[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
No station, pump or place of business for the sale of gasoline, diesel fuel, liquid propane gas or any compound fuel containing gasoline, in quantities of over one gallon, shall hereafter be established or operated in the City without first obtaining a permit therefor from Council.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
Any person, firm or corporation wishing to establish or operate a station, pump or place of business for the sale of gasoline and related petroleum products shall, before doing so, make a written application for a permit to so establish and operate such business on a form furnished by the City Clerk. The application shall state the location of such proposed business, the kind of business to be conducted and such other information as may be reasonably required. Such application shall be filed with the City Clerk and transmitted by the Clerk to Council for its approval or disapproval at a regularly scheduled Council meeting.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
Upon receiving such application, the City Clerk shall notify the Fire Chief and the Building inspector that such application has been filed, informing them of the location and nature of the business and of the date that the matter is to be considered by Council. Upon receipt of the information from the Clerk, the Fire Chief shall make or cause to be made an investigation into the proposed business and location with a view to determining whether or not such proposed business would in any way endanger life or property or constitute a fire hazard and make a written report back to the Clerk of his findings. In the event he recommends denial of the permit, his reasons for such recommendation shall be fully set forth in his report. Upon receipt of the information from the Clerk, the Building Inspector shall make or cause to be made, an investigation with a view to determining whether or not the proposed business complies with all zoning and building regulations applicable and shall make a written report back to the Clerk of his findings. In the event he recommends denial of the permit, his reasons for such recommendation shall be fully set forth in his report. The reports required by the Fire Chief and Building Inspector shall be filed no later than five days prior to the Council meeting at which the application is to be considered by Council and shall be attached to and made a part of the application and transmitted along with the application to Council.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
In granting or refusing such a permit, Council shall have the right to, and shall consider, the character of the property in the vicinity of such proposed location of such business and the effect of its establishment in that particular location on the public health, safety and general welfare, and shall further consider the creation of traffic conditions and hazards in the public streets adjoining such proposed location. No permit shall be granted for the construction, operation or maintenance of any such business at any location where, in the discretion of Council, by reason of traffic conditions or fire explosion hazards or other reasons, such business would imperil the public health, welfare or safety, or create unreasonable and hazardous traffic conditions in the area.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
If Council approves the issuance of such permit for the establishment and maintenance of such business, the City Clerk shall be authorized to issue a permit for the operation of such business.
[Ord. 6499, passed 10-25-1973; Ord. 7833, passed 9-13-2007]
Such permit shall be issued and renewed annually on May 1 of each year upon payment of a fee to the City Treasurer according to the following schedule:
Gasoline and Private Gasoline Filling Stations and Bulk Gasoline Stations
Fee Per Year
Tank or Container (Gallons Capacity)
Less than 100,000
100,000 to 150,000
More than 150,000
However, in the event a permit is issued subsequent to May 1 of any year, the amount thereof shall be such proportion of the total annual permit fee as the period remaining in the permit year bears to the full permit year. In such computation a major fraction of a month shall be considered a month, and a minor fraction of a month disregarded.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969; Ord. 6284, passed 7-10-1969]
All businesses permitted under the provisions of this article shall be subject to the following general conditions and regulations:
Driveways. No gasoline filling station or public garage shall have more than two driveways, the maximum width of which shall not exceed 30 feet at the curb line in the case of filling stations, and 15 feet at the curb line in the case of public garages. No such driveway shall be constructed as to change the grade line or surface of any public street, sidewalk or alley.
Servicing vehicles on public property prohibited. No gasoline pump, oil pits, wash racks or hoist shall be set nearer than 25 feet to the street line, and all automobiles and other vehicles being serviced shall be so parked as to be entirely on the property of the owner or operator of such gasoline filling station or public garage. No such vehicle shall be serviced while any portion thereof is standing or parked upon the public street or sidewalk.
Safety regulations. All pumps, hoses, tanks and other devices for the storage, handling and delivery of gasoline shall be of a type approved by Underwriters Laboratory, Inc., and all such pumps, hoses, tanks and other devices shall be kept in good condition and in proper working order at all times. Fire extinguishers and other safety apparatus shall be installed as directed by the Fire Chief and shall be kept in good order at all times.
