Ord. No.
Final plat approval for subdivision of former Johnson Bronze property
Approves preliminary subdivision plat of William and Karen Humphrey for Lots 181, 182 and 184A of Section 50 of the Fourth Ward
Final subdivision plat approval for subdivision of Lots 181, 182, and 184A of Section 50 of the Fourth Ward
Approves preliminary subdivision plat of Mary Hazelbaker and Jeffrey Bryant for Lots 438 and 438A of Section 50 in the Third Ward
Approves preliminary subdivision plat of Nick and Agnes Somma for Lot 251 of Section 67 in the Fourth Ward
Approves final subdivision plat of Mary Hazelbaker and Jeffrey Bryant for Lots 438 and 438A of Section 50 in the Third Ward
Approves final subdivision plat of Nick and Agnes Somma for Lot 251 of Section 67 in the Fourth Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision plat of Frank Catale for Lot 475D of Section 45 in the Third Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision plat of Jodi Drake for Lot 18 of Section 31 in the Third Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision plat of James DeLillo for Lot 1 (105A) and 2 (105) in James DeLillo Subdivision along Franklin Avenue in the Fourth Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision plat of Park Corp. Lot of Section 55 into 2 Lots A-3 and A-4 along Sherman Street
Approves preliminary-final subdivision plat of Tom Natale of Lot 122 of Section 78 into 2 Lots 122 and 122A in area of 1423 Gibson Avenue
Approves preliminary-final subdivision plat of numerous lots in City Sections 49 and 55, into lots in the area of 500 South Mill Street, the former Johnson Bronze Site, known as New Castle Commerce Park, located in the 8th Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision of Joseph J. Matteo for Lot No. 315 on Section 44 into Lots Number 1 and 2 (315C and 315) in the area of 607, 613 Countyline Street, located in the 3rd Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision of Jean Mingione of Lot Number 57 on Section 91, into two Lots Numbers 1 and 2 (57 and 57A) on Rabbit Street, in the area to the rear of 106, 108 Lafayette Street, located in the 7th Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision of McClure-Johnston for Lot Numbers 485, 560, 562, 555A on Sections 49 and 55, into two Lots Numbers 1 and 1A of the McClure-Johnston Property in the area of 100 Taylor Street, in the 8th Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision of Michael Trover of Lot Number 258 of Section 67 into two Lots Numbers 258 and 258A in the area of 611 East Reynolds Street, in the 4th Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision of City of New Castle, of lots located on Sections 49 and 55, into three lots, Parcels 1, 2, and 3, for the New Castle Commerce Park Extension in the area long the north of Division Street and west of South Mill Street, in the 8th Ward
Approves preliminary-final subdivision of the City of New Castle, of lots located on City Sections 49 and 55 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, into two lots, Parcels 3 and 3A, for the New Castle Commerce Park Extension No. 2 in the area along the northwest corner of Division Street and South Mill Street, located in the 8th Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of William H. Morgan and Joann P. Rudd of Lot No. 148 on City Section 29, to be re-platted into two lots, part of Lot No. 148 to be retained with Lot No. 147 as Lot A, the remaining portion of Lot No. 148 to be included with Lot No. 149 as Lot B, located in the area of 301,303 and 305 Boyles Avenue in the 2nd Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of Thomas P. Costa and Patricia Costa of Lot Numbers 200 and 201 on City Section 36, Lot 200 (1) to include a portion of Lot 201 (2), located in the area of 328, 330 Shaw Street in the 2nd Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of Sherina A. Flago of Lots 103, 105, 106, 197, 108, 109, 110, 111, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, and 171 on City Section 21, to be reconfigured to include Parcels 1 through 10, located in the area bounded by Winter Avenue, Mercer Street, Edison Avenue and Blaine Street, generally in the area west of 124 West Winter Avenue in the 2nd Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of Patricia Moosally of part of Parcels C111 1-C Lot 600C and C111 1-D Lot 600D on Section 36, located in the area situated between East Street and North Street Bridges bordered by Neshannock Creek in the 2nd Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of Helen L. Snyder of Lot No. 16 on Section 6A, to be subdivided into two parcels, located in the area on the south side of Fairmont Avenue, approximately 50 feet west from the point of intersection of the south line of Fairmont Avenue with the west line of Marion Avenue in the 2nd Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision request of Ellwood Industrial Facilities of Lot No. 1, being subdivided from Parcel 1 on City Sections 48, 49, 54, 55 located at Sherman and George Streets in the area of 700 Moravia Street in the Eighth Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of City of New Castle, of lots 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288 and a portion of 289 on City Section 69 in the 4th Ward (Former Rose Avenue School Property)
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of New Castle Plastic Corp. for Lynch Brothers Plan No. 1 for Lot 261 on Section 75, located generally in the area to the north of Mahoning Avenue and to the west of Hobart Street in the 7th Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of Cart T. Hobel and Betty R. Hobel of Lot Numbers 27, 28, 29, 30 on Section 87, generally located in the area of 721 City Line Street and Rear 721 City Line Street, in the 5th Ward
Approves preliminary/final subdivision of Sherina A. Flago of Parcels No. 1, 2, and 10 of the Flago Subdivision on City Section 21, generally located in the area at the southeast corner of North Mercer Street and East Winter Avenue in the 2nd Ward
Approving the preliminary/final subdivision of David A. Carbone of Lot No. 18 of the final plan of Jodi L. Beckwith on City Section 31, generally located in the area of 1101 Dewey Avenue in the 3rd Ward
