[1960 Code, Sec. 13.12.010]
Minor Subdivision: The City may determine that a proposed subdivision of land is a minor subdivision if the proposed division of a parcel of land is along an existing public street, does not involve the opening, widening or extension of any street or road and does not involve more than three lots after the original tract has been completely subdivided.
Major Subdivision: A major subdivision is any subdivision that does not meet the requirements of a minor subdivision.
[1960 Code, Secs. 13.12.030, 13.13.020, 13.20.040; amended Ord. 56, 6-20-1977]
Review And Approval Authorization: The zoning enforcement officer is authorized to review and approve a minor subdivision, and to endorse the conveyance of a parcel or parcels of land in a minor subdivision for transfer without plat.
Prerequisites: Any person proposing to create a minor subdivision shall submit the following to the zoning enforcement officer.
A legal description, of the parcel or parcels sought to be transferred, on a conveyance of said parcel or parcels;
Two copies of a private survey by a registered Illinois surveyor of the parcel or parcels sought to be transferred. (See appendix A of ordinance on file in the office of the City Clerk);
A statement by the zoning enforcement officer or his agent that the parcel or parcels of land created comply with existing City zoning regulations;
Recommendation by the City health officer for approval of transfer in one of the following forms:
Approved For Building Sites: Individual sewage systems have been approved, or
Approved For Transfer: No building site approval granted. Minor subdivision fees are $5 plus $5 per lot.
Approval Of Transfer Without Plat: Within seven working days after submission of a minor subdivision or within a mutually agreed upon extension, the zoning enforcement officer shall either approve or disapprove the application for transfer without plat.
If the zoning enforcement officer does not approve the transfer without plat, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the reason for disapproval. If the zoning enforcement officer approves the transfer without plat, the conveyance shall be stamped: "Approved by City of Lincoln Zoning Enforcement Officer; no plat required", and the signature of the authorized person affixed along with the date of such approval. The approval shall expire within 60 days, unless the conveyances are recorded in the office of the county recorder during such period.
[1960 Code, Sec. 13.12.050]
Major subdivisions shall be approved in four stages: preliminary discussion stage, preliminary plat stage, improvement plans and the final plat stage:
The preliminary discussion stage requires the subdivider to discuss the proposed subdivision with the appropriate agencies so that he can become familiar with subdivision requirements, existing conditions, and future plans;
The preliminary plat stage requires the subdivider to present all information needed to enable the commission to determine that the proposed layout is satisfactory and will serve the public interest. This stage also ensures that the subdivider will not be required to expend excessive monies without some assurance that his plat will be finally approved;
The improvement plan stage requires the subdivider to present all the information needed to enable the City engineer to check the drainage areas and to determine that the storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines, and material proposed for street construction meet the requirements of these regulations and the specifications of the City engineer;
The final plat stage requires the subdivider to present a complete survey plat to enable the commission to determine that the subdivision fully complies with these regulations and conforms to the approved preliminary plat.