[Ord. 2016-848, 3-7-2016]
The purpose of this chapter is to establish uniform landscape and screening standards for multi-family residential, commercial and industrial development in the City. The landscaping and screening requirements specified herein are intended to foster aesthetically pleasing development which will protect and preserve the appearance, character, health, safety and welfare of the City. Specifically, these regulations are intended to increase the compatibility of adjacent uses, and, in doing so, minimize the harmful impact of noise, dust and other debris, motor vehicle headlight glare or other artificial light intrusions, and other objectionable activities or impacts conducted or created by an adjoining or nearby use. Wherever the submission and approval of a landscape plan is required by this chapter, such landscape plan shall be an integral part of any application for a certificate of occupancy. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued without City approval of a landscape plan as required herein. This chapter shall not apply to detached single-family and attached two-family residentially used and zoned buildings.
[Ord. 2016-848, 3-7-2016]
Except for single-family residential dwellings, a landscape plan following the standards set forth in this chapter must be submitted as follows:
New Development: When any multi-family residential, commercial or industrial development involves the construction of a new building.
Planned Unit Development: When property is developed as a planned unit development.
Intensity Of Use Increase: When the intensity of use of any existing building, structure or premises is increased by exterior addition or enlargement of the building, or interior renovation of more than 50% of the floor area of a building, structure or premises.
[Ord. 2016-848, 3-7-2016]
The following shall establish the standards for the preparation and submission of required plans for landscape, screening and tree preservation:
Landscape Plan Required: A landscape plan following the standards set forth in this chapter shall be prepared by a landscape architect, certified nursery professional or master gardener. Landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City development review team prior to the issuance of a building permit for exterior construction and development. Landscape plans for planned unit developments, special uses, variations and major subdivisions shall also be reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission and the City Council.
Content Of Landscape Plan: All landscape plans shall include or have attached thereto the following information:
North arrow, scale, date of plan and any subsequent revisions.
The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, parking lot and drives, roadways and rights of way, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, trash cans, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, tot lots and other recreational facilities, and other freestanding structural features as determined by the building and safety department.
Location of all existing and proposed public utilities.
The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common names, of all proposed planting materials.
Specification of the type and boundaries of all proposed ground cover, including both scientific and common names of all plant materials.
Existing and proposed contours, including the location of all proposed berming, at a one foot contour interval. Also included shall be the location, extent, and general elevations of all detention and retention areas and drainageways.
Planters or planter boxes.
Details of all fences and walls proposed to be constructed on the site.
The designation, location, type and size of all existing trees four inches and larger in diameter measured one foot above natural grade. Any trees to be removed should be clearly identified.
Selection, Installation, And Maintenance Of Plant Materials:
Selection: Planting materials used in conformance with the provisions of this chapter shall be of good quality, of a species normally grown in central Illinois, and capable of withstanding the extremes of individual site microclimates. Size and density of plant material, both at the time of planting and at maturity, are additional criteria which must be considered when selecting plant materials.
Installation: All landscaping materials shall be installed in accordance with the current planting procedures established by the American Association Of Nurserymen.
Responsibility: The owner of the premises shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of all landscaping materials and barriers, including refuse disposal areas, as may be required by the provisions of this chapter.
Landscaping Materials: All landscaping materials shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance, and plant material not in this condition shall be replaced when necessary and all landscape areas shall be kept free of refuse and debris.
Fences And Walls: Fences, walls, and other barriers shall be maintained in good repair.
Landscape Design Criteria:
Scale And Nature Of Landscaping Material: The scale and nature of landscaping materials should be appropriate to the size of the structures. Large scale buildings, for example, should generally be complemented by larger scaled plants.
Selection Of Plant Materials: Plant material should be selected for its form, texture, color, and concern for its ultimate growth. The use of silver maples, box elders, Russian olive, ailanthus, poplar, cottonwood, mulberry, willow, catalpa, hackberry, white fringe, sweet gum, elm (except accolade and prospector elm), any species of ash tree, and other weak wooded species are prohibited.
Evergreens: Evergreens shall be incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site, particularly in the screening of refuse holding areas and in those areas screening parking lots from dedicated public rights of way or property zoned for residential use.
Shade Trees: All shade trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 2 1/2 inches in caliper upon installation, as measured six inches above the established ground level.
Ornamental Trees: Single stem ornamental trees shall have a minimum trunk size of two inches in caliper at time of planting, unless otherwise specified. Multiple stem ornamental trees shall have a minimum height of seven feet at time of planting, unless otherwise specified by the City.
Shrubs: Shrubs shall be used whenever possible. Shrubs used for the purpose of screening shall be three feet in height at time of installation. Shrubs used for other purposes shall be at least 18 inches in height at time of installation.
Ground Covers: Ground cover shall be spaced no less than 12 inches on center at time of installation.
Flowerbeds: Flowerbeds of perennials and the use of native grasses is encouraged and shall be mass planted in landscape areas to create color, texture and interest.
Softening Of Walls And Fences: Plant material should be placed intermittently against long expanses of building walls, fences, and other barriers to create a softening effect.
Planting Beds: Planting beds shall be mulched with bark chips, shredded hardwood or similar materials. Mulch shall not be used as a substitute for plant materials.
Energy Conservation: Plant material placement should be designed to reduce energy consumption needs of a development wherever possible.
Deciduous trees should be placed on the south and west sides of buildings to provide shade from the summer sun.
Evergreens and other plant materials should be concentrated on the north and west sides of buildings to dissipate the effect of winter winds.
Watering Plant Material: A permanent means of watering plant materials should be provided within 100 feet of all landscape areas. Installation of an underground sprinkling system is recommended.
