[Ord. 8031, passed 11-29-2012]
The City of New Castle proposes the following Plan of Administrative Improvement in investment performance:
The Board of Trustees of the Comprehensive Municipal Pension Trust Fund of the City of New Castle ("Trustees") will continue to manage the investment of assets of all three plans on a combined basis. The Trustees shall meet no less than quarterly to review investment performance and related bench marking.
The Trustees shall periodically review the asset allocation set forth in the Investment Policy Statement (IPS) to ensure diversification and to make sure the IPS is keeping with the actuarial interest assumption.
The Trustees will review the correlation of asset classes and seek methods to moderate portfolio risk and possibly augment performance.
The Trustees shall regularly review the liquidity requirements of the Fund.
The Trustees will review the structure of and the investments in the Comprehensive Trust checking account to see if the account structure can be improved.
An improved projection of future cash flow requirements:
The qualified actuary of the City pension plans shall continue to develop in the actuarial valuations cash receipts and disbursements of each plan. The valuation shall include a forecast of the City minimum municipal obligation as well as the ratio of the actuarial liability to the actuarial value of plan assets.
The City and qualified actuary shall meet no less than twice during each valuation cycle to review all actuarial assumptions and methods including the selection of the expected long-term rate of return, salary projections and mortality in order to ensure the City meets its intended funding objective.
Absent the occurrence of unpredictable adverse experience, the funding objective of the City will be to improve the funding level of the plans in accordance with the provisions of the Act 47 Recovery Plan.
With each valuation cycle the City shall receive the qualified actuary's opinion regarding the effect on future funding requirements of the voluntary remedies that decrease the minimum municipal obligation.
Other steps for administrative improvement:
The deposit of mandatory member contributions into the Fund as soon as administratively feasible following the withholding of these amounts from the members' pay.
The City shall deposit on a monthly basis as much of the minimum municipal obligation from January through September each fiscal year as its financial situation permits. Upon receipt of state aid, the City shall deposit in October the balance of the fiscal year's minimum municipal obligation as soon as is administratively and financially feasible.
In the next round of collective bargaining, the City will consider for presentation in bargaining, changes that could help the financial status of the pension plans such as those set forth in the Act 47 Recovery Plan, including a new hires plan for newly hired employees that will provide a lesser benefit than current employees enjoy.
Upon the retirement of any participant, the City shall institute a plan to ensure that the initial benefit calculation is checked for accuracy by a responsible City official that was not involved with the initial calculation. When the amount of any retirement benefit has changed, the City shall institute a plan to have the benefit calculation checked for accuracy by a City official that was not involved with the original calculation.
The City will institute a program to regularly sample benefit checks to ensure that they match the underlying retirement calculations.
The City will institute a program to periodically review the eligibility of beneficiaries (surviving spouses and surviving children) to ensure that these beneficiaries have remained eligible for benefit payments.
The City shall review recent Auditor General audit reports to ensure that any findings or observations have been adequately addressed.
The City shall regularly review all costs associated with maintenance of the Trust.
The City shall ensure that any new contracts for professional services are let in compliance with Act 44 of 2009.
The City shall review Act 44 disclosure forms and take appropriate action to address any conflicts of interest.
The City shall continue to look for ways to automate/computerize administrative functions.
The City shall discuss regularly with the Act 47 team and pension counsel initiatives to improve the funded status of the Plans.
The City shall periodically perform a self-assessment of its efforts to improve the administrative functions of the Plans.
The City will continue to maintain the qualified status of the Plan under the Internal Revenue Code.