[1960 Code §§ 13.16.010, 13.16.020, 13.16.030, 13.16.040]
Conference: Prior to the filing of an application for approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider may submit to the Plan Commission plans and data as specified in Chapter 5 of this title. This step does not require formal application, fee or filing of the plat.
Advice To Subdivider: The purpose of the preapplication conference is to afford the subdivider an opportunity to avail himself of the advice and assistance of the Plan Commission and to consult early and informally with the Plan Commission staff before preparation of the preliminary plat and before formal application for its approval, in order to save time and money and to make the most of his opportunities.
Additional Consultation: The subdivider shall also consult with the City engineer and City health officer and avail himself of the advice and assistance of these offices. He should submit the preliminary information including all items required by Sections 12-5-1 through 12-5-3 of this title and should obtain a preliminary steps certification form (see appendix B on file in the office of the City Clerk) from the Plan Commission, which shall be signed by the agencies listed on the certification form.
Notification: Within 30 days the Plan Commission shall inform the subdivider that the plans and data as submitted or as modified do or do not meet the objectives of these regulations. When the Plan Commission finds the plans and data do not meet the objectives of these regulations, it shall express in writing to the subdivider its reasons therefor.
[1960 Code §§ 13.16.050, 13.16.060, 13.16.080, 13.16.090, 13.16.100, 13.16.110; Ord. 56, 6-20-1977; Ord. 261, 9-6-1988; Ord. 2013-777, 5-20-2013]
Preparation: The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plat, together with supplementary material as specified in Chapter 5 of this title.
Information Required: The subdivider shall make application to the commission for conditional approval of a preliminary plat. All information required by Sections 12-5-4 through 12-5-6 of this title, shall be submitted to the commission as follows:
Two copies of application (appendix C on file in the office of the City Clerk);
One copy of the preliminary steps certification form (appendix B on file in the office of the City Clerk);
Eight copies of the preliminary plat including a vicinity map;
Certificate of zoning compliance from the zoning enforcement officer endorsed on one copy of the plat;
Any other data that the Plan Commission deems necessary.
One copy of review comments by the Logan County soil and water conservation district, where the subdivision lies within the boundaries of said district (any area still unincorporated in 1952).
Filing Fee: At the time of filing for conditional approval of the preliminary plat, the application shall be accompanied by a certified check or money order, payable to the City, to cover the cost of checking and verifying the preliminary plat, in the amount of $150.
Upon the acceptance of the application by the Plan Commission, the Plan Commission secretary shall surrender the check or money order to the City Clerk or treasurer for deposit in the general fund.
Copy Transmittal: The Plan Commission shall transmit a copy of the preliminary plat to the following officials and agencies for their review and recommendations. Prior to the Plan Commission meeting, a date on which the site will be viewed shall be established. The officials and agencies listed below shall be invited to attend its viewing along with the developer and his engineer.
City Council member.
Zoning enforcement officer or inspector.
City engineer.
City health officer and/or Illinois department of health representative.
The Plan Commission may transmit additional copies of the preliminary plan documents to utility companies, school boards, adjacent communities, and others as deemed necessary. The officials and agencies shall make their review and recommendations to the Plan Commission within 10 days from the date of transmission.
Official Filing: Upon determination by the Plan Commission that the preliminary plat has been properly submitted, the preliminary plat shall be accepted as being officially filed.
Conditional Approval, Generally: Following review of the preliminary plat and supporting material for conformity to these regulations and following negotiations with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him, the Plan Commission shall, within 30 days, express its approval as a conditional approval and shall state the conditions of such approval, if any, or shall express its disapproval and its reasons therefor.
The action of the Plan Commission shall be noted on three copies of the preliminary plat, referenced and attached to any conditions determined. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider, one copy forwarded with a report to the City Council and the other retained by the Plan Commission.
Conditional Approval, Not Approve Of Final Plat: Conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the final plat. Rather, it shall be deemed an expression of approval to the layout submitted on the preliminary plat as a guide to the preparation of the final plat which will be submitted for approval of the Plan Commission and for recording upon fulfillment of the requirements of this title and the conditions of the conditional approval, if any.
