[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
All domestic, commercial and industrial refuse accumulated or stored upon any property by a contractor or subcontractor within the City shall be collected and removed by a responsible person or collector who shall have a permit registered with the City and shall be disposed in an area authorized by and approved by the City in accordance with State regulations.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
The following terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless a different meaning appears clearly from the context:
ASHES — Residue from burning of coal, coke or other combustible materials.
DISPOSAL — Storage, collection, disposal or handling of garbage.
GARBAGE — All animal and vegetable waste resulting from handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods.
PERSON — Any natural person, association, partnership, firm or corporation.
REFUSE — All solid waste, except human body waste, including garbage, ashes and rubbish.
RUBBISH — Glass, metal, plastic, paper, plant growth, wood or non-putrescible solid waste.
SOLID WASTE — Any waste, including but not limited to, Municipal, residual or hazardous waste, including solidified liquids, semi-solids or contained gaseous materials.
The singular shall include the plural; the plural shall include the singular; and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
No person shall collect, remove, haul or convey any refuse through or upon any of the streets or alleys of the City or dispose of the same in any manner or place without obtaining a permit through the Director of Code Enforcement.
Every person who applies for a permit under this section shall state the type or types of refuse to be collected, the manner of collection, and the place and method of disposal.
No permit shall be granted if the place and method of disposal does not conform to the requirements of this article.
No collector with a permit shall make any change in the arrangements for disposal of refuse collected by him without first receiving the approval of the City.
It shall be unlawful to permit a collector without a permit to collect or remove garbage from any household.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
Each collector applying for a permit shall provide either evidence of ownership of an approved disposal area or evidence of a valid agreement, not subject to cancellation, covering use of an approved disposal area. Such evidence shall accompany the application for permit.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
The contractor granted the permit shall not in any manner be construed as an agent, servant or employee of the City, but shall, at all times, be considered and remain an independent contractor.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
Any violation of these specifications shall be sufficient cause for the immediate cancellation of the permit.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
Faithful performance must be of the essence of the permit unless prevented by unavoidable accident, act of God or public immunity, or any restrictions or embargoes imposed by the Federal government, or any agency thereof; and it is understood and agreed that all materials shall be collected, removed and disposed of in a skillful and businesslike manner, satisfactory to the City.
[Ord. 6972, passed 12-8-1988]
All contract carriers presently operating, who have entered into an existing contract with a resident of the City providing for the collection of that resident's refuse, shall be permitted to continue collecting the refuse of that resident for the duration of the contract. At the expiration of the contract, the contract carrier shall be required to effect complete compliance with the permit requirements within this article and shall be bound by permit requirements as to the collection of refuse from any new resident and shall be subject to the permit requirements of this article with respect to any contract entered into between the carrier and a resident of the City after the effective date of this article.
Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.