[Ord. 2510, passed 10-24-1910]
The buildings on all streets, alleys and dedicated highways within the City shall be numbered.
[Ord. 2510, passed 10-24-1910]
All streets running north and south, or in a northerly or southerly direction, except in the Seventh Ward, shall be numbered north and south from Washington Street between the Neshannock Creek and the Shenango River, or from a line drawn through the center of Washington Street, between such points and then projected east and west to the City boundary lines. The initial number north or south shall begin on Washington Street between the Neshannock Creek and the Shenango bridge, and north and south from the centerline of such projected line to the City boundary lines, so that the initial number of all blocks on all streets running north and south, or in a northerly or southerly direction, shall as nearly as can be, be parallel to and equally distant from, the centerline running east and west to the City boundary lines, as aforesaid.
All streets running east and west, or in an easterly or westerly direction, except in the Seventh Ward, shall be numbered east and west from Jefferson Street, between Wallace Avenue and the Neshannock Creek, or east and west from a line drawn, through or along the center of such street between such points and projected to the north and south boundary lines of the City, the same being the centerline of Jefferson Street north and south as now projected. The initial number on all blocks east or west shall begin on Jefferson Street, or east and west of the line projected through the center of such street as hereinabove stated, so that the initial numbers of all blocks as nearly as can be, shall be parallel to, and equally distant from the centerline of such street, and the centerline aforesaid as projected.
In numbering houses in the Seventh Ward on all streets running in an easterly or westerly direction shall be numbered east and west from Liberty Street, having their initial number on such street. All streets running in a northerly and southerly direction shall be numbered north and south from the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad right-of-way projected to the City boundary lines, the initial numbering of houses to begin on the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie right-of-way.
[Ord. 7965, passed 8-25-2011]
In numbering buildings, 100 numbers shall be allowed for each square or block, the even numbers to be put upon the right hand side in the numbering, and the odd numbers on the left hand side, one-half numbers to be used for stairways and basements and for the second number on the residential lots. One number shall be given for every 20 feet or less where lots are of less width in the business sections of the City, and one number to every lot of 40 feet or less. On all other lots, the numbering shall be under the direction of the Lawrence County Department of Public Safety, who shall have the charge of the numbering of all buildings pursuant to this article, and who is authorized to adjust the numbers are nearly as may be, keeping all the numbers whether north or south, or east or west, on parallel lines according to the scheme of this article.
[Ord. 7919, passed 5-13-2010]
The figures to be used shall not be less in size than four inches in height, contrasting in color with the background on which they are affixed, as near to the front entrance as possible and practical, so that the number is legible from the sidewalk, the road and the opposite side of the street, day or night.
[Ord. 7965, passed 8-25-2011]
If, in numbering the buildings according to the plan above contemplated, it is found to be difficult or impracticable to strictly comply with the provisions of this article, the Lawrence County Department of Public Safety may apply to Council for instructions as to the manner of numbering the places, and the action of Council thereon, shall be followed by the Lawrence County Department of Public Safety.
[Ord. 7965, passed 8-25-2011]
It shall be the duty of the Lawrence County Department of Public Safety to give numbers to all buildings and vacant lots, and he shall keep in his office a record showing the streets and the numbers. He is hereby authorized to employ such assistants as may be necessary to forthwith give to all buildings their respective numbers.
[Ord. 7965, passed 8-25-2011]
It shall be the duty of every property owner to put up numbers on the buildings erected on his property when such a number has been provided and fixed, as provided for by this article. The Lawrence County Department of Public Safety, any police officer or other duly authorized official shall request such property owner to put up the established number on such building. Any person who for 30 days after such request refuses or neglects to put up such number, shall upon conviction be fined as provided in Section 1727.99.
Whoever violates any provision of this article shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.