[1960 Code §§ 13.16.120, 13.16.130, 13.16.130, 13.16.140, 13.16.150, 13.16.160, 13.16.170, 13.16.180; Ord. 2013-777, 5-20-2013]
Composition: The final plat shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approved, and, if desired by the subdivider, it may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which he proposes to record and develop at the time; provided, however, that such portion conforms to all requirements of this title.
Application, Contents: The subdivider shall make application to the Plan Commission for approval of a final plat. The final plat submitted shall conform to the approved preliminary plat. Subdivisions may be submitted for final approval in consecutive sections, provided that preliminary plat and improvement plan approval has been given for the entire subdivision.
All items as required by Sections 12-5-7 and 12-5-8 of this title shall be submitted to the Plan Commission as follows:
Two copies of the final plat application;
Original tracing and two copies of final plat and vicinity map;
Original tracing and four copies of approved improvement plans;
Final plat fee of the $150;
One copy of financial guarantees approved by the state's attorney in an amount stated by the City engineer.
The Plan Commission may request additional copies of any of the above items and any other additional information deemed necessary. Within five working days after the date of submission, the Plan Commission shall determine if all the items as required by Sections 12-5-7 and 12-5-8 of this title have been submitted. If all the required items have not been submitted, the Plan Commission shall notify the subdivider of such omissions.
Submission Of Plans And Specifications: Prior to the time of submission of the final plat of subdivision, final plans and specifications for improvements shall be submitted in triplicate to the Plan Commission and shall include at least the following:
Detailed drawings of a grading plan, street improvements plan, sanitary sewer improvements plan and water system improvements plan;
Plans and profiles drawn at a scale not to exceed one inch equals 100 feet horizontally and one inch equals 10 feet vertically indicating additional horizontal and vertical location of streets, sewers, appurtenances and the existing grade;
Detailed material and construction specifications concerning the work to be performed including general conditions of the contract acceptable by the City;
Upon receipt of these final plans, the Plan Commission shall refer same to the City engineer for his comments and corrections. The City engineer shall review these plans for compliance with the City requirements, and shall return them together with his recommendations to the Plan Commission. The City engineer may, at his discretion, confer with the engineer for the developer concerning correction to the final plans prior to his final approval. All final plans shall be submitted on 24 inches by 36 inches cloth or paper and shall bear the signature and seal of the Illinois registered professional engineer under whose directions they were prepared.
Preparation, Submission: The original and two copies of the final plat and other material required for approval shall be prepared as specified in Chapter 5 of this title, shall be submitted to the Plan Commission within 12 months after approval of the preliminary plat; otherwise, preliminary plat approval shall become null and void unless an extension of time to be indicated on a development schedule is applied for and is granted by the Plan Commission.
Approval, Disapproval: Within 30 days after application for approval of the final plat, the Plan Commission shall approve or disapprove it. If the Plan Commission gives its approval, it shall affix its seal upon the plat together with the certifying signature of its chairman and secretary. If it disapproves it, it shall set forth its reasons in its own records and provide the applicant with a copy.
Disapproval: Should the Plan Commission determine to disapprove the final plat, written notice of such action, including reference to the regulations or regulation violated by the plat, shall be mailed to the subdivider. The action shall also be entered on the official records of the Plan Commission.
Approval Without Commission Action: In the event the Plan Commission fails to act upon the final plat within 30 days from the date of its official filing, or within a mutually agreed upon extension, the final plat shall be deemed to have been approved by the commission. After approval of the final plat by the Plan Commission and the fulfillment of the requirements of these regulations, one tracing of the final plat of the subdivision, drawn in ink on tracing cloth or other permanent base, shall be submitted to the City Council for approval.
Council Action: Action must be taken by the City Council within 60 days after the final plat has been submitted to them for approval.
Recording: Upon approval by the City Council, the City Clerk shall record the plat in the office of the recorder of deeds of Logan County, Illinois. The City Clerk shall also maintain a file of all approved plats and supporting materials.