[Editor's Note: Under the provisions of Section 2531 of the Third Class City Code, as amended (53 P.S. § 37531), a property tax is enacted annually. Consult the office of the City Clerk for the ordinance levying and fixing the tax rate for the current year.]
[Ord. 8030, passed 11-29-2012]
Discounted tax period. Taxpayers making payment of the property tax during the discounted tax period in any taxable year shall pay the base tax, minus a discount of 2%. The discounted tax period shall end on the close of business on the 60th day after the mailing date of the tax bill, or April 30 of the tax year, whichever is later.
Base tax period. Taxpayers making payment of the property tax after the discounted tax period, but no later than 60 days after the end date of the discounted tax period, shall pay the base tax. The "base tax" shall mean the face amount of the tax due.
[Ord. 8030, passed 11-29-2012; Ord. 8330, passed 4-9-2020]
Eligibility. For a taxpayer to be eligible to pay the property tax on an installment plan, the taxpayer must not be delinquent or in default of any prior year's City property tax bill.
Installment payment plan. Eligible taxpayers may elect to pay the property tax on an installment plan. The following dates are the installment due dates within the year at which time 1/4 of the total real estate tax shall be due and owing: 1st installment by May 31st; 2nd installment due by June 30th; 3rd installment due by July 31st; 4th installment by August 31st. Taxpayers failing to make the first installment payment by May 31st shall not be entitled to pay the property tax in installments. There shall be no discount on the total amount of the property tax due if the taxpayer elects to pay the property tax in installments.
[Ord. 8030, passed 11-29-2012]
The provisions of this article shall take effect for the taxable year of 2013, and all such provisions shall apply for all taxable years thereafter.
[Ord. 8030, passed 11-29-2012]
Taxpayers making payment of property taxes later than 60 days after the end date of the discounted tax period shall be charged a penalty of 10%, which penalty shall be added to the base tax by the Treasurer or tax collector.
For taxpayers choosing to pay the property tax under the installment plan, a penalty charge of 10% shall be added to the 2nd installment payment if such payment is not paid by May 31 of the tax year, and a penalty charge of 10% shall be added to the 3rd installment payment if such payment is not paid by June 30 of the tax year.