[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international building code is hereby adopted by reference, and is hereby made a part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-2 of this chapter. The international building code, together with the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings (the residential building code) set forth in Section 4-1-4 of this chapter, are collectively referred to as the "building code" for the City.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
International building code:
Section 101.1: Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section 101.4.3:
Delete: "All references to the 2012 edition of the international plumbing code and replace with the Illinois plumbing code, most current edition."
Section 105.2: Delete.
Section 105.5:
Delete: "The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 180 days each. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated."
Insert: "However, no permit or approval shall be valid for a period of more than one year after the date issuance."
Section 105.8:
Insert: "Permit Fee Renewal. There shall not be any fee for the first renewal or reissuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for a period not to exceed 180 days. The fee for any subsequent renewal or reissuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for additional periods not to exceed 180 days shall be assessed at 25% of the original cost of the original permit."
Section 109.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code."
Section 112: Delete.
Section 508.3.3:
Insert: "Exception: All group B uses shall be separated from group F and group S uses with minimum one-hour rated fire partitions."
Table 508.4:
Delete: "N" where columns 11 and 12 intersect row 6 (use groups B, F-1, M, S-1)
Insert: "1" where columns 11 and 12 intersect row 6 (use groups B, F-1, M, S-1)
Insert: "Exception: Where table 508.4 requires a one hour separation between use groups B, F-1, M and S-1, the one hour rating shall not be required to separate rooms or areas of the same group unless a fire separation is required elsewhere in this Code."
Section 903.3.5:
Insert: "Hydrant water flow data used for the design of any fire sprinkler system shall not be more than one year old."
Section 903.3.5.3 (new section):
Insert: "Design Safety Factor. The design of the fire sprinkler system shall provide a minimum five psi safety factor in the fire protection system hydraulic calculation. The system demand shall be a minimum five psi below the seasonal low water flow test supply."
Section 903.3.7 (new section):
Insert: "Domestic Water Separation. The domestic water service shall be separated from the fire service prior to entering the building or structure, and an approved shut-off valve shall be placed on the domestic water service at a point after the separation and prior to entering the building or structure."
Section 903.4.2.3 (new section):
Insert: "Inspector Test Valves: Fire sprinkler system inspector test valves shall be accessible at all times and shall be located no more than six feet zero inch above the finished floor. For sprinkler systems with multiple risers, each inspector test valve shall be marked for the riser and area it serves."
Section 903.4.3:
Delete: "...on each floor in high rise buildings."
Insert: "...on each floor in multiple-story buildings. A floor control valve with water flow switches shall be provided for each floor."
Section 903.4.4 (new section):
Insert: "Automatic Detection. Where automatic fire sprinklers provide protection with an approved flow switch interconnected to the fire alarm system, and area is easily identifiable as to the location of the activation, additional automatic detectors are not required. Where a building has numerous rooms protected by the zoned fire sprinkler system, the code official may require additional detectors for a more rapid means to identify the location of smoke or fire."
Section 903.6 (new section):
Insert: "Hydraulic Nameplate. On each fire sprinkler drawing, provide a copy of the hydraulic nameplate at each hydraulically calculated area."
Section 903.7 (new section):
Insert: "NFPA Standards. Whenever NFPA standards are listed or referenced within this Code, that entire NFPA standard shall be considered a part of this Code."
Section 903.8 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Pump Test Header. For fire pump installations, provide the following.
An OS&Y control valve on all fire pump test headers; and
An outside test header."
Section 903.9 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be provided around the perimeter of a building in no more than 300-foot increments, and at least one fire hydrant shall be located within 100 feet of the fire department connection on the fire protection water supply to the building."
Section 903.10 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Flow Requirements. Appendix B of the 2012 international fire code is adopted in full and shall be made a part of this Code."
Section 903.11 (new section):
Insert: "Outside Access Door. Provide an outside access door with proper signage, no less than 36 inches in width and six feet eight inches in height, at all fire sprinkler riser valve rooms and fire pump rooms."
