[1960 Code § 12.08.060]
The purpose of the I-1 light industrial district is to provide for commercial uses, storage and those manufacturing uses not normally creating a nuisance discernible beyond the property line.
The purpose of the I-2 heavy industrial district is to provide for industrial uses not allowed in any other district, providing that within this district uses of a hazardous nature or those producing extensive smoke or odor shall not be located so that the general hazard or nuisance affects a large segment of the community.
[1960 Code § 12.08.061; Ord. 199, 3-18-1985; amended Ord. 2014-820, 9-2-2014; Ord. 2015-838, 9-21-2015]
The following regulations shall apply in all I-1 districts:
Uses Permitted:
All uses permitted in commercial districts.
Bottling works, steam laundries, dry cleaning plants, blacksmith shops.
Lumber, wood, feed or other similar storage yards, but not salvage yards, coal yards or junkyards.
Medical cannabis cultivation center.
Medical cannabis dispensing organization.
Residences, provided they comply with regulations set forth in the residence districts.
Sawmills, planing mills and flour or grain mills.
Uses of a light manufacturing nature, free from any objectionable odors, fumes, dirt, vibration or noise detectable at the lot line. Such uses shall not be established without an application for a permit which shall be accompanied by a certification by a registered engineer or architect indicating that every reasonable provision will be taken to eliminate or minimize gas fumes, odors, dirt, vibration or noise. In the event of the denial of such permit, an applicant shall have a right of appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Title 2, Chapter 7 of this Code.
Yards, docks and transfer points for motor freight.
Floor Area Ratio: The floor area ratio on a lot shall not exceed one.
Yards Required: Yards of the following minimum depths shall be provided:
Front Yards: Not less than 25 feet.
Side Yards: Not less than 10 feet.
Rear Yards: Not less than 25 feet.
Automobile Storage Or Parking Space: Adequate off street parking shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-7-4 of this title.
Screening: In industrial districts, open storage of materials or products, outdoor salvage or storage yards, outdoor processing operations, and similar outdoor uses, within 300 feet of a residence district, shall be effectively screened by an opaque wall or fence (including solid entrance and exit gates) at least six feet in height. Enforcement of this provision shall take effect one year from the approval of the ordinance codified herein or September 21, 2016.
[Ord. 79, 5-1978; Ord. 109, 7-21-1980; Ord. 199, 3-18-1985; amended Ord. 2015-838, 9-21-2015]
The following regulations shall apply in all I-2 districts:
Uses Permitted:
All uses not otherwise prohibited by law, except as provided in Subsection (B) of this section.
Special Uses:
Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine manufacture.
Ammunition manufacture and/or storage.
Animal black, lamp black, or bone black manufacture.
Bone distillation.
Carbon manufacture.
Celluloid manufacture.
Coal distillation.
Coke ovens.
Commercial propane storage and distribution facilities.
Dead animal and offal reduction.
Distillation of tar.
Explosives, fireworks, and gunpowder manufacture and/or storage.
Extractions of clay, coal, dirt, gravel, peat, sand, stone, topsoil and other natural resources.
Fat rendering.
Grease, lard or tallow manufactured or refined from animals.
Hair manufacture.
Hog farm.
Incineration, reduction, storage, or dumping of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, dead animals or offal.
Nonagricultural residential uses.
Floor Area Ratio: The floor area shall not exceed one.
Yards Required: Yards of the following minimum depths shall be provided:
Front Yards: Same as those required in I-1 district.
Side Yards: Same as those required in I-1 district.
Rear Yards: Same as those required in I-1 district.
Automobile Storage Or Parking Space: Adequate off street parking shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 11-7-4 of this title.
Screening: In industrial districts, open storage of materials or products, outdoor salvage or storage yards, outdoor processing operations, and similar outdoor uses, within 300 feet of a residence district, shall be effectively screened by an opaque wall or fence (including solid entrance and exit gates) at least six feet in height. Enforcement of this provision shall take effect one year from the approval of the ordinance codified herein or September 21, 2016.