[Ord. 6759, passed 9-23-1982]
No person, firm or corporation, in person or by his agent, employee or servant, shall cast, throw, sweep, sift or deposit in any manner in or upon any public way or other public place in the City or any river, canal, public water, drain, sewer or receiving basin within the jurisdiction of the City, any kind of dirt, rubbish, garbage, household garbage, waste article, thing or substance whatsoever, whether liquid or solid. No person, firm or corporation shall cast, throw, sweep, sift or deposit any of the aforementioned items anywhere within the jurisdiction of the City in such manner that it may be carried or deposited in whole or in part, by the action of the sun, wind, rain or snow, into any of the aforementioned places. However, this section shall not apply to the deposit of material under a permit authorized by any City ordinance; or to goods, wares or merchandise deposited upon any public way or other public place temporarily, in the necessary course of trade, and removed therefrom within two hours after being so deposited; or to articles or things deposited in or conducted into the City sewer system through lawful drains in accordance with City ordinances relating thereto.
No person, firm or corporation, in person or by his or its agent, employee or servant, shall use any vehicle to haul any kind of dirt, rubbish, waste articles, things or substance, whether liquid or solid, unless such vehicle is covered to prevent any part of its load from spilling or dropping at all times while such vehicle is in motion on any street or alley in the City. However, the requirements herein for covering such vehicles shall not apply to vehicles carrying brush cuttings, tree trimmings, branches, logs and similar waste material, if such matter is securely lashed to such vehicle to prevent spilling or dropping as aforesaid.
The definitions of terms set forth in Section 951.01 of the Codified Ordinances are applicable to this section.
[Ord. 397, passed 5-27-1890]
No person, firm or corporation shall throw, put, place, deposit or dump any dirty or filthy water of any kind, upon, into or near any street, alley, ditch, gutter, public place, vacant lot or stream within the City.
[Ord. 6002, passed 8-27-1963]
No person shall block any unordained street or alley in any manner, which is used by or the use of which is permitted by the public generally, or upon which persons other than the owners are permitted.
[Ord. 6002, passed 8-27-1963]
This article shall not apply to the orderly distribution of handbills, nor shall it repeal any ordinance heretofore passed except as the same is entirely inconsistent, but this article shall be an additional prohibition to prevent unsanitary, unsafe and unsightly nuisances in the City upon land not used or occupied exclusively by the owners thereof.
[Ord. 6908, passed 12-11-1986]
All police officers and code enforcement officials are directed and required to enforce this article. Nothing that shall be done by an employee, agent or officer of the City in the enforcement thereof shall be construed or taken to be an ordination or adoption of any dedicated street or highway or public place.
[Ord. 6908, passed 12-11-1986]
Whoever violates any provision of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code. Each violation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense and subject the violator thereof to a separate penalty under the provisions of this article.
Any person providing the City with information leading to a conviction shall be entitled to a reward in an amount equal to one-half of the fine which is collected and received by the City.