[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423[1]]
The Department of Community and Economic Development shall be responsible for the administration and coordination of programs, projects and activities relating to and in support of community, housing, and economic development with funds derived from non-general-fund sources. It shall coordinate with other City authorities, boards and commissions in applying for and carrying out activities funded through the City and/or applied for directly by said agencies. The Department shall employ required technical and professional staff and consultants, provided sufficient funds are budgeted and approved by Council.
Editor's Note: Former Art. 151, Department of Community and Economic Development, adopted 6-1-2010 by Ord. No. 7926, was repealed 11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8422.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The duties of the Department of Community and Economic Development shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
Plan and formulate a variety of community development activities and programs related to housing, public facilities and improvements, economic investment and development.
Oversee the City's community development block grant program (CDBG).
Coordinate the preparation of applications for funding of specific projects and/or programs.
Prepare reports on funding availability and progress on approved funded projects and programs.
Work with other City departments and local agencies in identifying community programs and needs along with assisting the City Administrator and Council in establishing priorities for funding.
Conduct public meetings with citizen and neighborhood organizations.
Maintain liaison with county, state and federal agencies and officials.
Addresses economic development initiatives identified in the City's Act 47 Recovery Plan and Exit Plan along with other related initiatives.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The Department of Community and Economic Development shall be headed by a director, who shall be an individual who is a qualified and experienced administrator knowledgeable in matters of community development. The person selected shall have the following:
Knowledge of federal and state grant programs including CDBG, municipal government structures.
Ability to complete complex research and report preparation assignments.
Ability to prepare oral and written reports.
Ability to maintain effective working relationships with local business leaders, business association officials, and nonprofit organizations.
Working knowledge of technology, office software and social media.
Public speaking ability.
Public relations skills.
Knowledge/ability to learn HTML (website management).
Considerable ability to work independently and to exercise independent judgment and initiative.
Ability to understand and interpret complex plans and specifications and to prepare technical reports.
Ability to prioritize and coordinate the work of an office.
Ability to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with building owners, architects, contractors, officials, the public, etc.
In selecting a Director, the following minimum qualifications and experience are preferred:
Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor's degree with major work in economics, public or business administration or a related field plus two years of professional experience in the finance or economic development aspects of municipal management.
Any equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skill, and abilities may be considered.
Must possess a valid driver's license.
Shall be able to travel throughout the City and other parts of the state for training workshops, conferences and meetings with funding sources.
Shall be able to communicate with a variety of people on all aspects of the job. This includes the ability to speak clearly to large gatherings of people.
The overall responsibilities of the Director include but are not limited to:
Participates in, facilitates and/or conducts negotiations with developers, businesses, and others regarding the public participation necessary for desired economic development.
Analyzes financial and market feasibility data on projects under negotiation including sources and uses of funds, cash flow analysis, security provisions, business profitability, underwriting, and related data.
Works with others to assemble cost estimates for various public actions such as land acquisition, relocation, demolition, and public improvements.
Researches and performs cost comparison analyses between proposed City development sites and alternative or competing development sites.
Conducts tax and public benefit analyses for economic development projects.
Prepares detailed written reports and recommendations for presentation to Council, developers, businesses, advisory boards, and community groups.
Makes oral presentations to public and private groups.
Provides technical assistance to startup and small companies.
Coordinates the downtown redevelopment plan.
Works with downtown merchants, the community development corporation, and other municipal and civic groups to plan downtown events designed to bring visitors to the area.
Works on smart growth programs such as Brownfield redevelopment and new land for commercial and industrial growth.
Participates in meetings with developers, businesses, citizens, community leaders, and City personnel on economic development projects and programs.
Acts as a City representative to various regional development groups such as the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce, New Castle Community Development Corporation and others.
Serves as a central point of contact for businesses, developers and contractors who use City economic development services including financial assistance, site selection assistance, urban renewal, and other municipal actions and services related to a specific project.
Prepares grant applications for the City.
Directs and assists in preparing department budget and accounts for expenditures.
Identifies and defines problems related to economic development.
Analyzes opportunities for promoting private development and for securing job creation and increased tax base investments.
Investigates sources of private and public financing in capital projects, development projects, tourism projects.
Maintains and updates inventory of available office, retail and industrial space.
Maintains and updates current business listings.
Maintains current industry profiles.
Tracks unemployment and growth statistics.
Maintains close communication with organizations concerned with development and tourism.
Implements a plan of promotion and publicity to bring tourism to the City or to assist the City in benefitting from regional efforts.
Administers incentive programs such as tax abatement, enterprise zone, and facade improvement programs.
Coordinates event scheduling, maintains a calendar of events, acts as point of contact for media inquiries (print, radio and television).
Responds to information requests.
Attends planning and zoning, Council and other meetings and hearings as required.
Maintains detailed records, prepares report of activities.
Performs other related duties as required.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The Director of Community and Economic Development shall report to and assist the City Administrator in preparing applications, budgets, programs and projects for presentation to Council for consideration and approval. Upon approval by Council of applications, budgets, programs and/or projects, the Director, working with and at the direction of the City Administrator, shall administer and implement funded programs and projects assigned to the Department. All contracts and agreements shall be provided to and approved by Council.
Staff shall be appointed as required by the City Administrator upon recommendation of the Director. Job descriptions and salary for each position shall be presented by the City Administrator to Council for approval.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
A Loan Review Committee shall be appointed consisting of five members. Three members shall be appointed by the Council and the persons selected should be knowledgeable in the areas of financing, real estate, accounting, contracting and construction procedures. Two ex officio members are the Chief Financial Officer and the Mayor or one Council member appointed by a majority of the Council. The Committee shall make recommendations on loan policy and guidelines, application forms and procedures and specific loans funded through various programs for housing and economic development. All recommendations of the Committee shall be presented to Council for approval.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The Director shall provide a quarterly written report on the status of activities and financial status related to all contracts and budgets to Council at a regularly scheduled meeting.