Detention/Retention Basins And Ponds: Detention/retention basins and ponds shall be landscaped. Such landscaping should include shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges, and other planting materials.
Berming: Earthen berms and existing topographic features shall be incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site where there is sufficient space and, in particular, when berms and existing topographic features can be combined with plant materials to facilitate effective screening.
[Ord. 2016-848, 3-7-2016]
Where a parcel abuts a dedicated public right of way, landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this section as follows:
Graded And Sodded: The unpaved portion of a public right of way shall be fine graded and sodded.
Parkway Trees:
Quantity Of Parkway Trees: Parkway trees shall be provided in the public right of way adjacent to the parcel as directed by the street superintendent.
Spacing Of Parkway Trees: Parkway trees shall be clustered or spaced linearly in the public right of way as determined appropriate by the street superintendent.
Size Of Parkway Trees: Parkway trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 2 1/2 inches in diameter, as measured six inches above the established ground level.
Species Approved For Planting In Public Right Of Way: The species of parkway trees and the intervals between them are as follows:
Accolade elm
American linden
Armstrong Freeman maple
European linden
Fastigate English oak
Norway maple
Oriental plane
Pin oak
Prospector elm
Red maple
Red oak
Scarlet oak
Schwedleri maple
Sentry American linden
Skyline thornless honey locust
State Street maple
White oak
Willow oak
In addition to the species of trees above permitted, other species of trees may be approved for planting in the City right of way along the street as may be specified by the appropriate committee of the City Council.
Species Forbidden To Be Planted In Public Right Of Way Or On Private Property: No person shall plant any of the following species of trees in the public right of way or on private property in the City:
Evergreens, fruit and nut trees, box elder, silver maple, ailanthus, poplar, cottonwood, willow, catalpa, hackberry, dogwood, white fringe, elm (except accolade and prospector elm), sweet gum, and any species of ash tree.
[Ord. 2016-848, 3-7-2016]
All parking lots constructed after the adoption of this chapter shall provide landscaping in accordance with the provisions of this section as follows:
Perimeter Screening Requirements: Every off street parking lot or parking area containing five or more parking spaces shall be set back, buffered and screened from public view and adjacent property by a perimeter landscaped area having a minimum width of 10 feet, as measured from the back of curb.
The minimum width for the perimeter screening area shall be measured from the property line and shall not include any parking overhang.
Perimeter screening shall be continuous, except for breaks as may be permitted for sidewalks, driveways and sight triangles.
Shrubs planted as perimeter screening shall be at least three feet in height at time of installation.
The surface of the required, perimeter setback area shall be suitably covered with grass, ground cover, perennial flowers and native grasses or similar vegetation and periodically mulched. Impervious materials such as asphalt, concrete, or a layer of stone is prohibited.
A six inch continuous, poured in place concrete curb shall separate all drive and parking surfaces from perimeter landscape areas.
Interior Landscaping Requirements: All areas within or at the end of parking row and at the edges of parking lots and parking areas which are not designed for parking stalls, drive aisles, or shopping cart collection areas, shall be curbed, and landscaped with sod, ground cover, bushes or trees.
Interior parking lot landscaping areas shall be a minimum of 144 square feet in area and a minimum of eight feet in width, as measured from back of curb to back of curb.
Interior planting islands equal in area to a parking space shall be required at a rate of one parking lot island every 20 parking spaces.
One tree shall be provided for each parking lot planting island.
The surface of the required, perimeter setback area shall be suitably covered with grass, ground cover, perennial flowers and native grasses or similar vegetation and periodically mulched. Impervious materials such as asphalt, concrete, or a layer of stone is prohibited.
A six inch continuous, poured in place concrete curb shall separate all drive and parking surfaces from perimeter landscape areas.
All landscaped islands shall have a minimum topsoil depth of three feet and mounded to a center height of six to 12 inches above top of curb height.
Foundation Landscaping Requirements: Plant materials shall be placed against long expanses of building walls, fences and other barriers to soften their effect, accenting building entrances and architectural features and screening mechanical equipment.
A minimum setback and landscape area of five feet in width shall be located immediately along the front and sides of all buildings.
A six inch continuous, poured in place concrete curb shall separate all foundation landscape areas from drive aisle and parking areas.
Foundation landscaping shall include shade trees, ornamental trees, hedges, shrubs, evergreens, ground covers, and perennial flowers and grasses.
Lists Of Recommended Trees, Shrubs And Ground Covers: Upon request, lists indicating plantings which will meet the landscape requirements of this chapter can be provided as a guide.
[Ord. 2016-848, 3-7-2016]
All service areas shall be screened from view through the use of evergreen plant materials, a wood fence, masonry screen wall, or materials compatible with the proposed building.
Trash dumpsters and other waste receptacles shall be fully enclosed on four sides by a solid wood fence, masonry walls or principal building wall six feet in height, with one of the four sides being an attractive single or double access gate. The materials used for screening, including the enclosure, shall complement the architecture of the building.
All utility equipment (air conditioners, transformers, backup generators and the like) shall be provided with appropriate planting screens.
For uses with loading docks, they shall be located to the rear of a building, where possible, and all loading areas shall be adequately screened with a wall, fence and/or landscaping of a minimum of six feet in height so as to not be visible from adjoining rights of way and property zoned for any residential use.
All mechanical equipment located on the roof of any building constructed after the effective date hereof shall be fully screened by a parapet wall, or other screening structure constructed of the same materials as, or materials architecturally and aesthetically compatible with, the principal building facade to the height of such equipment.