[Ord. 4725, passed 9-14-1942]
No person shall provide hives for or keep any bees within the City without first obtaining a permit from the Director of Code Enforcement. The Director shall have full discretion, when any one makes application for such a permit, to examine the reasons of the applicant and the condition of the place where the hives for bees are to be provided or the bees are to be kept and the condition of the surrounding neighborhood. If the Director determines that there are reasonable grounds for the granting of such a permit and that the health and general welfare and safety of the neighborhood in which the bees are to be kept will not be impaired thereby, he may grant such a permit which is revocable upon such restrictive terms and conditions as he determines are necessary or expedient under the circumstances.
[Ord. 4725, passed 9-14-1942]
The Director of Code Enforcement shall immediately revoke any permit to keep bees, the terms of which have been violated, or if, in his judgment at any time, the permit ought to be revoked under the circumstances.
Whoever violates any provision of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.