Section 903.12 (new section):
Insert: "Sprinkler Valve Room. All fire sprinkler main risers and valves shall be enclosed within a room constructed with minimum one hour fire barriers. Said room shall be sized to maintain all required clearances to maintain, repair and operate the systems and all valves, and shall be sized to maintain all required door clearances."
Section 905.3.1:
Delete: "...where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet (9,144 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, or where the floor level of the lowest story is located more than 30 feet (9,144 mm) below the highest level of fire department vehicle access."
Insert: "...more than two stories in height, or more than two stories below grade."
Section 905.3.9 (new section):
Insert: "Warehouse Storage Areas. In all warehouse storage areas exceeding 20,000 square feet, and where storage exceeds 12 feet in height, inside 2 1/2 inches fire hose valves with a 1 1/2 inches reducer shall be provided to a 1 1/2 inches connection. Said valves shall be located at each entrance door to the warehouse and/or storage area. Additional 2 1/2 inches fire hose valves shall be provided such that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than 120 feet of maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The location of all obstructions and racking shall be clearly identified on the permit drawings."
Section 905.3.9.1 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Hose Valve System. The fire hose valve system piping shall:
Be a separate riser piping system;
Be supplied by a minimum four-inch supply pipe with 2 1/2 drops to each 2 1/2 inches valve; and
Have Potter reduced pressure, field adjustable type valves where the system pressures exceed 100 psi."
Section 907.1.4 (new section):
Insert: "Addressable Fire Alarm Systems. All fire alarm systems shall be of the addressable type."
Section 907.2: Delete.
Section 907.2:
Insert: "Where Required. An approval manual, automatic or manual and automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in all use groups, including occupant notification appliances, throughout the building installed in accordance with NFPA 72.
An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in all use groups not provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system and in accordance with NFPA 72. Devices, combination of devices and equipment shall comply with Section 907.1.2. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternative type detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms, where, during normal operation, products of combustion are present in sufficient quantity to activate a smoke detector."
Section 907.2.2: Delete.
Section 907.2.3: Delete.
Section 907.2.4: Delete.
Section 907.2.5: Delete.
Section 907.2.7: Delete.
Section 907.2.7.1: Delete.
Section 907.2.8.1: Delete.
Section 907. (new section):
Insert: "Multi-Tenant Use Group M Buildings. Multi-tenant use group M buildings shall be designed as "ring by tenant," activated by a fire sprinkler system flow switch for that space or automatic fire detection, and shall include a weatherproof clear outside strobe over the entrance to each tenant space as directed by the code official. All outside strobe devices shall have a minimum 75 candela."
Section 907.6.6 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Alarm Panel Location. The fire alarm control panel or full function annunciator panel shall be installed within 10 feet of the main entrance or in a location approved by the code official."
Section 912.1.1 (new section):
Insert: "Connection Type. All fire department connections shall be a five-inch Storz connection with a 30° turn down."
Section 1006.3:
Insert: "6. All rooms and areas containing the building fire sprinkler riser(s), fire pump(s) and fire alarm control panel(s)."
Table 1018.1:
Delete: "0.5" at the intersection of line "R" and column "with sprinkler system."
Insert: "2" at the intersection of line "R" and column "with sprinkler system."
Chapters 27, 28, 29 and 32: Delete.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
Appendix B and appendix H as set forth in the international building code are hereby adopted by reference and are hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings (the "residential building code") is hereby adopted by reference and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-5 of this chapter. The residential building code, together with the international building code set forth in Section 4-1-1 of this chapter, are collectively referred to as the "building code" for the City.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are additions, insertions and changes to the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings:
Section R101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section R105.2: Delete.
Section R105.5:
Insert: "No permit or approval shall be valid for a period of more than one year after the date of issuance."
Section R105.5.1:
Insert: "Permit Fee Renewal. There shall not be any fee for the first renewal or reissuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for a period not to exceed 180 days. The fee for any subsequent renewal or re-issuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for additional periods not to exceed 180 days shall be assessed at 25% of the original cost of the original permit."
