[Ord. 5570, passed 6-26-1956]
No person shall commence to demolish, tear down or remove, or demolish, tear down or remove any part or portion of a structure or building within the City, without first having made application to the City Engineer and obtaining a permit to do so.
[Ord. 6916, passed 5-28-1987]
All applications for a permit under the provisions of this article shall be made to the City Engineer on a form to be furnished by the City for that purpose, in which application shall be stated and exact location of the property affected, the ownership of the property, the time when the work is to be commenced and finished, the name of the contractor or other person making the application and all other necessary particulars which the City Engineer may require from the applicant.
Every such application must be signed by the owner of the property or by their authorized agents, and the signer shall, in the application, accept full responsibility and liability for all items that are done under the authority of any permit issued by the City to the applicant.
[Ord. 5570, passed 6-25-1956]
Before any permit shall be issued under the authority of this article, the applicant shall be required to furnish to the City evidence that he has provided himself with public liability insurance within the limits of $10,000 to $20,000 and property damage insurance in the sum of $20,000. If the City Engineer is of the opinion that the limits for such insurance, herein provided for, are not sufficiently large, he shall not issue any permit until the question of such insurance has been submitted to Council and the limits thereof have been fixed by Council. Council may extend such limits for public liability insurance not to exceed $100,000 and property damage not to exceed $50,000, if it feels that the risks involved in the case are unusual or extraordinary.
The applicant shall also furnish to the City a bond in the amount of at least $5,000, which limit may also be increased to not more than $100,000 by Council, upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, which bond shall be conditioned upon the contractor and owner completing the demolition, tearing down and removal of such buildings and structures within the time specified originally, or by enlargement as herein provided, within the time fixed by the permit, and that the contractor or the owner shall thoroughly clean up and level the location of the demolished, torn down and removed structures. However, if the location is to be used for other buildings, structures or purposes, Council may, upon application, authorize a permit which does not require the cleaning up or leveling of the site.
[Ord. 7113, passed 2-25-1993; Ord. 7543, passed 2-14-2002]
All permits granted under this article for demolition of residential properties shall be originally limited to 30 days per building and the applicant shall pay for such permit, a fee, to cover the cost of the exercise of the police power of the City, in the amount of $150 for the doing of the work.
All permits granted under this article for demolition of commercial properties shall be originally limited to 30 days per building and the applicant shall pay for such permit, a fee, to cover the cost of the exercise of the police power of the City in the following amounts for the doing of the work:
Cost of Demolition
Permit Fee
$0 - $15,000
$15,001 - $25,000
$25,001 - $50,000
Over $50,000
If, before the work is completed and the permit expires, the contractor or owner of the property involved makes application to the City Engineer for an extension of the time of the permit, and if the City Engineer is satisfied that the permittee and the owner have not been guilty of any dilatory tactics of delay, he may grant an extension of time on the permit not to exceed 60 additional days, but the permittee shall pay an additional permit fee of $10 per day for every working day covered by such extension of the permit.
[Ord. 6916, passed 5-28-1987]
When any such permit is issued, the permittee or the owner shall be required to erect over the sidewalks and streets or portions thereof all necessary shelters and barricades, and furnish the same with lights and adequate signs for the full protection of the traveling public, as shall be required by specifications to be drawn from time to time by the City Engineer and approved by Council. Until such shelters and barricades, lights and signs have been provided and erected by the permittee or by the owner of the property, any demolition, tearing down or removal of the buildings or structures or of any portion of the buildings and structures on the affected land shall be a violation of this article, for which the permittee and the property owner shall be liable.
Any person who is the holder of a permit to demolish, tear down or remove any part or portion of a structure or a building within the City shall be required to follow the specifications for demolition as provided by the Bureau of Code Enforcement. The specifications will be issued at the time the permit is granted and any person who violates these specifications will be subject to the penalty provided in Section 1731.99.
[Ord. 6916, passed 5-28-1987]
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article, and any owner of property who permits violation by his contractor, employees or agents shall be guilty of a violation of this article and punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.
Any violation of the provisions of this article on any day shall be a separate and distinct violation and subject the violator to a separate and distinct penalty.