[1960 Code, Sec. 5.20.010; amended 1975 Code; 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
In all cases, except where sidewalks are to be laid in accordance with the provisions of special assessment or special taxation ordinances, it shall be unlawful for any person to construct, lay or build any sidewalk on any portion of the public streets or alleys of the City except in compliance with this chapter and the specifications hereinafter prescribed. This chapter and all the provisions thereof shall apply only to sidewalks to be built in the district or territory of the City.
[1960 Code, Sec. 5.20.020; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016; 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-1024]
All sidewalks to be hereafter constructed or laid in the City shall be cement concrete sidewalks.
Materials for Concrete:
Concrete shall be composed of materials that achieve 3,500 psi in a twenty-eight-day cure time.
Walks Laid on Filling or Subgrade. The subgrade shall be prepared by cutting down or filling up the surface of the ground to grade which shall be six inches below the finished upper surface of the sidewalk. Wherever filling is necessary to bring the foundation to subgrade, such filling shall be of a sand or aggregate nature and shall be compacted to a suitable density.
Sidewalks Laid Over Vaults or Areaways.
All sidewalks constructed over areaways and driveways shall be reinforced concrete sidewalks uniformly eight inches thick and the concrete to be used composed of the same kind and quantity of material, in the same proportions (except wire mesh reinforcing), and mixed in the same manner as the concrete specified for cement concrete sidewalks laid on filling, said concrete to be thoroughly compacted by tamping in the same manner, and the surface struck off and finished in the manner as hereinabove described for sidewalks constructed on natural or filled subgrade.
False work or forms shall be set in place and securely fastened to line and elevation required, and to remain solid and unyielding during construction of concrete work, using straight square edged two-inch plank to form the floor or support of concrete during construction and until concrete is fully set. All side forms shall be straight square edged and securely fixed in place to line and grade required and of sufficient strength to be unyielding to stress placed upon or against them during construction of concrete work.
The concrete mixture shall be deposited upon all false work or floor and within the side forms and leveled off to a uniform depth of 1 1/2 inches. Standard round steel reinforcing bars 3/4 inch in diameter, spaced parallel and eight inches apart in transverse direction, and round steel reinforcing bars 1/2 inch in diameter spaced parallel and two feet apart in longitudinal direction, and shall be placed on the leveled off surface of the 1 1/2 inches of concrete so placed. The bars laid transversely shall be of a length to reach within 1 1/2 inches from the inside edge next to building or building line to outside edge at roadway of the concrete slab being constructed. The bars placed in the longitudinal direction shall be of the greatest practicable length and when necessary to splice rods they shall be lapped at the ends by 1 1/2 feet. After placing the reinforcing, the remainder of the concrete mixture shall be deposited to make the depth or thickness of the concrete, after consolidation and finishing as herein described, eight inches in uniform thickness.
The inside of the sidewalk next to the building or building line must be supported by a brick or concrete wall. If a new wall is required to be constructed for such purpose, the same shall be a thirteen-inch brick wall laid in cement and sand mortar, or a reinforced concrete wall eight inches thick, reinforced in both directions with standard round steel reinforcing bars 1/2 inch in diameter, placed during construction, spaced parallel one foot apart and 1 1/2 inches from inside of the concrete wall; wall set on footing one foot in depth and 1 1/2 feet in width, the one foot extending from the inside of wall toward the roadway; the reinforcing in the perpendicular direction extending into the footing to within 1 1/2 inches of top of surface. If a brick wall is already in place or a ledge is already provided and in place projecting from the adjoining building, such wall or ledge must provide a width for bearing of at least eight inches. The outside edge of the sidewalk next to the roadway of the street must be supported by a thirteen-inch brick wall laid in cement and sand mortar, or a reinforced concrete wall eight inches thick set on concrete footing same as above described and reinforced in the same manner, with the toe of the footing extending toward the building. Concrete to be used in the construction of concrete walls and footing shall be of the same character mixed in the same proportions as described and specified herein under Subsection (A), Materials for Concrete, of this section.
General Provisions Applicable to Sidewalks Laid on Subgrade and Over Areaways:
An expansion joint 1 1/2 inches wide shall be provided in sidewalks at intervals of 80 feet, which joint shall be filled with asphalt or expansion joint strip.
All sidewalks shall be built so that the finished upper surface will conform to the sidewalk grade established by ordinance of the City, or upon the grade established by use, unless otherwise directed by ordinance of the City in the specific case.
The width of the sidewalks shall be four feet or the width of the adjoining sidewalks. From the inside edge of the sidewalk next to the abutting building or building line, the sidewalk shall have a fall of 1/4 inch to the horizontal foot, to the outside or roadway edge.