Section R108.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
Section R113.4:
Insert: "Applicable penalties shall be set forth in the City Code."
Section R302.1.1:
Insert: Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings in excess of 160 square feet located within 12 feet of the residential dwelling shall have one hour rated walls and ceiling in the entire building.
Section R302.2 exception:
Delete: "one-hour"
Insert: "two-hour"
Table R302.6:
Delete: "1/2 inch gypsum board"
Insert: "5/8 inch gypsum board"
Section R310.4:
Delete: "are permitted to be placed"
Insert: "shall be placed"
Section R313.2:
Delete: "one- and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems"
Section R402.1: Delete.
Section R402.1.1: Delete.
Section R403.1.2: Delete.
Figure R403.1(2): Delete.
Figure R403.1(3): Delete.
Section R403.2: Delete.
Section R404.2: Delete.
Section R404.2.1: Delete.
Section R404.2.2: Delete.
Section R404.2.3: Delete.
Table R404.2.3: Delete.
Section R404.2.4: Delete.
Section R404.2.5: Delete.
Section R404.2.6: Delete.
Section R405.2: Delete.
Section R405.2.1: Delete.
Section R405.2.2: Delete.
Section R405.2.3: Delete.
Section R406.3: Delete.
Section R406.3.1: Delete.
Section R406.3.2: Delete.
Section R406.3.3: Delete.
Section R406.3.4: Delete.
Section R502.1.4:
Insert: "In the event that prefabricated wood I-joists or other engineered wood trusses are used for the construction of a floor-ceiling assembly, the engineered joists shall be protected by one-hour rated construction."
Section R502.2.2:
Insert: "Unless otherwise designed, signed and sealed by an Illinois-licensed architect, structural engineer, or similar professional, deck joists and beams shall have a maximum cantilever of 18 inches beyond the bearing member, and cantilever portion shall not have a span greater than 25% of remaining length of the joist of beam."
Section R602.4:
Insert: "Interior load-bearing walls that contain plumbing piping, flues or ducts shall be constructed of a minimum of two-inch by six-inch lumber."
Section R602.5:
Insert: "Interior non-load-bearing walls that contain plumbing piping, flues or ducts shall be constructed of a minimum of two-inch by six-inch lumber."
Section R806.3.1:
Insert: "Insulation Baffles. Where eave vents are provided, insulation baffles shall be installed between the rafters at the eaves to maintain air flow from the soffit vents."
Chapters 11-22, 24-32, 34-43: Delete.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
Appendix E, appendix F, and appendix J as set forth in the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings are hereby adopted by reference and are hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international fire code is hereby adopted by reference as the fire code for the City and is hereby made a part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-8 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the international fire code:
Section 101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section 902.1:
Delete: definition of "fire area" in its entirety.
Insert: "Fire Area: The aggregate floor area bounded by the exterior walls of a building or structure, regardless of fire walls, fire barriers or fire resistance-rated horizontal assemblies."
Section 903.2.4:
Insert: "All 'spec' buildings with a group F use having a ceiling/roof height of 25 feet or greater shall be protected with an ESFR fire sprinkler system for Class IV commodities with rack storage calculated to the greatest storage height."
Section 903.2.9:
Insert: "All 'spec' buildings with a group S use having a ceiling/roof height of 25 feet or greater shall be protected with an ESFR fire sprinkler system for Class IV commodities with rack storage calculated to the greatest storage height."
Section 903.3.5:
Insert: "Hydrant water flow data used for the design of any sprinkler system shall not be more than one year old."
Section 903.3.5.3 (new section):
Insert: "Design Safety Factor. The design of the fire sprinkler system shall provide a minimum five psi safety factor in the fire protection system hydraulic calculation. The system demand shall be a minimum five psi below the seasonal low water test supply."