Approving the preliminary/final subdivision of Lawrence County Habitat for Humanity for Lot No. 137 of the final plan for Lawrence County Habitat for Humanity on Section 37, Lot No. 1 to include Lots 135, 136A, 136 and half of Lot 137, Lot No. 2 to include Lots 138, 139, and half of Lot 137, generally located in the area of 221 Belleview Avenue (Lot 1) and 215 Belleview Avenue (Lot 2) in the 3rd Ward
Approving the preliminary/final subdivision request of the City of New Castle, PA, for the subdivision of Parcel ID No. 08-085200 on City Section 49 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle to be subdivided into two lots, located generally in the area to the west of South Jefferson Street, south of the innerbelt, and north of Margaret Street, in the area of the New Castle Central Fire Station, in the Eighth Ward
Approving the preliminary/final subdivision request of the City of New Castle, PA for the subdivision of Parcel ID No. 03-192800 on City Section 17 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle to be subdivided into two lots, located generally in the area bounded on the north by Neshannock Creek, on the south by Paper Mill Road, bisected by Dilworth Avenue, in the Third Ward
Approving the preliminary/final subdivision request of Lawrence County Housing Starts Partnership for Lot Nos. 355 and 358 on Section 19 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA, generally located in the area of the 800 block between Emery Street and Hoover Street in the Sixth Ward (Lot No. 1 to include Lots 356 and 357 and half of Lots 355 and 358; Lot No. 2 to include Lots 354 and 349 and half of Lots 355 and 358)
Approving the preliminary/final subdivision request of Rocca's Italian Foods for Lot No. 3 on Section 49 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA, generally located in the area between South Mill Street and South Jefferson Street, north of Taylor Street in the Eighth Ward, said Lot 3 to be subdivided into two lots consisting of Lot 3A as 0.85 acre parcel and the residual portion of Lot 3 to be 3.15 acres
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of New Castle Area School District for George Washington Intermediate School property located in an R-1 Residential District of the Second Ward, generally located at the northeasterly most corner of the George Washington Intermediate School property fronting Carlisle Street and abutting property owned by William and Viola M. Bortnyik
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of New Castle Area School District for the John F. Kennedy Elementary School property located in an R-1 Residential District of the Second Ward, generally located at the southwesterly corner o the John F. Kennedy Elementary School property abutting lands of Highland United Presbyterian Church and fronting on Highland Avenue on the easterly side of Highland Avenue between Laurel Boulevard and Park Avenue
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Peter B. Majocha and Marna J. Majocha of Lot No. 77 on Section 91 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 210 South Lafayette Street in the Seventh Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Thomas A. Natale of Lot No. 122 on Section 78 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 1423 Gibson Avenue, to the rear of 727 Addis Street and 729 Addis Street in the Fifth Ward, and request for non-building waiver
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Charles R. Holbein of Lot No. 277 on Section 31 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 418 North Cascade Street in the Third Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Andrew and Janet Wilson of Lot Nos. 408, 489 on Section 9 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, located in the area of 1608, 1606 Delaware Avenue in the Second Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of the New Castle Area School District for the subdivision of four lots, and also construction of new public roadways, generally located in the area of Lincoln Avenue, East Street, Reis Street, Berger Place and Rhodes Place in the Second Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Evelyn L. McAbee and Marlene R. White of Lot No. 55 on Section 47 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, into two lots, Lots 1 and 2, located generally in the area of 20 Borough Line Street in the Sixth Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Pennsylvania Power Corporation for Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 on Sections 75 and 65 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, generally running in a north-south direction north of Mahoning Avenue at Hobart Street and northward along lands of the New Castle Area Transit Authority, New Castle Plastics Corporation, Lynch Brothers Investments, and New Castle Packing Company, Inc. in the Seventh Ward, and request for nonbuilding waiver
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of the City of New Castle for Lot Line Revision between Parcels 10 and 11 in the Rose Avenue Subdivision Plan on City Section 69 of the Official Survey Map of the City of Ne w Castle, located generally in the 900 block of Ryan Avenue in the area of the Former Rose Avenue School between Ryan Avenue and Rose Avenue in the Fourth Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of the Lawrence County Economic Development Corporation for Lot Number 303 on Section 13 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle and Lot No. 151 on Section 20 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, said lot to be subdivided into three lots, generally located in the area to the east of the intersection of Sampson Street and Bailey Street, and west of the Shenango River in the First Ward, and a planning module exemption is requested for the above referenced subdivision