Sidewalk Repair and/or Replacement. Repair and replacement of damaged sidewalks or those that are being altered should occur within a whole section of sidewalk and not just the affected portion. A "section" of sidewalk is perceived as a whole portion contained from control joint to control joint or expansion joint to expansion joint or combination of either, including the full width. If a small portion of work is to be done the whole section must be removed and replaced. If a section is found to be over five feet in length the affected area may be saw cut out to provide a new section no less than two feet six inches in length. The new, cut edge of the new section must be edge-rounded and joined to the repaired section with expansion joint material. Work taking place in the City right-of-way is subject to approval and permitting pursuant to Section 8-3-17(D) of this Code.
Sidewalk Repair or Construction at a Driveway. If a portion of sidewalk is removed or altered and to be replaced as part of a driveway or approach repair or addition, that portion of sidewalk shall be replaced with no greater than a 2% cross-slope (perpendicular to pedestrian traffic flow) across the sidewalk pursuant to the 2018 Illinois Accessibility Code 403.3. If the slope of the driveway along with the new sidewalk is intended to be lowered for ease of vehicle entrance, the adjacent sidewalk on either side of the new sidewalk and driveway must be cut back to accommodate as necessary and be repoured with no more than a 5% running slope (parallel to pedestrian traffic flow) from old to new while still maintaining a cross-slope no greater than 2%, both pursuant to the 2018 Illinois Accessibility Code 403.3. Work taking place in the City right-of-way is subject to approval and permitting pursuant to Section 8-3-17(D) of this Code.
[1960 Code, Sec. 5.20.030; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
It shall be the duty of the Street Superintendent, or their designee, to enforce the provisions of this chapter by stopping any work being done in violation thereof; but any oversight or neglect in pointing out violations of this chapter or in failing to stop the work being done in violation of this chapter shall not relieve the person from constructing or reconstructing such sidewalk in compliance with this chapter and the specifications herein contained.
Provided, the provisions and specifications herein shall not be construed to exclude or prevent any owner from using or constructing any additional reinforcing of I-beam support, or other means of construction tending to strengthen such work or sidewalk.
In case any person shall construct a sidewalk contrary to the provisions of this chapter relating thereto, or failing to come up to the requirements of such chapter, or in an unworkmanlike or defective manner, the Street Superintendent shall give written notice to such person to rebuild or replace such sidewalk within 15 days of the date of the service of such notice, or within 15 days after weather conditions will permit.
Upon failure of such person to rebuild or replace such sidewalk within such time, the City may rebuild or replace said sidewalk and pay the cost thereof, and such person shall pay and reimburse the City the cost of such construction or reconstruction, and, upon failure to do so upon demand by the City, the same plus a fine of $250 may be recovered from such person by the City in an appropriate action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
[1960 Code, Sec. 5.20.040, Ord. 98, 10-2-1979; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
Whenever a sidewalk shall be constructed in the City pursuant to any ordinance (save for an ordinance providing for construction of a sidewalk by a special tax or a special assessment) and in full compliance with specifications therefor contained in such ordinance, the City shall pay over and reimburse the person so constructing such sidewalk that portion of the cost thereof which is stated in Section 8-6-5 of this chapter, provided also that such person shall first have filed a request with the Streets and Alleys Department wherein it is stated the location, width and extent of the sidewalk proposed to be built, and shall have obtained approval thereof by the Street Superintendent or their designee prior to the construction of such sidewalk, and such person shall have constructed such sidewalk in compliance with the terms of a notice, authorized by the Street Superintendent or their designee, said notice to be in writing.
[Ord. 614, 8-1-2005; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
Whenever a sidewalk shall be constructed in the City in compliance with the provisions of Section 8-6-4 of this chapter, the City shall pay over to and reimburse the person so constructing such a sidewalk an amount per square foot as set by the City Council with recommendations from the Street Superintendent or their designee from time to time.
[1960 Code, Sec. 5.20.060; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
All sidewalks in the City shall be constructed either by petitioning the City Council asking leave to be granted to the persons applying for the same to construct such sidewalk in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or the City Council may pass a special ordinance ordering the construction of any sidewalk within the City by special taxation. If any ordinance is passed ordering the construction of any such sidewalk, the City authorities shall proceed in the manner and form provided by the statutes of the state in cases relating to the building of sidewalks by special assessment or special taxation.[1]
See 65 ILCS 5/11-84-1.
[1975 Code; amended 11-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-1016]
The maintenance of all concrete sidewalks constructed at the expense of the owner shall then become the responsibility of the City after acceptance by the Street Superintendent or their designee.