[Ord. 4890, passed 7-3-1946]
No person shall use or maintain any land in the City from the effective date of Ordinance 4890, passed July 3, 1946, without having first obtained a special permit from Council for such use.
[Ord. 4890, passed 7-3-1946]
Any person, who is now using any land within the City for the storage of junk or abandoned automobiles or as wrecking yards, junk yards, dumps or places for the demolition or storage of junk or discarded or worn out materials, and who has an established and vested right to continue such use, may make application to Council for a special permit to use land in a Heavy Industrial District of the City for such purposes as that person then has a vested right to use other land in the City. In consideration that such person will wholly abandon such nonconforming uses of such other land, Council may issue to such person a permit to use certain specifically described land in a Heavy Industrial District for the storage of junk or abandoned automobiles, or as wrecking yards, junk yards, dumps or places for the demolition or storage of junk or discarded or worn out materials, upon the following conditions:
The permittee shall first file in the office of the City Engineer a full and complete description of the land to be used for the purposes, and he shall not thereafter be permitted to extend such nonconforming uses to any other land than that described and on file with the City Engineer.
He shall, at all times, furnish to the City a policy of public and property liability insurance, with the same limits as are contained in the liability insurance carried by the City to guarantee and secure the payment of all damages to persons and property arising out of the use of such land.
The permittee shall keep the land at all times in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall not permit the same to become a private or a public nuisance. If he neglects to keep the property and the materials stored thereon so that the use of the property becomes a private or a public nuisance, and is so declared by a court of competent jurisdiction, his permit shall thereupon be revoked and invalid.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.