[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
The control of all parks within the City of Lincoln, Illinois, shall be vested in the Lincoln park district Board of Commissioners who may delegate such control to the directors of said district, the Superintendent of Maintenance, the policemen or other officers or employees of the district, designated by the Board of Commissioners; all such control to be at the pleasure of the Park Commissioners.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
All parks within the City of Lincoln shall be closed to the public from dusk till dawn; provided, however, that parties may engage any of the parks or park facilities for longer or later hours, but only on written applications to the person or persons in charge of said facilities, or any parties who are participating in an organized activity approved and sanctioned by the Lincoln park district may engage any of the parks or park facilities for a longer or later hour. All persons, except the employees of the Lincoln park district, whose duties require their presence, persons who have obtained permission for longer hours, or persons participating in an organized activity approved and sanctioned by the City Council, shall leave the parks promptly at dusk, and shall not return before dawn of the following morning.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall litter, or suffer or cause to be littered, any of the grounds, driveways, fountains, gardens, walkways, restrooms, shelters or other structures in parks in the City of Lincoln.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall pour or suffer or cause to be poured any brine or briny water, any automobile radiator drainage, any crankcase drainage or any other injurious substance upon any grass, shrubbery or trees within any park within the City. Included is a prohibition against washing and/or repairing any vehicle in any park, walkway or driveway in said park.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall climb any trees, pluck any flowers or fruit, either wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, tramp upon, remove or in any manner deface, mar, injure, or mutilate any trees, shrubs, flowerbeds, turf, fence, statue, ornament, gate, building, structure, tools, implements, vehicles, cars, light standards or play equipment, within any parks, boulevards, or public places, or any such property of any patron of, or visitor to, said parks.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall fire or discharge any air gun, gun, pistol, rocket, torpedo or other firearms, nor throw any stones, rocks or other missiles, nor carry any firearms within any of the parks, boulevards, or public places, except that he be authorized so to do by the Park Board Commissioners, the Director, the Chief of Police of the City of Lincoln or other officers authorized to give such permission. No person shall shoot any bow and arrow, toss any darts, or other missiles within any of the parks except at such places as may be designated and provided for that purpose and under proper supervision.
[Ord. 712, 6-7-2010; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall bring into the parks situated in the City any malt, spirituous, vinous, fermented or intoxicating liquors or beverages, nor shall any person while in any of the parks have in their possession any such malt, spirituous, vinous, fermented or intoxicating liquors or beverages while in any park, except as authorized by the City Council after appropriate petition under Section 3-7-19 of this Code.
Editor's Note: Former Section 8-11-7, Intoxication, adopted 10-17-1977 by Ord. No. 65, was repealed 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016. This ordinance also renumbered former Sections 8-11-8 through 8-11-16 as Sections 8-11-7 through 8-11-15, respectively.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall build any fires in any of the parks in the City except in such places as have been, or may thereafter be, provided for such purposes, and no person who has built any such fire within any such park shall leave the place where such fire was built without first completely extinguishing the same, in the manner prescribed by the National Park Service, unless in a stove or grill provided for that purpose.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
Whoever willfully disturbs the peace and quiet of any park or adjacent territory by loud or unusual noises or by tumultuous, profane, or offensive carriage, threatening, traducing, quarrelling, challenging to fight, or fighting, or whoever in a threatening manner displays any pistols, knives, slingshots, metal knuckles, firearms or other deadly weapons, or in any manner disturbs the peace and orderly use of such park or territory, shall be deemed guilty of disturbing the peace and shall be subject to the penalty hereafter provided.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
Whoever commits or performs a lewd, lascivious, indecent, or lustful act in any of the parks in the City, with the intent to produce voluptuous or lewd emotions, or to stimulate or gratify lust, passion or sexual desire of other persons, shall be deemed guilty of lewd and indecent conduct and shall be fined as hereinafter provided.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall enter nor remain in any park in the City unless fully clothed in a manner generally considered to be appropriate for the game, sport or amusement in which the person is engaged, and only if said sport or amusement is authorized by the park district board.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No dogs shall be taken into the parks in the City except on a leash and when accompanied by the owner or other proper person. Dogs running at large within the parks may be apprehended and removed from the parks to an animal shelter, public pound or other place in, or in the vicinity of, the park provided for that purpose. The dog park located on Eighth Street has its own rules, which are posted at the park.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person, groups, or organizations shall solicit alms, or contributions for any purpose whatsoever, whether public or private, within any of the parks without having first obtained authorization from the City Council. Nor shall any person offer to sell, sell or exchange any article or thing, or do any hawking, peddling, or soliciting of sales, or buy or offer to buy any article or thing, or to make up, receive, or solicit for contributions or money any other thing of value, in any of the parks, except when authorized to do so by the City by special permit granted for that purpose, or when acting under any contract or concession entered into with the City Council, as provided herein and provided by law.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person, groups of persons, associations or corporations shall call or hold any public meetings or assemblage or give or conduct any concert, performance or public exhibition or entertainment of any kind in any of the parks without first applying to the City Council for permit so to do, setting forth the purpose of the proposed meeting or assemblage, the place and time sought, and the approximate number of participants and spectators expected to be involved. Upon the receipt of such application the City Council may grant or refuse to grant the same, in whole or in part, and no such meeting shall be held except in accordance with the permission so granted.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016[1]]
Any person, persons, associations or corporations desiring to make use of the facilities of the parks in the City for any meeting, contest, exhibition, entertainment, assemblage or other gathering for which permission has been granted shall, before such meeting, gathering or assemblage, pay such fees as the City Council may require to cover the cost of moving benches, tables, and other equipment desired to be used for such meeting or to cover light, heat and janitorial services. If in the opinion of the City Council it seems wise so to do, an indemnifying bond, with acceptable sureties in an amount prescribed by the City Council may be required, conditioned upon indemnifying the City of Lincoln from any litigation, loss, damage or expense it may incur or sustain by reason of the holding of such meeting, assemblage or gathering. Until such bond, when required, has been given and approved, such meeting, assemblage or gathering shall not be held.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Section 8-11-17, Sports, adopted 10-17-1977 by Ord. No. 65, which immediately followed this section, and renumbered former Sections 8-11-18 through 8-11-21 as Sections 8-11-16 through 8-11-19, respectively.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person except authorized employees of the Lincoln park district shall drive any motor vehicle, including an automobile, motor scooter, motorcycle, bicycle or other motor vehicle, in any of the parks of the City except upon the driveways and other places provided for driving and parking the same.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
No person shall drive any motor vehicle, including automobile, motorcycle, or motor scooter, upon any of the driveways or boulevards in the City at a greater rate of speed than is established by law or is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and the use of such driveways and boulevards, or so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any persons using the same, or upon the property of the park district adjoining or adjacent to such driveways and boulevards. Nor shall any person at any time race any vehicle with the driver of any other vehicle, or with any person whomsoever, upon any such driveways, boulevards or property of the City.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
Any person violating any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter may be forthwith evicted from the parks by any officer of the law authorized to enforce this chapter.
[Ord. 65, 10-17-1977; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016; 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-1024]
Any person violating any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter shall upon conviction pay a fine of not less than $75 and not more than $500 for each offense, to be recovered in the manner and form as is provided by law.