[Ord. 243, 10-19-1987; amended Ord. 245, 12-7-1987]
Every street or portion thereof on which vehicular traffic is given preferential right of way, and at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting highways is required by law to yield right of way to vehicles traveling in either direction on such through streets in obedience to a stop sign, but excluding traffic control signals, when such sign is erected as provided by such through streets described below:
Adams Street from Sixth Street to Woodlawn Road, except stop signs at Sixth Street, Eighth Street and Woodlawn Road
Broadway, except stop signs at Union Street and Limit Street
Campusview Drive except stop sign at Illinois Route 10
College Street at First Street
College Street from Fifth Street to Eleventh Street shall be a through street, except for stop signs at Fifth Street, Eighth Street, and Eleventh Street
East Delavan Street. Stop signs shall be placed on the northwest side of East Delavan Street at Earl Street, Miner Street and Border Street, and on Delavan Street to stop for Junction Street
Eighth Street, except stop signs at College Street and Jefferson Street
Elm Street from Eighth Street to Woodlawn Road, except stop signs at Eighth Street and Woodlawn Road
Fifth Street
Fourth Street shall be, and the same is hereby designated for its entire length, as a through street except that there is presently in force and shall continue to be in force stop signs at its intersection with State Street, stopping traffic from both directions on Fourth Street entering said intersection, and the same at the intersection of Washington Street and Postville Drive
Frorer Avenue, except for stop signs at Sherman Street and Home Avenue
Hamilton Street from Omaha Street to Frorer Avenue, except stop signs at Keokuk Street, Tremont Street, Broadway Street, Pulaski Street, Wyatt Avenue and Frorer Avenue
Kankakee Street. Stop signs shall be placed on Kankakee Street at both sides of Pulaski Street, and Pulaski Street shall be a through street at this intersection
Keokuk Street
LaDue Street from Broadway Street to Wyatt Avenue, except stop signs at Broadway Street and Wyatt Avenue
Lake Road. A stop sign shall be placed at the Lake Road where it enters S. Kickapoo Street, holding traffic against S. Kickapoo Street
Logan Street from Union Street to Harrison Street, except stop sign for northbound traffic at Clinton Street and stop sign at Union Street
North Kickapoo Street from Pekin Street to Lincoln Parkway, except stop signs at Pekin Street and Lincoln Parkway
South Kickapoo Street from West Kickapoo Street to Clinton Street, except stop signs at Clinton Street
State Street at First Street
State Street from Fifth Street to West Kickapoo, except stop signs at Third Street, Fifth Street and West Kickapoo Street
Stringer Avenue, except stop sign at Lincoln Parkway
Third Street, except stop signs at Washington Street, State Street and Postville Drive
Tremont Street from Union Street to Limit Street, except stop signs at Logan Street, Union Street, Kickapoo Street, McLean Street, Sherman Street and Limit Street
Union Street from Fourth Street to Lincoln Parkway, except stop signs at Fourth Street, Fifth Street and Broadway Street
Washington Street from First Street to Fifth Street, except stop sign at Fifth Street
West Kickapoo Street. A stop sign shall be placed at the intersection of West Kickapoo Street and South Kickapoo Street for traffic traveling east on West Kickapoo Street
Wyatt Avenue from Chicago Street to Primm Road, except stop signs at South Kickapoo Street
[Ord. 243, 10-19-1987]
Procedure: Except when directed to proceed by a police officer, every driver of a vehicle approaching any of the stop intersections described below, indicated by a stop sign, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection. After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right of way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from another roadway or which is approaching so closely on the roadway as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when the driver is moving across or within the intersection, but said driver having so yielded may proceed at such time as a safe interval occurs.
"Stop", when required by this section, means complete cessation from movement.
Stop Intersections Enumerated:
Adams Street and Sixth Street
Broadway, Union Street and Eighth Street
Clinton Street and McLean Street
College Street and Eighth Street
Decatur Street, Fourth Street, Union Street and Logan Street
Eleventh Street and College Street shall henceforth be a four-way stop intersection
Frorer Avenue, Sherman Street, and Bryan Avenue
Jefferson Street and Eighth Street
North Kickapoo Street and Pekin Street
Ophir Avenue and Kankakee Street
Pulaski Street and Hamilton Street
Pulaski Street and McLean Street
Sherman Street and Pekin Street
South Kickapoo Street and Clinton Street
State Street and Sixth Street
State Street and Third Street
Tremont Street and McLean Street
21st Street and Jefferson Street
21st Street and State Street
West Kickapoo Street and South State Street. "Student Crossing" signs shall be appropriately placed in the vicinity of the intersection of West Kickapoo and South State Streets
In addition to the above designated streets and intersections, such streets and intersections as the City Council may designate by resolution. As to all such streets and intersections so designated by resolution of the City Council, the City Clerk shall keep a permanent record thereof which permanent record shall be available at all times to the City Council, City officials and to all members of the public.