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Richard L. Rapone and Mary Beth Rapone of Lot Nos. 568, 567, 566, 565, 564 into two lots, Lot 1 and Lot 2 on City Section 6 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, and request for non-building waiver, and sewage facilities planning module, located generally in the area of the southeast corner of Northview Avenue and Glendale Avenue in the Second Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of the Lawrence County Housing Starts Partnership of Lot Nos. 352, 353, 354, 359, 360, 361 on Section 19 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, and request for planning waiver and non-building declaration, a portion of Lots 352, 361 and Lots 354, 359 to be added to the lands of Elmer and Lucille Brown as a side-lot addition, Lots 353, 360, Lot 360 will be conveyed to Elmer and Lucille Brown as part of the re-composed Lot B, said property generally located in the 900 block of Emery Street in the area between Emery Street, Hoover Street, Sampson Street and Harbor Street in the Sixth Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Thomas DeLorenzo and Thomas J. DeLorenzo of Lot No. 378 on City Section 35 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, and request for planning waiver and non-building declaration, a portion of Lot No. 378 (being known and designated as Lot No. 378A) to e added to the land of Human Services Center (Lot No. 433) as a side yard addition, generally located in the area of 306 North Mercer Street in the Second Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Randall Costello of Lot No. 285 on Section 7 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, said lot to be subdivided into two lots, generally located in the area on the east side of North Mercer Street, 150 feet south of Clen-Moore Boulevard in the Second Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Frank Didiano, Jr. of Lot No. 216(4) on Section 38 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, said lot to be subdivided into two lots, Lot No. 4A and Lot No. 4B, located generally in the area to the rear of 206 North Vine Street and 204 North Vine Street In the Third Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Kevin P. and Eleece M. Barger of Lot Nos. 40, 41, 42 into two lots, Lot 40 and Lot 42 (41A, 41B) on Section 91 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, located in the Seventh Ward
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Washington Commons Limited Partnership to subdivide 0.55 acres from the original tract of 3.30 acres as identified by Parcel ID Nos. 02-001500, 02-001600, 02-089600, and 02-089700, as referenced in Deed Book 1467, Page 199 and Deed Book 1563, Page 812, said 0.55 acre tract (Lot No. 1) to be conveyed to the City of New Castle and the residual tract identified as Lot No. 2 to be reduced to 2.75 acres
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of Washington Commons Limited Partnership for a lot line revision of the Washington Commons Subdivision, along the eastern portion of Lot #1 and Lot #2 in order to limit Lot #1 to the lawn side of the existing curb located at the east side of the existing parking lot associated with Washington Center, reducing Lot #1 from 0.55 acres to 0.45 acres as per the previously approved subdivision plan recorded in Plat Book Volume 24, Page 403
Approving preliminary/final subdivision request of New Castle Packing Company, c/o Leili Brothers, to subdivide one lot of 2.14 acres (Lot No. 2) from the original tract of 4.22 acres as identified by Parcel ID No. 07-081900
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Daniel W. Piccuta and Jennie F. Piccuta of Lot Number 108 on Section 4 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, to be subdivided into two lots, Tract No. 1 to be incorporated into Lot Nos. 106 and 107 as one lot, and Tract No. 2 to be incorporated into Lot No. 105 as one lot, located generally in the area to the rear of 2212 North Mercer Street facing north on East Meyer Avenue in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of John E. Workman and Elizabeth Workman of Lot Number 171 on Section 76 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, to be subdivided into two lots, Lot No. 171 and Lot No. 171A, located generally in the area of 102 Miller Avenue and 102 Rear Miller Avenue in the Eighth Ward, with conditions, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Condi Augustine and Angie M. Augustine of Lot Number 440 on Section 66 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle to be subdivided into two lots, Lot No. 1 and Lot No. 2, located generally in the area of 1232 South Mill Street in the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Alfred Graziani of Lot Number 76 on City Section 58 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle to be subdivided into three lots, Lot No.1, Lot No. 2, Lot No. 3, located generally in the area of 500 South Cascade Street in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Jean Marie Conti of a parcel identified by Permanent ID No. 03-028200 on Section 45 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, Pennsylvania, into two separate lots, Lot No. 1, Lot No. 2, located generally along Cascade Street near the intersection with County Line Road in the area of 403 South Cascade Street in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Ralph and Gertrude White of Lot Number 240A on City Section 44 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle into Lot No. 1, Lot No. 2, and Lot No. 3, generally located in the area of 910 East Main Street in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of CSX Transportation Inc. on Section 92, 93, 96 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, Pennsylvania, and as referenced as Parcel ID No. 07-000500, for a two lot subdivision located northeast of the intersection of Cherry Street and Industrial Street in the Seventh Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Dennis and Linda Phillian for a reverse subdivision consisting of Lots 319 and 320A of the City Survey Map No. 31, identified as Parcel ID No. 03-007200 and Lot No. 318, identified as Parcel ID No. 03-068900 into one lot, located in the area of 1112 Federal Street in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of School District of the City of New Castle on Section 56 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle and referenced as Parcel ID No. 04-278800, Lot