[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
Council shall from time to time designate a reliable and qualified firm of consulting engineers as its consultants to assist the City Engineer in preparing the necessary plans, and supervise the execution of the same, for the extension of either the storm or the sanitary sewer systems of the City beyond the bounds of the City into adjacent municipalities in the County of Lawrence.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
Wherever in this article the City sewer system is referred to, it includes all extensions of that system which are now constructed and maintained by the City outside the limits of the City and any extensions, enlargements, improvements or additions to equipment which may hereafter be added to the present City sewer system in order to maintain that system adequately to take care of City sewerage.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
The City may from time to time negotiate and execute contracts with such neighboring municipalities, the County of Lawrence or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and with all corporations, institutions, persons and municipalities in the County of Lawrence in accordance with law, and the rules and regulations of the State Public Utility Commission, whereby storm and sanitary sewer service shall be extended to the respective localities according to plans therefor, which shall be recommended by the consulting engineers of the City and agreed to by all of the parties interested in and concerned with such extensions. All such contracts, which are required by law to be approved by the Public Utility Commission, shall be submitted to the Commission for approval and shall be effective to bind the City only when the same have been approved or certified as unopposed by the Commission, as the law of the Commonwealth provides.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
Insofar as possible, extensions of the City sewer system and connections therewith will be made under the provisions of separate contracts made between the City and the several townships and other governing authorities, which contracts shall contain all of the particular details of the service to be rendered by the City and the obligations of the other contracting authority thereunder. Such details shall be worked out by the consulting engineers of the City and approved by the City, and when such contracts have been accepted by the other governing authority concerned therewith, they shall be submitted to the Public Utility Commission as provided by law. Such contracts shall provide the rates to be paid for the service rendered by the City to the township and its inhabitants, and insofar as it is practicable, such contracts shall provide that all charges for individual sewerage service within any territory shall be collected and accounted for to the City by the governing authority of that territory.
Where, however, it is expedient or necessary that sewerage service be extended to individuals, corporations, institutions or persons, whose properties can only be connected directly to a City sewer, any contract made with the governing authority of the territory concerned shall provide that applications by the property owner for such service must be made first to such governing authority and by it submitted to the City. When such procedure is necessary or expedient, there must be a provision in the contract with the governing authority of the territory concerned that the sewerage service shall be charged and paid for according to a certain schedule of rates based upon the amount of water consumed by the individual patron of the sewer service or upon the number of water fixtures in use on the property of the individual patron of the sewer service, which schedule of rates shall be contained in the contract or separately filed with the Public Utility Commission as the rules and regulations of the Commission and the law of the Commonwealth shall require. If in any such case of direct service to individuals by the City, such individuals are not provided with City water service by the City of New Castle Water Company or some other organized water company, the sewerage service may be provided by the City outside of its limits and the service charge may be based on the number of water fixtures of the owners of the properties served, or the owners of the property served may provide adequate facilities for the metering of any such sewerage which may be emptied into the City system at the rates provided in the contract. The City may refuse to give sewerage service outside of its limits unless the owners of properties served provide adequate facilities for the metering of any sewerage which such property owner may empty into the City sewer system.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
The terms and conditions of such contract and the rates and services provided for therein shall be based upon the conditions applying to each individual contract, rate or service and the contracts, rates and services provided for hereby need not all be uniform, but shall be determined in each individual case by a reasonable consideration of the conditions existing in each and every particular extension of the present sewerage service of the City.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
No extension of the sewerage systems of the City shall or may be made under the provisions of this article unless the sewerage facilities, property and equipment of the City shall be found to be adequate for extension, in the opinion of the consulting engineers of the City and the Mayor and Council of the City.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
Wherever any contract, whereby the sewerage facilities of the City shall be extended beyond the City limits for the service of individual residence properties and where individual residence properties outside the City are permitted to attach to the sewerage system of the City, the contract to be made by the City shall be made with the municipality thus to be served, and the municipality so served shall be charged with the construction, maintenance, regulation and control of all of the extensions of the City sewerage system lying within the corporate bounds of that municipality, subject to the terms thereof, so that the City shall deal directly and only with the officials of the municipality and the officials of such municipality shall be solely and only responsible for the observance by its residents and inhabitants of the terms of the contract governing the connection of the individual sewers involved with the sewerage system of the City of New Castle. Furthermore, it shall be provided that the officials of the municipality shall collect all rents and other charges which are to be paid to the City for the extension, construction, maintenance and use of such sewerage system and shall account to the City for all such collections.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
Whenever any such contract is made between any corporation, institution, person and/or municipality, there shall first be made a complete and detailed plan of the localities to be added to and extended from the sewer system of the City, and no person shall permit the use of such extension to the sewerage systems of the City, by or to any property which is not shown by such plan to be directly adjacent to the sewers shown on such plan.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
It shall be the intent and purpose of the City in the administration of the system provided for in this article to require the other municipalities, with which it shall contract for sewer service, to pay the whole cost of construction of the necessary sewer facilities within its borders and to maintain the same, including all incidental costs, and the other municipalities shall own all of any sewerage facilities which are installed within its borders under the provisions of this article or any of the contracts herein authorized, so that such sewerage facilities and system shall constitute an independent sewerage system of the other municipality, and the City shall have no interest in or obligation for any part of the same.
