[Ord. 4219, passed 1-3-1930]
No person shall sell any coal or coke within the City at retail otherwise than by weight.
[Ord. 4219, passed 1-30-1930; Ord. 5364, passed 5-18-1953]
No person shall see any coal or coke at retail within the City until such person has obtained from the Sealer of Weights and Measures a license to do so. The Sealer is authorized to issue a license to all reputable and responsible persons who apply for a retail coal and coke license, upon the payment of a license fee of $3. The Sealer shall issue to the dealer with his license a license plate to be attached to the truck or vehicle in which the coal or coke is to be delivered. Any licensed dealer may procure from the Sealer additional license plates to be used on additional trucks or vehicles at the rate of $1.50 each. All licenses and license plates accompanying the same shall be valid from January 1 to December 31 of the year of issue. No dealer shall deliver coal or coke within the City in any vehicle which does not bear a license plate issued under this article for the year in which the delivery is made.
[Ord. 4219, passed 1-3-1930]
No person shall sell, deliver or attempt to deliver any coal or coke at retail within the City without first having the same weighed upon a scale inspected and approved by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. No owner or keeper of any scale upon which coal or coke is weighed shall weigh such coal or coke without giving to the person in charge of the vehicle in which the coal or coke is being delivered a weigh bill or delivery ticket in duplicate for the same. No person shall deliver any coal or coke or sell the same at retail without having obtained from the weigh master who has weighed the coal or coke, a duplicate weigh bill or delivery ticket. All such weigh bills and delivery tickets shall be made out upon a form to be approved by the Sealer of Weights and Measures and shall express on the face thereof distinctly in pounds avoirdupois the gross weight of the load; the tare of the delivery vehicle and the net weight of the coal or coke, and shall be signed by the person who weighs the coal or coke. The person in charge of the delivery vehicle shall deliver to the purchaser of the coal or coke one copy of the weigh bill or duplicate ticket. The other copy of the weigh bill or duplicate ticket shall be kept on file in the office or place of business of the dealer selling the coal or coke, and all such weigh bills and delivery tickets shall always be kept available for inspection by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, and shall be surrendered to the Sealer at any time that the Sealer demands the same, either by the dealer or by the driver of the vehicle in which the coal or coke is delivered.
[Ord. 4219, passed 1-3-1930]
At times required by the City Treasurer, the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall report all licenses issued and deposit with the City Treasurer all money received therefore. The City Purchasing Agent shall procure for the Sealer all license plates, books and records necessary for the enforcement of this article.
[Ord. 4219, passed 1-3-1930]
Any person who violates any provision of this article or who sells or offers for sale at retail any coal or coke without complying with all of the provisions of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code. However, no conviction for the violation of the provisions of this article shall in any way release any person from liability for violation of any State Statute or any other City ordinance.