Section 903.3.7 (new section):
Insert: "Domestic Water Separation. The domestic water service shall be separated from the fire service prior to entering the building or structure, and an approved shut-off valve shall be placed on the domestic water service as a point after the separation and prior to entering the building or structure."
Section 903.4.2.1 (new section):
Insert: "Outside Alarm Indicator. An audio/visual 75 cd device shall be mounted on the outside of a building or structure over the location of the fire department connection. For residential fire sprinkler systems without a fire department connection, a strobe shall be mounted on the front of the building or other location approved by the code official. The audio/visual device shall be supervised by the fire alarm system and shall only operate upon water flow activation."
Section 903.4.2.2:
Insert: "Alarm Indicating Appliances. Audio/visual devices shall be provided, seen and heard in all areas of every building in accordance with NFPA 72. All buildings and structures with fire sprinkler systems shall be provided with occupant notification devices."
Section 903.4.2.3 (new section):
Insert: "Inspector Test Valves. Fire sprinkler system inspector test valves shall be accessible at all times and shall be located no more than six feet above the finished floor. For sprinkler systems with multiple risers, each inspector test valve shall be marked for the riser and area it serves."
Section 903.4.3:
Delete: "...on each floor in high-rise buildings."
Insert: "on each floor in multiple-story buildings. A floor control valve with water flow switches shall be provided for each floor."
Section 903.4.4 (new section):
Insert: "Automatic Detection. Where automatic fire sprinklers provide protection with an approved flow switch interconnected to the fire alarm system, and the area is easily identifiable as to the location of the activation, additional automatic detectors are not required. Where a building has numerous rooms protected by the zoned fire sprinkler system, the code official may require additional detectors for more rapid means to identify the location of smoke or fire."
Section 903.7 (new section):
Insert: "Hydraulic Nameplate. On each fire sprinkler drawing, provide a copy of the hydraulic nameplate at each hydraulically calculated area."
Section 903.8 (new section):
Insert: "NFPA Standards. Whenever NFPA standards are listed or referenced within this Code, that entire NFPA standard shall be considered a part of this Code."
Section 903.9 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Pump Test Header. For fire pump installations, provide the following:
An OS&Y control valve on all fire pump test headers; and
An outside test header."
Section 903.10 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be provided around the perimeter of a building in no more than 300-foot increments, and at least one fire hydrant shall be located within 100 feet of the fire department connection on the fire protection water supply to the building."
Section 903.11 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Flow Requirements. Appendix B of the 2009 international fire code is adopted in full and shall be made a part of this Code."
Section 903.12 (new section):
Insert: "Outside Access Door. Provide an outside access door, no less than 36 inches in width and six feet eight inches in height, at all fire sprinkler riser valve rooms and fire pump rooms."
Section 903.13 (new section):
Insert: "Sprinkler Valve Room. All fire sprinkler main risers and valves shall be enclosed within a room constructed with a minimum one-hour fire barriers. Said room shall be sized to maintain all required clearances to maintain, repair and operate the system and all valves, and shall be sized to maintain all required door clearances."
Section 905.3.1 (new section):
Delete: ". . . where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet (9,144 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, or where the floor level of the lowest story is located more than 30 feet (9,144 mm) below the highest level of fire department vehicle access."
Section 905.3.1:
Insert: "...more than two stories in height, or more than two stories below grade."
Section 905.3.8 (new section):
Insert: "Warehouse Storage Areas. In all warehouse storage areas exceeding 20,000 square feet, and where storage exceeds 12 feet in height inside 2 1/2 inches fire hose valves with a 1 1/2 inches reducer shall be provided to a 1 1/2 inches connection. Said valves shall be located at each entrance door to the warehouse and/or storage area. Additional 2 1/2 inches fire hose valves shall be provided such that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than 120 feet of maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The location of all obstructions and racking shall be clearly identified on the permit drawings."