No. 1, and Parcel ID No. 04-278800 Lot No. 2, for a two lot subdivision located in the Ben Franklin Junior High School area between Cunningham Avenue, Division Street, Dushane Street, and Lutton Street in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of M.K.B. Ltd./Lee Michael Industries, Inc., Lot Consolidation of Lot Numbers 477, 478, 479, 479A, 480, 554, 555, 556, 557, and 565A into one lot on City Section 66 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, generally located in the area of 124 East Long Avenue between East Long Avenue and Big Run Creek, east of Frank Way in the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Shirley Blake combining Lots No. 156 and 158, having Parcel ID Nos. 03-010300 and 03-185500, into one lot on City Section 37 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA, generally located in the area of 712 Erie Avenue in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Angelo Medure of Lot Number 1 - 2.45 acres, and Lot Number 2 - 10.89 acres, located generally in the area south of Laurel Avenue, West of Wilmington Avenue, north of Wallace Avenue, east of Canyon Street, in the area of 715 Wilmington Avenue in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Geraldine A. Hake and Patricia A. Trover for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision combining Lots 336 and 338 on Section 67 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, into one lot consisting of 0.17 acre, generally located in the area of 1201 Dushane Street in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Rhodes Estates for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Lots Numbered 459, 511, 512 on City Section 29, and Lot Number 290 on City Section 36 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle into two lots (Lot 1 and Lot 2), located generally in the area of 304-316 Rhodes Place in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Oak Park Cemetery Association of Lot Number 260 on Section 10 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA for a proposed two lot subdivision, located generally in the area of 1420 Neshannock Boulevard in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Jameson Memorial Hospital of several lots on City Section 14, and City Section 13, of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, PA, into one lot, located generally in the area of 1211 Wilmington Avenue in the First Ward., and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Street John's Evangelical Lutheran Church for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision involving two lots located in the area of 2611 Highland Avenue on Section 2 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Lawrence County Economic Development Corporation for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision for an additional lot to be added to the original three lots as per the previously approved and recorded Riverview Park Drive Subdivision, located on Section 13 and Section 20 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA, in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Gary and Sandra Gallonio for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for reverse subdivision consisting of combining Lots 208 and 209 on City Survey Map No. 21, identified as Parcel ID No. 01-026900 and Parcel ID No. 01-023100, into one lot, located generally in the area of 11 West Edison Avenue in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Barbara A. Gerding for Preliminary/Final Subdivision - Reverse Subdivision, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Holiday Road I, L.P. for Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Lot 2 in the Washington Commons Subdivision (P.B.V. 25, Page 85) into three lots located generally in the area between North Street, East Street, East Washington Street, and North Mill Street in the C-2 Central Business District of the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Paul Lynch Foundation for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for reverse subdivision consisting of consolidating five contiguous City lots 345, 346, 347, 343, 344, on City Section 35 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, combining into each other to make a single lot, located generally in the area of 201 North Mercer Street in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of the Housing Authority of the County of Lawrence for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for lot consolidation for three contiguous parcels, Parcels 3, 6, 4, to be consolidated into a single parcel, located generally in the area of Locust Street, Cuba Street, and Lincoln Avenue, on Section 27 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Harry L. Daytner for Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Lots Number 466 and 467A on City Section 69 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA, located generally in the area of 815 East Lynn Street in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Lawrence County Habitat for Humanity for Preliminary/Final Subdivision to subdivide the property identified on the Official Survey Map for the City of New Castle (Map No. 92, Lot No. 151) as described in Document No. 2011-005905 and as referenced as Parcel ID No. 07-146300, in order to separate the existing 0.45 acre lot into two lots so that two houses can be built for Habitat for Humanity - Lot No. 1 will be 0.22 acre, Lot No. 2 will be 0.23 acre, located generally in the area of Madison Avenue and Newell Avenue in the Seventh Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of New Castle Area School District for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for lot consolidation of three lots, Tax Parcel ID Nos. 03-063700, 03-195900, and 03-197900, to form one lot to expand the existing Harry W. Lockley Elementary School, located generally in the area of 900 East Main Street, in the R-1 Low Density Residential District of the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Lot No. 452 located on Section 35 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA (former Elks Building), in order to separate the existing wall that is