[Ord. 8127, passed 3-26-2015]
The purpose of this article is the establish a process for enforcing Property Tax Distraints to enable the City of New Castle to collect Real Estate Taxes and establishing a civil penalty for tenants in possession who refuse to comply with a Property Tax Distraint Notice.
[Ord. 8127, passed 3-26-2015]
The Treasurer of the City of New Castle, through its authorized Agent recommended by the Mayor and approved by City Council, is hereby authorized to utilize and enforce the provisions of the Act of May 25, 1945, P.L. 1050, § 19; 72 P.S. § 5511.19. If any tenant fails to pay any rent to the City Treasurer following service of a notice of distraint, the City Treasurer, or other City officials, are authorized to issue a citation and/or institute civil litigation against such tenant for the tenant's failure to comply with the distraint. Such civil litigation and/or citation is authorized by the City Treasurer and may be prosecuted in the name of the City and initiated by any City official.
[Ord. 8127, passed 3-26-2015]
If any portion of this Ordinance is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unconstitutional, then it is deemed to be the intent of City Council that the balance of this Ordinance would have been enacted irrespective of said invalid portion.