[Ord. 243, 10-19-1987; Ord. 309, 6-19-1989; Ord. 352, 5-3-1993; Ord. 555, 12-2-2002; Ord. 565, 8-18-2003; Ord. 2011-724, 1-18-2011]
Upon those streets or parts of streets described below, vehicular traffic shall move only in the indicated direction when signs indicating the direction of traffic are erected and maintained at every intersection where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited.
One-Way Streets And Alleys:
The alleys in blocks 10, 15 and 20 of the original town, now a part of the City (said blocks lie between Kickapoo and Chicago Streets), from Clinton Street to Pekin Street shall be one-way northbound alleys, except south 1/2 of block 20 and north 1/2 of block 10.
The following section of Clinton Street is hereby declared a one-way street, allowing traffic to proceed only in a westerly direction over the following portion of said street: Clinton Street, between Logan and Union Street, is hereby declared to be a one-way thoroughfare for westbound traffic only.
The alley lying between Sangamon Street and Logan Street and conveying traffic from Pulaski Street to Broadway is designated as a one-way alley for said block and traffic is directed to proceed from Pulaski Street to Broadway only, and appropriate signs shall be placed at the entrances of said alley with Pulaski Street and Broadway to so indicate that it is a one-way alley.
The alley between Tremont Street and the extension of Lincoln Avenue into the Centennial Courts housing authority, the said alley running along the northwest side of Centennial Courts and the southeast side of Heitmann Towney's survey of the City, is designated as a one-way alley, and traffic is directed to proceed only in a northeasterly direction in said alley, and appropriate signs shall be placed at the entrances of said alley to so indicate that it is a one-way alley.
The alley between Pekin Street and Broadway Street and blocks 12 and 16 in the original town of Lincoln be a one-way alley allowing traffic to travel towards Broadway Street only.
The alley between Kankakee Street to Ottawa Street in block 7 in Wyatt And Latham's Second Addition to the City be a one- way alley allowing traffic to travel easterly from Ottawa Street to Kankakee Street only.
The following section of Ottawa Street is hereby declared a one-way street, allowing traffic to proceed only in a northerly direction from Union Street to Broadway Street over the following portion of said street: Ottawa Street between Union Street and Broadway Street is hereby declared to be a one-way thoroughfare for northbound traffic only.
The following section of Seventh Street is hereby declared a one-way street, allowing traffic to proceed only in a westerly direction from Union Street to the intersection of Seventh Street and Maple Street over the following portion of said streets: Seventh Street between Union Street and Maple Street is hereby declared to be a one-way thoroughfare for westbound traffic only.
[Ord. 319, 11-19-1990; amended Ord. 427, 1-6-1997; Ord. 470, 5-4-1998; Ord. 578, 11-3-2003; Ord. 603, 10-4-2004; Ord. 656, 9-17-2007; Ord. 713, 7-6-2010]
Driving Restrictions: It shall be unlawful for any semitruck and trailer, except for the purpose of making a delivery, to drive on any of the following streets in the City, and the Chief of Police or any person designated by him, shall post or cause to be posted suitable signs in this regard forthwith:
Ball Drive
Bidwell, Harrison, Rutledge and Richland
Broadway Street
Galena, Davenport, and Burlington Streets between North Logan and North Sangamon Streets
Logan Street north of Ophir
Nicholson Road from Lincoln Parkway to Ottawa Street
North Sangamon Street, the 700, 800, or 900 block
Omaha, Denver, Ophir and Josemite west of Logan Street
Pulaski Street between LaDue and Route 121: No semitruck and/or trailer with a load in excess of eight tons except for making a delivery within those designated blocks of Pulaski Street
Wyatt Avenue
Truck Parking In Residential Areas; Definitions: Motor vehicles hereinafter defined in the category of heavy trucks shall not be parked at any time within a residential area of the City, except for temporary parking as required to load and unload cargo.
For the purpose of the parking limitation in this subsection, a "heavy truck" is defined as any vehicle having more than two axles or any vehicles having a gross weight of more than 10,000 pounds.
For the purpose of this subsection, streets so restricted shall be those streets that are contained entirely within the area of the City zoned and classified as R-1, R-2, and R-3 of Title 11 of this Code.
Penalty: Any person, firm or corporation violating this section shall be fined not less than $75 nor more than $500 for each offense, and for any subsequent violation within one year, the mandatory minimum fine shall be $150.
See also Section 9-5-20 of this title.