remnant of the former Elks Building that is common to the building located on the adjoining property owned by McBride Shannon Company, located generally in the area of 127 North Mill Street in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of EASX Corporation to subdivide Parcel ID No. 08-005800 into two lots, located at the west side of Moravia Street in the area south of Furnace Street on City Sections 55 and 66 of the Official Survey Map in the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Request of Edward J. Pagley, for a lot consolidation plan of two lots, Lot 437 and 438 into one lot, Lot A, located at 827 Addis Street in the R-1 Low Density Residential District of the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Request of Donald B. Hennon and Esther L. Hennon and Gary C. DeSanti, for subdivision of City Lot 379, Section 29, located generally in the area of 231 East Lincoln Avenue, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Request of Steve Caldararo for lot consolidation of three lots, Lot 524, 525, and 528 on City Section 55, to form one lot, in the C-1 General Business District, located generally in the area of 833 South Mill Street in the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Rail Service Corporation to remedy the situation of an existing shop building on A-Space property encroaching onto the Rail Service Corporation property, located in the area to the west of Moravia Street generally in the area to the north of Gardner Avenue in the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of EASX Corporation to subdivide the P & L E Right-of-way that runs through part of the EASX property located in the area to the west of Moravia Street, generally in the area to the north and south of Furnace Street in the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Ellwood Industrial Facilities Company and North American Forgemasters Company, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Request of William Zeiger for six lot subdivision to adjust existing property lines, located generally in the area of 510 Reis Street and 218 East Boyles Avenue in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Request of William Zeiger for six lot subdivision to adjust existing property lines, located generally in the area of 510 Reis Street and 218 East Boyles Avenue in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of David South Nicholas for a proposed lot consolidation of Lot Numbers 444, 445, 446, 447 and 448, into one lot, Lot A, located in the area of 1014 Butler Avenue in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Ellen Flory to combine two parcels (07-067600 and 07-067700) into a single parcel (Lot No. 1), Parcel I and Parcel II, and designated as Lot No. 214 and 216 on Section 91 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, PA, located generally in the area to the east of Ashland Avenue, between Lacock Street and Tremont Street in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Seventh Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Marcia Bruno and Debra Wilson for a proposed consolidation of Lots 198 and 225 on the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, Section 43, to create one new lot to be known as Lot 1, located generally in the area of 426 East Washington Street in the C-1 General Business District of the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Catherine H. Evanoff for a four-lot consolidation of Lot Numbers 476, 476A, 477, 478 on Section 77 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, into one lot, located generally in the area of 1809 Hamilton Street in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Patrick and Marilyn Logan for a two-lot consolidation of Lot No. 140 and 141 to form one lot, Lot "A," on Section 29 of the Official Survey Map of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 602 Highland Avenue in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Request of Denise Zarilla for Lot Consolidation Plan to combine two adjacent parcels (Parcels 07-143500 and 07-120400) into one lot, being shown as Lot 161R on the plan on City Section 92 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 109 East Clayton Street in the Seventh Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Edward X. and Lorraine Petrus and Frank R. DeMarco, Jr. for a four lot subdivision and lot consolidation on City Section 91 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 101 Blanchard Street and 312 Montgomery Avenue in the Seventh Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision of William F. and Roger M. DeCarbo Funeral Home, Inc. for an eight lot subdivision and lot consolidation, Lot "A" is to be subdivided from Lot "B" and consolidated with Lot "D" to form one lot to be referred to as Lot "E," Lot "B" is to be consolidated with Lot "C" and will be referred to as Lot "F," on City Section 56 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, located generally in the area of 926 Cunningham Avenue in the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Hugh G. Coryea II and Heidi L. Coryea, two lot consolidation plan, Lot No. 195 and Lot No. 196 to be consolidated to form one lot (Lot "A") on City Section 21 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, in the area of 8 West Moody Avenue in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of James C. Burk and Alice Burk, for a five lot consolidation plan, Lots #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 to be consolidated and form one lot (Lot "A"), located generally in the area of 607 Canyon Street in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of O'Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc. for Parcel Combination of six lots, to develop the subject property as an O'Reilly Auto Parts Store, located generally in the area of 635 East Washington Street in the C-1 General Business District of the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Jeffrey L. and Dianna L. Mack for Preliminary/Final Subdivision, reverse subdivision to combine three lots, Lot 216 and 217 of Section 78 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, and Lot 494A of Section 