[Ord. 1232, passed 7-24-1900]
No person in charge of any locomotive, train or car shall stand upon any street or highway crossing in the City for a longer time than five minutes. No person in charge of any locomotive or car, when detached from a train, shall stand such upon any street or highway at any time.
When any police officer finds any car, locomotive or train is standing on any street or highway crossing longer than five minutes to the interruption and obstruction of the public travel, it shall be his duty to direct the person in charge of such car, locomotive or train, to immediately clear the crossing, and in case he refuses or unreasonably neglects to clear the crossing, it shall be the duty of the officer to file complaint for a violation of this section.
[Ord. 1232, passed 7-24-1900]
Any railroad company, whether owner or lessee, whose conductor, engineer or other person having the charge of any locomotive, car or train, violates any provision of this article; and any company, conductor, engineer, employee or other person having the control of any locomotive, car or train, who violates any provision of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code. Where conviction is against any conductor, engineer or other person in charge of a locomotive, car or train, in default of the payment of fine and costs, the person convicted may be imprisoned. Where the judgment for the penalty is against the railroad company, the same with costs may be collected by execution or other legal process.