[Ord. 2017-869, 11-20-2017, eff. 1-1-2018]
For the purposes of this chapter, and the interpretation and enforcement thereof, the words, terms, phrases and their derivatives set forth in this section shall have the meanings as follows:
The Building Safety Officer or his or her designee.
The provision of any service contracted by the City to collect Municipal waste and/or landscape waste from any single-family dwelling containing not more than two dwelling units.
The provision of any service to collect and transport Municipal waste or landscape waste from any multifamily dwelling or any commercial or industrial premises.
Any solid waste containing a variety of materials resulting from the construction, demolition, remodeling or renovation of residential, commercial or industrial structures. "Construction or demolition debris" also includes cement, concrete, asphalt or masonry debris resulting primarily from street, sidewalk, bridge, sewer and water construction, repair or replacement, which is defined as "clean fill" by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
That portion of the right-of-way adjacent to and within five feet of the roadway, including any alley.
The open space of any yard on any lot within the City extending the entire width of any such lot from the line of the right-of-way to the nearest point of any building or structure located on such lot.
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
Any person that provides, for any property other than its own, maintenance or removal of lawns, shrubbery, trees or any ornamental plant, and transports only landscape waste produced directly as a result of such landscape care activities.
Any accumulation of grass, shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs and other materials accumulated as the result of the care and maintenance of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees; provided, however, that landscape waste that has been chipped, shredded, composted or otherwise processed so as to be converted from raw landscape waste shall not be considered to be landscape waste for the purposes of this chapter.
Any residential dwelling containing more than two dwelling units.
Any garbage, refuse, rubbish, debris, general household waste, or construction or demolition debris, but does not include any landscape waste or any material or waste classified as hazardous, toxic, flammable or otherwise dangerous to the environment under any Federal, State or local law.
Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, State agency, or any other legal entity, or their legal representative, agent or assigns.
Any newsprint and aluminum, glass, plastic and ferrous metal containers, for which there is in effect a recycling program operated by the City or pursuant to a franchise granted by the City to an exclusive waste hauler.
The entire width between the boundary lines of any land dedicated for street, alley or sidewalk purposes or otherwise open to the use of the public for the purposes of passage or vehicular travel within the City.
That portion of the right-of-way improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
A residential dwelling designed for and used for living and sleeping purposes, containing its own kitchen and bathroom facilities, and having its own independent entry/access from the exterior of such residential dwelling or from a common interior hallway. The definition for single-family dwelling shall include not more than two dwelling units.
Any person who charges a fee for collecting Municipal waste or landscape waste.
[Ord. 2017-869, 11-20-2017, eff. 1-1-2018; amended 2-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-937, eff. 10-1-2021[1]]
Any person who is the owner of any single-family dwelling shall be required to have City waste collection service. The trash service can only be in the landowner's name, and cannot be transferred to a tenant.
Any person who is the owner, of any multifamily dwelling, multifamily apartment complex, licensed mobile home park or of any commercial or industrial premises within the City shall have any accumulation of municipal waste on any such property collected and disposed of at least once every seven calendar days by a waste hauler who has a valid waste hauler license. The trash service can only be in the landowner's name, and cannot be transferred to a tenant. Any additional service requests beyond the basic weekly pickup requested by the tenant shall be the responsibility of the tenant.
[Amended 1-3-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-966]
The occupancy of any dwelling unit, multifamily dwelling or the operation of any commercial or industrial activity by any person within the City shall be prima facie evidence that municipal waste is being produced and accumulated within any such dwelling unit, multifamily dwelling or on any such commercial or industrial premises.
For any commercial hauling service, the building safety official may, upon hearing, grant an exemption from the requirements of this section if the level of municipal waste generated or the alternative arrangements for disposal of municipal waste does not reasonably warrant any such collection and disposal. Any person requesting such exemption shall have the burden of establishing the grounds for any such exemption to the satisfaction of the building safety official.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was amended 7-6-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-949 to change the enforcement date from July 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021.
[Ord. 2017-869, 11-20-2017, eff. 1-1-2018]
No person who as owner, agent, lessee, occupant or other person in control of any dwelling unit or of any commercial or industrial premises shall accumulate or permit the accumulation of Municipal waste on any such property except:
For City Waste Collection Service: Such container as may be supplied from time to time by the provider of such City waste collection service;
For Commercial Hauling Service: A watertight container or containers which meet or exceed the requirements of being constructed of a rigid material with handles, a tight-fitting lid and sufficient capacity to contain the accumulation of Municipal waste until the next date of collection; or a watertight dumpster or similar trash receptacle which meets or exceeds the requirements of being constructed of a rigid material with a lid and sufficient capacity to contain the accumulation of Municipal waste until the next date of collection.
Any unlawful accumulation of Municipal waste in violation of the provisions of this section is declared to be a public nuisance and may be enforced in accordance with provisions of this Code applicable to public nuisances.
[Ord. 2017-869, 11-20-2017, eff. 1-1-2018]
It shall be unlawful for any person to place waste in front of any premises, or the front line extended of said premises, even though in a proper container, sooner than 48 hours prior to or later than 48 hours after the scheduled pick-up time by a waste hauler.
[Ord. 2017-869, 11-20-2017, eff. 1-1-2018]
In the event waste containers are provided by the City in public places for public use, it shall be unlawful to deposit in said containers any accumulations of waste or garbage from any premises.
[Ord. 2017-869, 11-20-2017, eff. 1-1-2018]
Ownership of recyclable material set out for collection or deposition at a City operated recycling drop off facility in accordance with the terms of this chapter shall be vested in the City. No person shall collect, remove or dispose of recyclable material set out for collection or deposited at a City operated recycling drop off facility, except:
An "exclusive waste hauler" pursuant to the terms of its franchise agreement with the City.
The City.
[Ord. 2018-878, 5-21-2018, eff. 6-1-2018]
The City may issue bills for waste collection services on behalf of a waste hauler with an exclusive Waste Collection Agreement with the City. The owner of the premises, the occupant or the user of the waste collection services shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for the service on the premises, and the service is furnished to the premises by the exclusive waste hauler only upon the condition that the owner of the premises, the occupant, or the user of the service are jointly and severally liable for the payment of all charges for the same. In the event any charges for waste collection services are not paid within 30 days after rendition of the bill for such service, such charges shall be deemed, and are declared to be, delinquent.
If the rates or charges for waste collection services are not paid within 60 days after the rendition of the bill for such services, such services may be discontinued without further notice to the customer. In the event that services are discontinued, said service shall not be reinstated until all outstanding charges are paid in full. The City Council of the City may also contract with the exclusive waste hauler serving the City, to terminate waste collection service to any property where waste collection charges are delinquent for a period of 60 days after the rendition of the bill for such services. In the event waste collection services are discontinued, said services shall not be reinstated until all outstanding charges are paid in full. The termination, either voluntary or involuntary, of services shall constitute a violation of this section.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $75 nor more than $750 for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed to be committed on each day during or on which any violation of this chapter continues.