[Ord. 406, 12-18-1995; amended Ord. 698, 7-28-2009]
There is hereby created the office of Building and Safety Official. The Building and Safety Official shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council, on the first Monday in May of each and every year or as soon thereafter as practicable. He or she shall hold the office for the term of one year and until a successor shall be appointed and qualified. Before entering on the duties of his or her office, he or she shall take the oath prescribed for other City officers and enter into a bond in the penal sum of $3,000 with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Council for the faithful discharge of the duties of his or her office. Said Building and Safety Official shall be an officer of the City and head of the City Code and inspector department.
[Ord. 406, 12-18-1995]
The Building and Safety Official shall devote his or her whole time and energy to the discharge of the duties of his or her office and shall see that the laws and ordinances of the City are enforced as far as possible by his or her title.
[Ord. 406, 12-18-1995]
Attend City Council Meetings: The Building and Safety Official shall attend, either in person or by deputy, all meetings of the City Council as practicable.
Keep Records: The Building and Safety Official shall keep or cause to be kept records of the building and safety office. He or she shall be responsible to give and keep records of all notices of building code, housing, health or other violations showing the date of said notice, the type of violation alleged, and the effect of said notices.
Reports: The Building and Safety Official, on a quarterly basis, shall make a report of his or her actions and duties to the City Council. Said report shall be written and shall indicate to the City Council the types of code violations found within the City and the results of the City's actions thereon.
Notify City Attorney: It shall be the duty of the Building and Safety Official to notify the City Attorney of any and all nuisances, building code, health or other violations of the City ordinances which in the Building and Safety Official's opinion need further action by the City, court of law or other tribunal.
Primary Health Officer: The Building and Safety Official shall be the primary health officer as defined in Section 7-1-1 of this Code.
Zoning Officer: The Building and Safety Official shall be the zoning officer as defined in Title 11 of this Code and shall issue building permits pursuant to Subsection 11-2-6(C) of this Code.
Building Code Official: The Building and Safety Official shall carry on the duties of the building code official as defined in the building code.
Submit Budget: The Building and Safety Official shall prepare and submit his or her proposed budget each year.
[Ord. 406, 12-18-1995; amended 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-1026]
The Building and Safety Official will be responsible for all duties of the former office of the City Inspector and the current Code Enforcement Officer.
[Ord. 2014-809, 6-2-2014]
Deputy Building And Safety Official Created; Term: There is hereby created the office of deputy Building and Safety Official of the City of Lincoln. The deputy Building and Safety Official shall serve at the discretion of the Building and Safety Official. The term of office shall be for one year and until a successor is appointed and qualifies for the office. The appointment shall be made on the first Monday in May of each and every year, or as soon thereafter as practicable. Compensation of the deputy Building and Safety Official shall be determined by the City Council from time to time.
Duties And Status: In addition to the duties assigned by the Building and Safety Official, the deputy Building and Safety Official shall assist the Building and Safety Official and take charge of the building and safety department in the absence of the Building and Safety Official. The deputy Building and Safety Official shall be appointed by the Building and Safety Official, with the advice and consent of the Mayor and City Council.
Bond: The deputy Building and Safety Official, before entering upon his or her duties of office shall take and subscribe the oath provided by law for City officers and shall give a bond to the City in the penal sum of $1,500 with sureties as the City Council shall approve, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the office.