Lavatories. All toilet rooms and lavatories in gasoline filling stations and public garages shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall be provided with paper or towels and toilet tissue.
Drainage. No waste substances and no wash water, oil, gasoline or other liquid shall be permitted to flow or drain from the premises of any gasoline filling station or public garage onto any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public place.
Inspections. All such businesses shall be subject to inspection by the Fire Chief at all reasonable times and it is hereby made the duty of the Chief to inspect tanks and equipment of all such businesses as to safety from fire or explosion hazards, at least once in each year.
Disabled vehicles. No operator or owner of any such business shall permit the storage of a disabled vehicle for a period in excess of 24 hours upon the premises unless such vehicle is enclosed in an enclosure or building secure against access by the public.
Character of operation. No operator or owner of any such business shall cause or permit major repairs to be made to any vehicle, other than emergency repairs, outside of the building on the premises and in no event shall an owner or operator permit loud noises and banging which interferes with the peace and quiet of neighboring residential property after 7:00 p.m.
[Ord. 6284, passed 7-10-1969]
A permit fee for each driveway authorized under this article shall be $2 for each 10 feet of length or fraction thereof.
[Ord. 6284, passed 7-10-1969]
Council upon an appeal and after hearing may approve more than two driveways for a gasoline filling station or public garage and may approve a curb cut in excess of 30 feet at the curb line in the case of filling stations and 15 feet at the curb line in the case of public garage, and the location of gasoline pumps, oil pits, wash racks and hoist to alleviate hardships.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
Any person who is in default to the City by reason of nonpayment of any taxes or is in default for any other reason shall not be entitled to a permit or renewal thereof under the provisions of this article.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
If any provision of this article, or its application to any person or circumstances, shall be deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this article, or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected.
[Ord. 6660, passed 7-13-1978]
Whenever any gasoline filling service station becomes abandoned, such station shall be presumed to be a nuisance, affecting surrounding property values and to be detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, property or general welfare of the City and shall be abated. "Abandoned" as defined herein is the failure to operate any gasoline filling service station for at least three consecutive months.
Whenever the Director of Code Enforcement finds any gasoline filling service station to be abandoned within the meaning of this section, he shall give notice, in the same manner as the service of summons in civil cases or by certified mail addressed to the owner of record of the premises at his last known address or the address where tax bills are sent or by any combination of the foregoing methods, to abate such abandoned station within 60 days either by:
Placing such service station and operation in accordance with the Building and Fire Prevention Codes;
Adapting and using the building for another building use permitted under the Zoning Code, provided the service station pumps, tanks, and signs are removed; or
Razing service station structure and removing the pumps, tanks and signs.
All abandoned underground gasoline or storage tanks shall be removed. The removal of underground tanks shall be performed in accordance with safety practices as prescribed in Appendix C-4 and Appendix C-5 of the National Fire Protection Pamphlet No. 30 and under supervision of the Bureau of Fire of the City. Under no circumstances shall any structure be erected above any abandoned underground tank. When it has been removed, the Director of Code Enforcement shall supervise the necessary filling and grading of the area.
Upon the failure, neglect or refusal of any owner to comply with the notice to abate such abandonment, the Director of Code Enforcement shall take such action as may be necessary to abate such nuisance.
Inoperative gasoline filling service stations which are not "abandoned," as defined herein, shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Building and Fire Prevention Codes and the owner shall cut all grass and remove all rubbish and weeds from the premises. The parking of motor vehicles upon the premises shall be prohibited and the owner shall place a sign of at least 10 square feet in the window of such service station notifying the public of this fact. Notwithstanding any other provisions of any City ordinance, the Director of Code Enforcement finds that such notice is not complied with by the public, he may order the owner of which any station is inoperative for more than three months to install fencing or barricades approved by the Director which shall be sufficient to block motor vehicles to such property.
[Ord. 6274, passed 4-24-1969]
Any person violating the provisions of this article shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both. Each day such violation occurs or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and may be punished as such.