[Ord. 6679, passed 12-29-1978]
The City of New Castle does hereby affirm and accept the provision of the General County Assessment Law in accordance with the optional provision set forth in the Act of Assembly dated May 21, 1943, (P.L. 571), Article 1, Section 104, as amended October 13, 1965 (P.L. 307), Section 1 (72 P.S. § 5453.104), and the subsequent amendments thereto.
[Ord. 6679, passed 12-29-1978]
The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this article approved by the Mayor, accompanied by a statement of the vote thereon, with the names of the members of Council voting for and against the article, to the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and to the Commissioners of Lawrence County.
[Ord. 6712, passed 12-30-1980]
The predetermined ratio established by the City to determine the various assessed valuations for City tax purposes shall be 100% for the year 1981 and thereafter.
The terms and provisions of this article shall be effective in such manner as shall enable the City to adopt County valuations as its basis for the assessment of City properties in the fiscal year 1981 and thereafter on a predetermined ratio of 100%.