If, however, at any time it shall become necessary, in order to render the service provided for in any contract made under authority of this article, that the sewer system of the City, as it now exists or as it may be enlarged under authority of law, must be further enlarged, improved, reconstructed or equipped in order to accommodate and furnish the services contracted for under the authority of this article, provision shall be made in any contract entered into as herein provided, that the City may make such extension, enlargements, improvements or additions to equipment to meet that necessity in the way that shall be planned and recommended by the City Engineer or the consulting engineers of the City, and that the governing authority benefitted by such extensions, enlargements, improvements or additions to equipment shall pay to the City its proportionate share of the cost of the same.
Wherever it can be easily and expeditiously done by the City, the cost of such extensions, enlargements, improvements and additions to equipment shall be paid by the City in any of the ways provided for third class cities by law and reimbursement for its proportionate share thereof shall be made to the City by the other contracting municipality.
[Ord. 5525, passed 10-17-1955]
The City may take advantage of the provisions of Section 3260 of the Third Class City Code to the fullest extent and wherever possible the Council may in its discretion from time to time provide by contract or resolution for the issuance and sale of non-debt revenue bonds for sewer purposes, which issue of bonds shall be subject to all limitations and restrictions provided in the said Section 3260 of the Third Class City Code. The City may, however, issue bonds under the authority of the Municipality Borrowing Act for the purpose of maintaining, extending, enlarging, repairing, constructing or reconstructing its sewage disposal plant and equipment and its sewerage system within or without the limits of the City.
[Ord. 5619, passed 3-4-1957]
Hereafter, all moneys collected by the City Treasurer either as initial connecting charges or as rentals under authority of such contracts, shall be immediately set apart, segregated, and deposited in a special fund, to be designated "Special Sewer Improvement Fund" in the City Treasury, and the City Treasurer and the Department of Administration are directed and required to keep a separate and distinct account of the special fund; and shall and may not make any payments out of the Fund without a special appropriation of the money therein and direction by ordinance for the payment thereof.
[Ord. 5913, passed 7-11-1961]
The township, borough or authority shall pay to the City a tap-in fee in the amount of $54 for each sanitary sewer connection for residential purpose made to the City sanitary sewer system when such connection is made.
The township, borough or authority shall pay to the City for each sanitary sewer connection made to the City sewer system for residential purposes as rental, $2 per month per connection, payable quarterly.
[Ord. 5913, passed 7-11-1961]
The township, borough or authority shall pay to the City for each sanitary sewer connection made to the City sewer system for commercial purposes, when such connection is made, the following sum per unit:
Cubic Feet
Tap-in Fee
1,000 or less
Over 1,000 - 5,000
Over 5,000 - 7,000
Over 7,000 - 10,000
Over 10,000 - 15,000
Over 15,000 - 20,000
Over 20,000 - 40,000
Over 40,000 - 60,000
Over 60,000 - 80,000
80,000 - or over
The township, borough or authority shall pay to the City for each sanitary sewer connection made for commercial purposes as rental, the following sums per unit payable quarterly:
Cubic Feet
Rental Per Month
1,000 or less
Over 1,000 - 5,000
Over 5,000 - 7,000
Over 7,000 - 10,000
Over 10,000 - 15,000
Over 15,000 - 20,000
Over 20,000 - 40,000
Over 40,000 - 60,000
Over 60,000 - 80,000
80,000 - or over
[Ord. 5913, passed 7-11-1961]
The township, borough or authority shall pay to the City a tap-in-fee for each sanitary sewer connection made for a school in the amount of $54 for each classroom in the school building.
The township, borough or authority shall pay to the City as rental for each sanitary sewer connection made to the City sewer system for a school in the sum of $2 per month, payable quarterly for each classroom in the school building.
[Ord. 5913, passed 7-11-1961]
Tap-in fees and rentals for additional establishments not enumerated above and modifications of the above schedule may be fixed and established by the City from time to time.