[Ord. 287, 11-6-1989]
The salaries of all officers and regular employees of the City, unless otherwise provided, shall be payable by the City Treasurer monthly, on the first day of each month upon warrants drawn by the City Clerk, signed by said Clerk and the Mayor. No warrant shall, however, be drawn in favor of any officer for payment of his salary if said person may be in default or arrears to the City.
[1960 Code, Sec. 1.46.020]
Witnesses and jurors attending or serving before any court of record in any suit or action for the recovery of any fine or penalty under the ordinances of the City shall, in case judgment be obtained against the offender, be entitled to the same fees as are allowed by statute in like cases; provided, that no costs shall be taxed against the City in any suit and no City officer shall be entitled to any witness fees in any action for a violation of any City ordinance, where the City is plaintiff.
[1960 Code, Sec. 1.46.050]
The compensation to be paid to any person appointed as superintendent of special assessments shall be based on the estimate of costs of such improvement adopted by the board of local improvements and shall be payable at the following rates:
Up to the first $6,000
Above $6,000 to and including $12,000
Above $12,000 to and including the next $15,000
1 1/2%
Above $27,000
[1960 Code, Sec. 1.46.030]
Any officer or other person entitled under the provisions of this chapter to charge and receive any fees or costs who shall ask, demand or receive any greater sum than he is authorized to charge by the provisions hereof, or who shall knowingly charge a fee for any service where none is allowed him by this chapter, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50 for each and every such offense.
[Ord. 669, 2-19-2008]
Current and future employees of the City of Lincoln, not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, may reside anywhere within 10 miles of the City limits of the City of Lincoln, Illinois.
[Ord. 498, 2-7-2000]
As a condition of employment, all applicants applying for employment with the City shall provide proof of registration with selective service, or in the alternative, provide written verification that said applicant is not required to register with selective service. This shall not apply to employees of the City hired prior to the effective date hereof. This shall only be a condition of employment so long as the selective service system is mandated by federal law.