[1960 Code, Sec. 12.08.021]
For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, the City and the 1 1/2 mile[1] area contiguous thereto is divided into the following types of districts:
RR District
Recreational Resort
R-1 district
One- and two-family residential
R-2 district
Multi-family residential
R-3 district
Residential planned unit development
C-1 district
General retail
C-2 district
Service retail
I-1 district
Light industrial
I-2 district
Heavy industrial
These districts are bounded and defined as shown on the map entitled "Zoning Districts, Lincoln, Illinois", referred to herein, and which with all explanatory matter thereon is made a part of this title by reference.
See 65 ILCS 5/11-13-1.
[1960 Code, Sec. 12.08.022]
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the aforesaid districts as shown on the zoning map, the following rules shall apply:
All property within the City is under the jurisdiction of this title.
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the centerlines of alleys, streets or highways, street lines or highway right of way lines, such centerlines, street lines or highway right of way lines shall be construed to be such boundaries.
Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be the boundaries.
Where district boundaries are so indicated that they follow approximately parallel to the centerline or street lines of streets, or the centerlines or right of way lines of highways, such district boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the zoning map. If no distance is given, such dimension shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the zoning map.
Where the boundary of a district follows a railroad line, such boundary shall be deemed to be located midway between the main tracks of the railroad line.
In areas not subdivided into lots and blocks, the district boundary lines shall be determined by scale to the nearest 10 feet.
[1960 Code, Sec. 12.08.023]
Where a lot in a business or industrial district abuts a lot in a residential district there shall be provided on such abutting side or rear lot lines a yard equal in width or depth to that required in a residential district, except in no case shall the yard be less than 15 feet in depth. Where an industrial or commercial use is established adjacent to residential properties, there shall be provided along such adjacent property line an ornamental fence not less than six feet in height suitable to visibly screen the commercial or industrial use from the residential area, except, however, no fence shall project closer to the street than the principal commercial or industrial building.
Where the frontage on one side of a street between two intersecting streets is zoned partly as residential and partly as business or industrial, the front yard depth in the business or industrial district shall be equal to the required front yard depth of the residential district, provided that the intersecting streets are located not more than 400 feet apart.
Where a zoning district boundary line parallel or approximately parallel to a street divides a lot having street frontage in the less restricted zoning district, the provisions of this title covering the less restricted portion of such lot may extend to the entire lot, but in no case for a distance of more than 25 feet of such zoning district boundary line.
Where a zoning district boundary line divides a lot and such line is perpendicular or approximately perpendicular to the street upon which the lot fronts, the provision of this title covering the less or the more restricted portion of such lot may be extended to the entire lot, but in no case for a distance of more than 25 feet from such zoning district boundary line.
[1960 Code, Sec. 12.08.024; amended 1975 Code; Ord. 13, 10-7-1974; Ord. 101, 10-15-1979]
No building or land shall hereafter be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected, moved or altered unless for a use expressly permitted by and in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located.
Zoning Of Bona Fide Agricultural Uses: Notwithstanding the above, none of the following regulations with the exception of front yard requirements shall be applicable to bona fide agricultural uses as defined in Section 11-2-1 of this title. This shall not be construed, however, as to eliminate the necessity of bona fide agricultural uses from applying for and obtaining the necessary building permit prior to construction, alteration or moving of buildings. No fee, however, shall be required for a building permit for such agricultural uses.
Zoning Of Annexed Areas: All territory which may hereafter be annexed to the City shall be automatically assigned a zoning classification most closely corresponding to the Logan County zoning ordinance district in which it was located before annexation as follows:
Logan County Zoning Ordinance District
Changed To Lincoln Zoning Ordinance District
Ag, R-1, R-2, R-3, CH
B-2, B-3
S-D, M-3
Following annexation, the zoning classification may be changed by ordinance according to the amendment procedure as specified in Section 11-2-8 of this title.
Lot Of Record: When a lot which is an official lot of record at the time of adoption of this title does not comply with the area, yard or other requirements of this title, an application may be submitted to the board of appeals for a variance from the terms of this title in accordance with the procedure outlined in Title 2, Chapter 7 of this Code. Such a lot may be used as a building site; provided, however, that the yard and other requirements of the district are complied with as closely as possible in the opinion of the board of appeals. A permit for construction may be issued by the zoning officer without board of appeals action when all other provisions of the ordinance are met.
Residential Buildings: Only one principal residential building shall be located, erected, or moved onto any lot or parcel of land, excluding therefrom dwellings in the R-3 zoning district and multi-family structures approved as special uses in the R-2 zoning district.