68 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, into one lot located generally in the area of 1424 Jackson Avenue in the R-1 Low Density Residential District of the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of M & T Allison Construction, Inc. for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for three lot consolidation plat, Lot #520, Lot #521, and Lot #520A (vacated alley), to be consolidated and form one lot (Lot "A"), located generally in the area of 523, 625 Superior Street on Section 50 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle, C-1 General Business District in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Speedway, LLC, for Preliminary/Final Subdivision consisting of consolidating two existing parcels and a portion of Cochran Way bordered generally by the City Building and vacant parcel to the north and public streets to the east, west, and south, located generally in the area of 208 North Jefferson Street and 201 North Mercer Street in the C-2 Central Business District of the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision request of Lindy Paving, Inc. for a 14 lot consolidation located generally in and around the area of Castle Builders Supply on 1409 Moravia Street in City Section 66 and 76 of the Official Survey of the City of New Castle in the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of LMI Reality, LLC, for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision for a five lot consolidation plan located generally in the area of Lee Michael Industries, Inc., at 124 East Long Avenue, and 1315 South Jefferson Street, in the C-1 General Business District of the Eighth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Medure Development Co., LLC, for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision for a three lot consolidation plan, to be combined into one lot and then subdivided/reconfigured into four separate parcels, located generally in the area of 719 Wilmington Avenue and 207 Laurel Avenue in the C-1 General Business District and R-2 Residential District of the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Jameson Health Care Foundation (Altmyer, Roger) for six lot consolidation plan for parking lot expansion for Jameson Health Care Foundation located generally in the area of 1301, 1303, 1305, 1307, and 1309 Wilmington Avenue and 208 West Garfield Avenue in the C-1 General Business District and R-1 Low Density Residential District of the First Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of Rodney W. and Barbara R. Fennick for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for a three lot consolidation plan Lot #355, Lot #409, and Lot #410 are to be consolidated and form one lot (Lot "A") located generally in the area of 601 Haus Avenue in the R-1 Low Density Residential District of the Third Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of Julia Taylor Davis for a Reverse Subdivision consisting of combining Lots 121, 122, and 123, these three lots are proposed to be combined into one lot with one parcel I.D. number located in the area of 504 Lyndal Street in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Fifth Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of David L. and Pearl A. Poling for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision to consolidate Lot 40A with Lot 40 into one combined lot located generally in the area of 1712 Jackson Avenue in the Fifth Ward of the City of New Castle and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of George and Irene Stefanis for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for a five lot consolidation plan Lot # 394, Lot # 394A, Lot # 396, Lot # 396A and Lot # 398 are to be consolidated and form one lot (Lot "A") located generally in the area of 112N. Liberty Street in the Seventh Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of LMI Realty II, LLC for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for a 15 lot consolidation plan, City Section 66, Lots 480 and 562 and Lot 3B will be consolidated into one lot to be known as Lot "A"; City Section 66, Lots 540, 541A, 542, 544, 546, 548, 550, 551, and 553, Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3A will be consolidated into one lot to be known as Lot "B," located generally in the area of 124 East Long Avenue, east of Howard Way, south of Center Way and Long Avenue, north of Big Run Street in the Eight Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of Ellwood A-Space Realty Company for Preliminary/Final Subdivision consolidation of lots subdivision consisting of combining 6 lots into one Parcel I.D. No'.s 08-088502, 08-088504, 08-042700, 08-099300, 08-005804, in addition the portion Parcel I.D. No. 08-003001 located south of Furnace Street will also be included in the consolidation of lots, located generally in the area north/south of Furnace Street, and west of Moravia Street in the Eighth Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Michelle Calabrese for Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Lots 51 and 52 of the City Survey Map No. 72. Once lot No. 52 is separated from Lot No. 51, Lot No. 52 is proposed to be consolidated with Lot No. 53 of the Official City Survey Map 72. These two lots are proposed to be combined into one lot, in the R-1 Low Density Residential District of the Seventh Ward. The property in generally located in the area on 9th Street, north east of West Clayton Street, and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Ronald B. and Gina M. Kozuch and David L. and Pearl A. Poling for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for three lot subdivision and lot consolidation plan located in the City of New Castle and Shenango Township, Lot # 40 and Lot # 40B currently owned by David L. and Peal A. Poling, Lot # 41 currently owned by Ronald B. and Gina M. Kozuch. Lot # 40B is to be subdivided from Lot # 40, Lot # 40B, and Lot # 41 are to be consolidated and form one lot (Lot "A"). The property is located in the area of 1706 Jackson Avenue and 1712 Jackson Avenue, and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the Request of Sanford G. And Patricia A. Kulkin for a