[1960 Code, Sec. 2.20.010]
It shall be unlawful for any person, except for charity of necessity, to operate any moving picture shows or exhibitions for which any admission is charged, without first taking out a license therefor. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions hereof shall be liable to a fine as provided in the general penalty provisions, Section 1-4-1 of this Code.
[Ord. 575, 11-3-2003]
Before any such license shall be issued, the person desiring the same shall make application to the City Clerk stating the room or rooms for which such license is requested, the time for which it is to run, and pay to the City Treasurer in advance the sum of $100 for the first screen upon which motion pictures will be shown and $50 for each additional screen after the first screen upon which motion pictures will be shown, when such license is issued for one year, and a proportionate sum when such license is issued for a shorter period of time; provided, however, that no such license shall be issued for a shorter time than three months and, provided further, that the said license fee shall be deemed effective as of May 1 of each year.