Section 905.3.8.1 (new section):
Insert: "Fire Hose Valve System. The fire hose valve system piping shall:
Be a separate riser piping system;
Be supplied by minimum four-inch supply pipe with 2 1/2 drops to each 2 1/2 inches valve; and
Have Potter reduced pressure, field adjustable type valves where the system pressures exceed 100 psi."
Section 907.1.4 (new section):
Insert: "Addressable Fire Alarm Systems. All fire alarm systems shall be of the addressable type."
Section 907.2: Delete.
Section 907.2:
Insert: "Where Required. An approved manual, automatic or manual and automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in all groups, including occupant notification appliances, throughout the building installed in accordance with NFPA 72. An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in all use groups not provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system and in accordance with NFPA 72. Devices, combination of devices and equipment shall comply with Section 907.1.2. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternative type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms, where, during normal operation, products of combustions are present in sufficient quantity to activate a smoke detector."
Section 907.2.2: Delete.
Section 907.2.3: Delete.
Section 907.2.4: Delete.
Section 907.2.5: Delete.
Section 907.2.7: Delete.
Section 907.2.7.1: Delete.
Section 907.2.8.1: Delete.
Section 907. (new section):
Insert: "Multi-Tenant Use Group M Buildings. Multi-tenant use group M buildings shall be designed as "ring by tenant," activated by a fire sprinkler system flow switch for that space or automatic fire detection and shall include waterproof clear outside strobe over the entrance to each tenant space as directed by the code official. All outside strobe devices shall have a minimum 75 candela."
Section 907.6.6:
Insert: "Fire Alarm Panel Location. The fire alarm control panel or full function annunciator panel shall be installed within 10 feet of the main entrance or in location approved by the code official."
Section 912.1.1 (new section):
Insert: "Connection Type. All fire department connections shall be a five inch Storz connection with a 30° turn down."
Section 1006.3:
Insert: "6. All rooms and areas containing the building fire sprinkler riser(s), fire pump(s) and fire alarm control panel(s)."
Table 1018.1:
Delete: ".5" at the intersection of line "R" and column "with sprinkler system."
Insert: "2" at the intersection of line "R" and column "with sprinkler system."
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2014 edition of the national electrical code is hereby adopted by reference as the electrical code for the City and is hereby made a part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein except, however, those additions, insertion and changes described in Section 4-1-10 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the national electric code:
Article 394:
Delete: Concealed knob-and-tube wiring.
Insert: Any expansion of an existing knob-and-tube wiring system is prohibited and when knob-and-tube wiring is exposed during remodeling, the exposed knob-and tube wiring shall be abandoned or be removed and be replaced with approved wiring.
Article 396:
Delete: Messenger supported wiring.
Insert: Any expansion of an existing messenger supported wiring system is prohibited and when a messenger supported wiring system is exposed during remodeling, the exposed messenger supported wiring system shall be abandoned or be removed and be replaced with approved wiring.
Article 398:
Delete: Open wiring insulators
Insert: Any expansion of an existing open wiring insulator system is prohibited and when an open wiring insulator system is exposed during remodeling, the exposed open wiring insulator system shall be abandoned or be removed and be replaced with approved wiring.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international mechanical code is hereby adopted by reference as the mechanical code for the City and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-12 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the international mechanical code:
Section 101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section 106.2: Delete.
Section 106.4.3:
Insert: "No permit or approval shall be valid for a period of more than one year after the date of issuance."
Section 106.5.2:
Insert: "in the amount set forth in the City Code."
Section 106.5.3: Delete.
Section 108.4:
Insert: Applicable penalties shall be set forth in the City Code.
Section 201.3:
Delete: "All references to the 2012 edition of the international plumbing code and replace with the Illinois plumbing code, most current edition."
Section 301.10: Delete.
Section 301.10:
Insert: "national electric code, most current edition."
Section 504.6.3:
Insert: "Plastic or vinyl flexible ducts are not permitted for dryer installations."
Section 918.2:
Insert: "Utilization of a central return duct in residential installations is prohibited."