Preliminary/Final three lot subdivision Lot # 386B, Lot # 386C, and Lot # 386D on Official City Survey Section 50 in the area at 530 Taylor Street in the C-1 General Business District of the Fourth Ward and authorizing the signature of Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Equitable Owner: New Castle (Croton) DPP, LLC (Jason Horowitz) for Preliminary/Final Subdivision for lot addition plan for a proposed new Dollar General Retail Store generally located in the area of 819 North Croton Avenue in the C-1 General Business District of the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Richard Christofer and Patty Christofer for Preliminary/Final Subdivision to subdivide one lot from the original tract of 10.97 acres identified as Parcel I.D. Number 22-001600 to create one lot (Lot # 2) of 5.37 acres with residual lot (Lot # 1) to be 5.60 acres located generally in the area of 630 Rich Drive of the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of RWERT, LLC for preliminary/final subdivision to divide the existing Parcel I.D. No. 07-077800 into five lots, (four new lots plus the residual lot). The site is located on the north side of Mahoning Avenue, west of McKinley Street, and east of the railroad owned by N/F New Castle Industrial Railroad. The four proposed new lots are being divided to accommodate the existing buildings located on each of the proposed lots. Upon subdivision approval, each of the newly created four lots are requested to have four separate parcel I.D. numbers. The property is located in the area of 133 Mahoning Avenue in the Seventh Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approving the request of Michael J. Frost for preliminary/final subdivision to consolidate and combine adjoining Lots 355 and 356 into a single lot located generally in the area of 420 East Garfield Avenue in the Second Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of DON Services, Inc. for preliminary/final subdivision for a 21 lot subdivision/consolidation plan, Lot "A" consolidation generally located in the area north of Court Street and west of Pine Street around 208 Pine Street, Parcel ID # 03-026200, 03-081300, 03-081200, 03-092400 will be consolidated and form one lot; Lot "B" consolidation generally located in the area north of Court Street and west of Pine Street around 509 Court Street, Parcel ID # 03-075000, 03-084600, 03-84700, 03-081200 will be consolidated and form one lot; Lot "C" consolidation generally located in the area north of Court Street, east of Pine Street and west of Crawford Avenue around 607 Court Street, Parcel ID # 03-135900, 03-135800, 03-018200 will be consolidated and form one lot; Lot "D" consolidation generally located in the area north of Countyline Street and east of Crawford Avenue around 705 Countyline Street, Parcel ID # 03-007000, 03-121400 will be consolidated and form one lot; Lot "E" consolidation generally located in the area east of Pine Street and north of Countyline Street around 603 Countyline Street, Parcel ID # 03-204700, 03-191700, 03-019900, 03-122800 will be consolidated and form one lot; Lot "F" consolidation generally located in the area north of Countyline Street and west of Pine Street around 310 Pine Street, Parcel ID # 03-000500, 03-020600. The properties are located in the R-2 Medium Residential District of the Third Ward and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat
Approving the request of Edward J. Yerage Jr. and Angelo A. Fornataro for preliminary/final Subdivision Consisting of dividing Parcel I.d. No. 05-063300 into two lots. Each of the two newly created lots will be made a side addition to the respective adjoining lots, (Parcel I.d. No's. 05-046900 and 05-142700), which are currently owned by Edward J. Yerage Jr. and Angelo A. Fornataro. The property is generally located in the area of 738 and 736 Vogan Street in the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of DON Enterprises, Inc. Chris Lloyd, CEO for preliminary/final subdivision for two lot, lot consolidation Plan No. 2, Lots 180 and 181 Tax/Parcel ID # 04-133300 and # 04-287100 will be consolidated to form one lot, located generally in the area of the north side of Butler Avenue between Raymond Street and Forest Street, in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of DON Enterprises, Inc. Chris Lloyd, CEO for preliminary/final subdivision for four lot, lot consolidation Plan No. 3, Lots # 402 and 403 Tax/Parcel ID # 03-112700 and # 03-112600 will be consolidated to form one lot, Lot # 1, located generally in the area of the southeast corner of Countyline Street and Spruce Street; and Lots # 2 and 3 Tax/Parcel ID # 03-146000 and # 03-208200 will be consolidated to form one lot, Lot # 2, located generally in the area of the northeast corner of Oak Street and Spruce Street, in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of DON Enterprises, Inc. Chris Lloyd, CEO for preliminary/final subdivision for four lot, lot consolidation Plan No. 4, Lots # 90 and 91 Tax/Parcel ID # 05-104200 and # 05-030500 will be consolidated to form one lot, Lot # 1 located generally in the area of the west side of Hamilton Street and north of Lyndall Street; and Lots # 39 and 41 Tax/Parcel ID # 05-112400 and # 05-121600 will be consolidated to form one lot, Lot # 2, located generally in the area of the southwest corner of Lyndall Street and Hamilton Street, in the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of DON Enterprises, Inc. Chris Lloyd, CEO for preliminary/final subdivision for four lot, lot consolidation Plan No. 5, Lots # 201 and 203 Tax/Parcel ID 03-000800 and # 03-025500 will be consolidated to form one lot, Lot # 1, located generally in the area of the east side of Ray Street and north of Court Street; and Lots 263 and 264 Tax/Parcel ID # 03-083300 and 03-117000 will be consolidated to form one lot, Lot # 2 located generally in the area of the southwest corner of Court Street and Mulberry Street, in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of Kimberly Fischer for preliminary/final subdivision, a reverse subdivision consisting of combing Parcel I.D. No's 03-007100 and 03-188100 into one lot. The lots are currently described as per documents No's. 2006-001637 and 2020-001960. The two parcels are proposed to be combined into one lot with one parcel I.D. number. The property is located generally in the area of 728 Countyline Street in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of Patricia Barber for preliminary/final subdivision, a reverse subdivision consisting of combining Parcel I.D. No's. 05-006200. 