[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
The City of New Castle wishes to provide a reimbursement process to the City of New Castle for any costs and/or expenses incurred by the Fire Department for fire suppression services by submitting claims to the property owner and/or their insurance carrier.
It is the finding of the City that property owners generally maintain insurance coverage within their own casualty insurance policies, property owner policies and/or other applicable policies that would provide reimbursement to the City of New Castle for Fire Department provided suppression services, equipment, and personnel to save and protect their property form the perils insured against.
Reimbursement shall be sought by submitting claims to the person, property owner, business, firm, organization, corporation an/or their insurance carrier.
[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
The Fire Chief or his/her designee is hereby authorized and directed to obtain all necessary and pertinent insurance information concerning the property, and to take necessary and affirmative actions to apply for and receive reimbursement from any insurance carriers where a property owner is or may be insured so that the City of New Castle may be reimbursed for any cost and/or expense incurred for services, supplies and/or equipment used for or provided to the property owner by the New Castle Fire Department.
Any person, property owner, business, firm, corporation, or organization who are rendered services under this article shall provide the New Castle Fire Department with the following information:
Name, address, telephone contact number of the property owner and any tenants.
Name, address, policy number, and agent of the insurance carrier (if applicable).
[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
This article shall be construed to accomplish its purpose to compensate and/or reimburse the City of New Castle from insurance proceeds the costs and/or expenses incurred while providing services from the Fire Department according to the following fee schedule:
Residential Fires
Public or Religious Property
Commercial Property
Industrial Property
Vehicle Fires
[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
Nothing in this article shall be interpreted to authorize the New Castle Fire Department or any City Department to refuse or delay any emergency service to any City person, firm, business, organization, or corporation, due to lack of insurance coverage or ability to pay for said services.
[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
Should any provision or part of this article be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the same shall not affect the validity or enforcement of the balance of this article, which shall remain in full force and effect.
[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed.
[Ord. 7872, passed 8-28-2008]
Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, whoever fails to cooperate with providing any information required pursuant to this article, shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.