[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423[1]]
All hiring, employment and promotions of City employees shall be made solely based on merit including their abilities, knowledge, skills, performance, and potential for greater responsibility as demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competence.
Editor's Note: Former Art. 165, Employment Provisions, adopted 6-8-1972 by Ord. No. 6430, as amended, was repealed 11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8422.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
No personnel-related ordinances, resolutions, policies, or procedures shall conflict with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that relate to collective bargaining.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
All fire and police employees shall be hired and promoted according to the civil service provisions as set forth in the Third Class City Code and/or the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as amended from time to time, and according to the City's civil service rules and regulations, as amended from time to time by the Council.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. 163, Civil Service Board.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
No City employee shall take an active part in a political campaign or solicit political contributions or services for any City public office.
No City employee shall hold any City public office or any City political party office while serving as a City employee. A City employee may run for and hold political office outside the City but shall not campaign or solicit political contributions for her/his campaign while at work for the City or on City property at any time.
No person shall solicit political contributions or services for any candidate or political party from any City employee while at work for the City or on City property at any time.
No City employees shall accept gifts from any persons who may gain personally from any transaction with the City.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator shall develop, or have developed by a personnel and human resource consultant, a comprehensive personnel manual which shall be reviewed and adopted by Council and amended and updated from time to time as necessary.