[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
There is hereby created the office of City Administrator, an administrative office of the City.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. The City Administrator shall be chosen by the Mayor and said choice shall be considered by the Council solely on the basis of the individual's executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to actual experience in or knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the duties of his office hereinafter set forth and specific professional education for, actual experience in, and knowledge of accepted practice in respect to the administration of local government. Such requirements and qualifications are hereby declared to be of a nature as to require technical training or knowledge.
During the absence or disability of the City Administrator, the Mayor, with the advice and the consent of the City Council, may designate some properly qualified person to act as City Administrator pro tempore to perform the duties of the office.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
The Administrator shall become a resident of the City within one year following the date of appointment, unless this requirement is specifically waived or varied by contract authorized by the City Council, and entered into with the Administrator, covering the terms and conditions of residency.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
The term of the office of the City Administrator shall be not shorter than one year nor longer than the term of the Mayor appointing the Administrator. The City Administrator may resign from office or may be removed therefrom only in such manner as is provided by the statutes of the state pertaining to the resignation or the removal of the appointed officers.
Appointment may be terminated by the Administrator upon 30 days' written notice to the Mayor and the City Council prior to such termination. This section shall not preclude the City Council from establishing other employment terms and conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter or this Code.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
Before entering upon the duties of his office, the City Administrator shall furnish a surety bond in the amount of $150,000 to be approved by the City Council, said bond to be conditioned on the faithful performance of the Administrator's duties. The premium of the bond shall be paid by the City.
Before entering upon the duties of his office, the City Administrator shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the statutes of the state in such case provided.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
The City Administrator shall receive compensation in such amount and manner as the Council shall fix from time to time.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011; amended Ord. 2020-919, 3-3-2020]
The City Administrator, subject to the limitations defined in resolutions and ordinances of the City and state statutes, shall be the chief administrative officer of the City, shall report directly to the Mayor, shall be responsible to the Mayor and the City Council for the proper administration of the business affairs of the City, pursuant to the statutes of the state, the ordinances of the City, and the resolutions, motions, and directives of the corporate authorities with powers and duties as follows:
General Duties:
Plan, integrate, and evaluate the work and function of all City departments to ensure that operations and services comply with all applicable laws and regulations, direction as set by the Mayor, and the policies as adopted by the City Council.
Assess community and citizen needs and ensure objectives and priorities are focused on meeting those needs effectively, efficiently, and with high quality services.
Direct and prepare analyses and recommendations on public policy issues before the Council and on short and long term plans for City services.
Prepare news releases and materials for dissemination to the media and the public; maintain effective relationships with the media.
Assess the information technology assets of the City; develop, implement, and monitor an information technology program designed to ensure IT assets are appropriate and effective for the services needed by the City and the community.
Participate in professional and community organizations on behalf of the City; maintain good working relationships with key community constituencies.
Participate in regional, state, and national meetings and conferences to stay abreast of municipal trends and technology related to municipal operations.
Be kept apprised of all City operations.
Responsibilities To The City Council:
Attend all meetings of the City Council and be present for all discussions, unless excused by the Mayor or a majority vote of the City Council. Assist the Mayor and the City Council as required in the performance of their duties.
Assist in the preparation of agendas for all meetings of the City Council, all City Council committees, and all other appropriate committees and commissions of the City, together with such supporting materials as may be required; with nothing herein being construed as to give the City Administrator authority to limit or in any way prevent matters from being considered by the City Council or any of its committees and commissions.
Assist in the preparation of ordinances and resolutions as requested by the Mayor or the City Council.
Keep the Mayor and the City Council regularly informed about the activities of the City Administrator's office by oral or written report at regular and special meetings of the City Council.
In the event that action requiring City Council approval is necessary at a time when the City Council cannot meet, the City Administrator shall receive directives from the Mayor.
The City Administrator shall work with the corporate authorities to recommend employee policies and regulations; however, the department heads shall remain responsible for the implementation of the policies and regulations in their respective departments.
Recommend to the Mayor the appointment, suspension, or termination of department heads, and when necessary, for the good of the City, the suspension or termination of other City employees.
Be responsible for all collective bargaining processes of the City and recommend to the Mayor and City Council collective bargaining agreements for consideration and possible final approval by the Council. The City Administrator shall be responsible for administering all employee organization contracts reached through the collective bargaining process, except as provided herein.
Propose to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration such personnel rules and regulations as the Administrator deems necessary to manage the personnel policies of the City.
Assist with the preparation of the annual budget and City budget proceedings, in accordance with guidelines as may be provided by the finance committee and/or the City Council and in coordination with department heads, and pursuant to state statutes, for review and approval by the Mayor and City Council.
Administer the budget as adopted by the City Council and advise the Mayor and City Council regularly as to the present financial condition and future financial requirements of the City.
Report regularly to the City Council on the current fiscal position of the City.
Understand and be familiar with the accounting system of the City to ensure that the system employs methods in accordance with current professional accounting practices; and recommend any changes to the Mayor and City Council.
Coordinate and direct the City's efforts to secure alternative funding for City services including grant writing and other appropriate measures.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
No officer of the City shall dictate the appointment of any person to, or removal from, office by the City Administrator or by any of the Administrator's subordinates. Except for the purpose of inquiry, officers shall deal with the administrative service through the City Administrator and officers shall not give orders to any subordinates of the City Administrator, either publicly or privately.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
The term "City Council", whenever used herein, refers to the entire City Council, sitting as one body, and not to the individual members thereof. No individual member of the City Council shall have any direct authority over the City Administrator.
[Ord. 2011-731, 9-19-2011]
The terms of this chapter may only be amended, waived or varied by City Council ordinance or by a contract authorized by the City Council, and entered into with the Administrator, covering the terms and conditions of this chapter.