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international property maintenance code is hereby adopted by reference as the property maintenance code for the City and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-14 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the international property maintenance code:
Section 101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section 102.3:
Delete: "All references to the 2012 edition of the international plumbing code and replace with the Illinois plumbing code, most current edition."
Section 106.4:
Insert: Applicable penalties shall be set forth in the City Code.
Section 302.4:
Insert: "eight inches in height"
Section 602.3:
Insert: "October to May"
Section 602.4:
Insert: "October to May"
Section 604.2:
Delete: "NFPA 70"
Insert: "national electric code, most current edition"
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
Appendix A as set forth in the international property maintenance code is hereby adopted by reference and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international fuel gas code is hereby adopted by reference as the mechanical code for the City and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-17 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the international fuel gas code:
Section 101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section 106.3:
Insert: "No permit or approval shall be valid for a period of more than one year after the date of issuance."
Section 106.5.4:
Insert: "Permit Fee Renewal. There shall not be any fee for the first renewal or reissuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for a period not to exceed 180 days. The fee for any subsequent renewal or re-issuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for additional periods not to exceed 180 days shall be assessed at 25% of the original cost of the original permit."
Section 106.6.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
Section 106.6.3: Delete.
Section 108.4:
Insert: "Applicable penalties shall be set forth in the City Code."
Section 201.3:
Delete: "All references to the 2012 edition of the international plumbing code and replace with the Illinois state plumbing code, most current edition."
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international energy conservation code is hereby adopted by reference as the energy conservation code for the City and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-19 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the international energy conservation code:
Section C101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section C107.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
Section C201.3:
Delete: "All references to the 2012 edition of the international plumbing code and replace with the Illinois state plumbing code, most current edition."
Section R101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section R107.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The International Code Council, Inc., 2012 edition of the international swimming pool and spa code is hereby adopted by reference as the swimming pool and spa code for the City and is hereby made part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, except, however, those additions, insertions and changes described in Section 4-1-21 of this chapter.
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
The following items are the additions, insertions and changes to the international swimming pool and spa code:
Section 101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section 105.5.3:
Insert: "No permit or approval shall be valid for a period of more than one year after the date of issuance."
Section 105.5.4:
Insert: "Permit Fee Renewal. There shall not be any fee for the first renewal or reissuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for a period not to exceed 180 days. The fee for any subsequent renewal or re- issuance of any permit that extends the validity of the initial permit for additional periods not to exceed 180 days shall be assessed at 25% of the original cost of the original permit."
Section 105.6.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
Section 105.6.3: Delete.
Section 107.4:
Insert: "Applicable penalties shall be set forth in the City Code."
Section C107.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
Section C201.3:
Delete: "All references to the 2012 edition of the international plumbing code and replace with Illinois state plumbing code, most current edition."
Section R101.1:
Insert: "City of Lincoln."
Section R107.2:
Insert: "Permit fees as set forth in the City Code"
[Ord. 2014-817, 8-18-2014]
Consistent with the office of state Fire Marshal for use in local elevator safety programs, the following elevator safety standards are hereby adopted by reference as the elevator safety standards for the City and are hereby made a part of this chapter with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein:
American Society Of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) safety code for elevators and escalators (ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-07);
ASME guide for inspection of elevators, escalators, and moving walks (ASME A17.2-2004);
ASME safety code for existing elevators and escalators (ASME A17.3-2005);
ASME safety standard for platform lifts and stairway chairlifts (ASME A18.1-2008);
ASME standard for the qualification of elevator inspectors (ASME QEI-1-2010);
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) safety requirements for personal hoists and employee elevators (ANSI A10.4-2004);
American Society Of Civil Engineers (ASCE) automated people mover standards (ASCE 21-05), part 1, 2006;
ASCE automated people mover standards (ANSI/ASCE/T&DI 21.2-08), parts 2 through 4, 2008; and
ASME performance-based safety code for elevators and escalators (ASME A17.7-2007/CSA B44.7-07).