofore established which now or may hereafter be collected by the City. All license fees shall be due and payable on May 1 of each and every year. No public vehicle license shall be issued until after all terms, provisions, and conditions of this chapter have been complied with and until after the payment of the license fee is made.
[1960 Code, Sec. 2.42.070]
The Mayor may revoke or suspend the license of any taxicab found not to be safe or not in good condition with respect to appearance, cleanliness or mechanical operation. Licenses, when so suspended or revoked, shall not be reissued until said taxicab and all its appurtenances shall be in fit condition for use by the public and be satisfactory to the Mayor. In the event of suspension or revocation of a license under the provisions of this section, no refund shall be made to the owner for any portion of the license fee.
[Ord. 651, 8-6-2007]
All persons operating any motor vehicle operating as a taxicab within the limits of the City shall not charge more than $5.75 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location and discharged at a location within the first zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each additional passenger six years old or older may be made.
The charge for this service shall not exceed $6.25 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location or discharged at a location within the second zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each passenger six years old or older may be made.
The charge for this service shall not exceed $6.50 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location or discharged at a location within the third zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each passenger six years old or older may be made.
The charge for this service shall not exceed $7 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location or discharged at a location within the fourth zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each passenger six years old or older may be made.
The charge for this service shall not exceed $7.50 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location or discharged at a location within the fifth zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each passenger six years old or older may be made.
The charge for this service shall not exceed $8 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location or discharged at a location within the sixth zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each passenger six years old or older may be made.
The charge for this service shall not exceed $8.50 for each trip when carrying one passenger, if the passenger is picked up at a location or discharged at a location within the seventh zone. An additional charge of $1.50 per each passenger six years old or older may be made.
An additional charge of $0.25 may be charged for each zone line that is crossed a second time.
The charge for the use of any taxicab for hire solely for the delivery of parcels or packages anywhere within the City shall be the appropriate trip fare plus $1.
"Trip" as used in this chapter is intended to mean the journey from the point where the passenger enters the taxicab to the point of the passenger's destination by the shortest available route. Deviation from the shortest available route from the point of entering the taxicab to the point of the passenger's destination for the purpose of picking up additional passengers shall be made by the operator of the taxicab only with the consent of the original passenger.
Provided, that the use of any taxicab for hire by the minute with the privilege of going from place to place and stopping as often as requested, the regular rate of fare may be charged and $0.25 per minute may be charged for the time consumed while waiting at each stop.
No person shall charge or attempt to charge any passenger a greater fare or rate of fare than that which the taxicab is entitled to under the provisions of this chapter.
The zones are set in this section and are described as follows:
First Zone: "First zone" is intended to mean an area in the center of the City being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Woodlawn and College Street, continuing east on Woodlawn to Union Street, thence east and southeast on Keokuk Street to Sherman Street, thence southwest on Sherman Street to Clinton Street, thence northwest on Clinton Street to Logan Street, thence west on Fifth Street to College Street, thence north on College Street to the point of beginning.
Second Zone: "Second zone" is intended to mean an area adjoining the "first zone" and having an outer boundary being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Jefferson Street and 21st Street, continuing east on 21st Street to College Street, thence northeast to the intersection of 21st Street and White Avenue, thence east on 21st Street until it intersects with Union Street, thence generally eastward to the intersection of Nicholson Road with Rutledge Drive, thence northeast on Rutledge Drive to Omaha Avenue, thence southeast on Omaha Avenue to Sherman Street, thence southwest on Sherman Street to Keokuk Street, thence southeast on Keokuk Street until it intersects with Limit Street at Tremont Street, thence west on Tremont Street to Border Street, thence south on Border Street to Ladue Street, thence southwest on Ladue Street to Wyatt Avenue, thence northwest on Wyatt Avenue to Home Avenue, thence south on Home Avenue to Williamette Avenue, thence northwest on Williamette Avenue, along its projected length, until it intersects First Street, thence west on First Street to Jefferson Street, thence north on Jefferson Street to Short 11th Street, thence west on Short 11th Street to Jefferson Street, thence north on Jefferson Street to Woodlawn Road, thence east on Woodlawn Road to Jefferson Street, thence north on Jefferson Street to the point of beginning, excepting all areas included in the foregoing described "first zone".
Third Zone: "Third zone" is intended to mean all of the area incorporated in the City except those areas previously defined as the "first zone" and "second zone" and that area hereinafter defined as the "fourth zone", "fifth zone", "sixth zone", and "seventh zone".
Fourth Zone: "Fourth zone" is intended to mean all of the area incorporated in the City which lies west of Lincoln Parkway but east of and not including Malerich Drive and Holly Drive.
Fifth Zone: "Fifth zone" is intended to mean all of the area incorporated in the City, which includes Malerich Drive and Holly Drive and west thereof to, but not including, Connolley Drive.
Sixth Zone: "Sixth zone" is intended to mean all of the area incorporated in the City which lies west of and including Connolley Road to, but not including, Heitmann Drive.
Seventh Zone: "Seventh zone" is intended to mean all of the area incorporated in the City which includes and lies west of Heitmann Drive to the western boundaries of the City limits of the City of Lincoln as established at the time of the enactment of this section.
[1960 Code, Sec. 2.42.090]
It shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating or any driver or operator of a taxicab not licensed and equipped in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or of a taxicab the license of which has been revoked, or whose license is at the time suspended, to operate the same as a "taxicab", as herein defined, or attempt to do so or to solicit passengers for hire in this City.