05-101600, 05-116400, and 05-116500 into one lot, as well as the adjoining vacated alley. The lots are currently described as per document No.'s 2001-000355 and 2020-000784 as well as Deed Book Volume 696, page 341. The alley has been vacated per Ordinance 8307 adopted 9-26-2019, CB-2019-26. The four parcels, as well as the vacated alley are proposed to be combined into one lot with one parcel I.D. number. The property is located generally in the area of 412 Carl Street in the Fifth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of Rhonda Thompson for preliminary/final subdivision for reverse subdivision consisting of combing Parcel I.D. No's 01-037300 and 01-037400 into one lot. The lots are currently described as per Document No. 2005-013488. The two parcels are proposed to be combined into one lot with one Parcel I.D. Number. The reverse subdivision will allow the owner to disregard the interior property line in order to accommodate a new fence. The property is located generally in the area of 226 West Moody Avenue and consolidating to West Edison Avenue in the First Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of Toni and Robert Willard for preliminary/final subdivision for a reverse subdivision consisting of combining Parcel I.D. No.'s 04-185400, 04-062100, and 04-176400 into one lot. The lots are currently described as per Document No.'s 2001-003497, 2019-005381, and 2019-008707. The three parcels are proposed to be combined into one lot with one Parcel I.D. Number. The reverse subdivision will allow the owner to disregard the interior property lines in order to accommodate future potential construction. The property is located generally in the area of 718 Neal Street in the Fourth Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
The request of Gary F. Lykins for preliminary/final subdivision for a four lot consolidation plan. Lots Parcel I.D. # 03-093900, # 03-170600, # 03-170800, # 03-170700 will be consolidated to form one lot. The property is located generally in the area of 311 Harding Street in the Third Ward, and authorizing the signature of the Council President to be affixed to the said preliminary/final subdivision plat
Approves preliminary-final subdivision request of Don Enterprises, Inc., for five-lot consolidation of Lot Nos. 434 and 461 to form Lot No. 1 and Lot Nos. 432, 432A and 433 to form Lot No. 2, located in the Third Ward
Approves preliminary-final reverse subdivision request of Ethel and Dennis Wyant consisting of combining Parcel I.D. Nos. 05-059400, 05-022600, 05-115400, and 05-115500 into one lot, as well as the adjoining vacated alley
Approves reverse subdivision request of Dawn and Michael Brightshue consisting of combining Parcel I.D. Nos. 03-086600, 03-092100, and 03-092000 into one lot
The request of Albert Scott Fair Jr. for preliminary/final subdivision three-lot consolidation plan Lot No. 359 (Parcel ID 04- 116800), Lot No. 360 (Parcel ID 04-116600), Lot No. 412 (Parcel ID 04-116700) will be consolidated to form one lot, located generally in the area of 411 Florence Avenue in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Fourth Ward
The request of Joshua Lee Bable for preliminary/final subdivision two-lot consolidation plan Lot No. 116 (Parcel ID 03-116600), Lot No. 117 (Parcel ID 03-037800) will be consolidated to form one lot, located generally in the area of 206 North Crawford Avenue in the R-2 Medium Density Residential District of the Third Ward
The request of New Castle Area Transit Authority for preliminary/final subdivision consisting of subdividing Parcel I.D. No. 07-081901 into two lots, located generally in the area of 311 Mahoning Avenue in the Seventh Ward
The request of Cray Youth & Family Services for preliminary/ final subdivision proposing to subdivide Parcel I.D. No. 01-064600 into two lots, located in the C-1 General Business District of the First Ward
The request of James C. and Alice Ann Burk for preliminary/final subdivision six-lot consolidation plan, Lot Nos. 520, 525, 526, 527, 528, and 529 will be consolidated to form one lot, generally located in the area of 607 Canyon Street in the First Ward
The request of Jared M. Neill, PE (agent for owner) made for Mims Realty LLC, and A. Porter Realty LLC preliminary/final subdivision to consolidate their existing properties located along Butler Avenue, generally located in the area of 1046 Butler Avenue in the Fourth Ward
The petition of Hugh R. and Patricia J. O'Donnell for preliminary/final subdivision two-lot consolidation plan, Lot No. 1113 and No. 114 will be consolidated to form one lot, located in the area of 1513 Huron Avenue in the Fifth Ward
The request of Stephanie Helle for preliminary/final subdivision reverse subdivision consists of combining three lots Parcel ID Nos. 04-018000, 04-222900, 04-010200 into one lot located at 834, 836, and 838 Franklin Avenue
The request of Eric Lee Sallie for preliminary/final subdivision nine-lot consolidation plan lot Parcel I.D. Nos. 08-065700, 08-065300, 08-030900, 08-065600, 08-065400, 08-024200, 08-065800, 08-019500, located generally in the area of 1324 Pennsylvania Avenue
The request of MSP Properties of Pennsylvania, LP for Dollar General for preliminary/final subdivision seven-lot consolidation plan Parcel I.D. Nos. 07-91-382, 382A, 383, 387, 389, 390, and 391 will be consolidated to form one lot, located generally in the area of 109 North Liberty Street between West Wabash Avenue and West Cherry Street in the Seventh Ward
The request of DON Enterprises, Inc. to subdivide Parcel ID No. 04-167300 into four lots
The request of InvestMint Properties 2 on behalf of owner Emilio R. Valentine to subdivide the property into two lots both located generally in the area of 1008 E. Washington Street and 841 Lutton Street