[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
This article shall be known and referred to as "The City of New Castle Answering and Dispatch Service Article."
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
The conditions of the agreement to be entered into between the participating municipalities are generally as follows:
Each municipality shall take all steps necessary to comply with the requirements of the Act of July 12, 1972, P.L. 180, 53 P.S., 481-490, so as to give full force and legal effect to this agreement as soon as possible.
Municipalities agree that they shall take steps to assure the formation of and to form a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, or other organization, to operate the answering and dispatch service. The corporation or other organization shall be responsible for the staffing, equipping and operating the answering and dispatch service.
Each participating municipality shall appoint one individual from its municipality to represent its municipality on the Board of Directors of such nonprofit corporation or similar organization. The term of office shall be for one year, or until their successor is appointed, but an appointee may serve successive terms.
Each municipality shall provide financial support for such services based upon a per capita basis or such other basis as the participating municipalities may agree from time to time.
Each municipality mutually agrees to enter into a contract with such nonprofit corporation, or similar organization, providing inter alia for:
A contract term of at least three years;
A financial obligation on the part of each municipality to support such nonprofit corporation or similar organization on a per capita basis, or upon such other mutually agreed upon basis, with the amount to be mutually agreed upon by the participating municipalities;
The reasonable means of amending the agreement, terminating such agreement and adding additional municipalities and the withdrawal of participating municipalities and the dissolving of such corporation and in that event, providing for the fair distribution of its assets;
The providing by participating municipalities of all necessary information to operate the answering and dispatching service and to otherwise assist such corporation, or other organization, in the effect and efficient operation of the service; and
The organization and operational structure of the answering and dispatch service to the satisfaction of the participating municipalities.
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
The duration of the term of this agreement shall be perpetual, but with rights of termination, adding of additional municipalities and withdrawal of municipalities, as provided for in the agreement.
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
The purpose and objectives of the agreement are to establish and provide a central answering and dispatch service through the cooperation of the participating municipalities.
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
The manner and extent of financing the agreement shall be by an annual per capita assessment based upon the budgeted amount or such other manner as the participating municipalities may agree upon from time to time.
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
The organizational structure necessary to implement the agreement shall be by the forming of a nonprofit corporation or other organization which shall be responsible for staffing, operating and maintaining the answering and dispatch service.
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
The manner in which property, real and personal, shall be acquired, managed or disposed of shall be as provided for in the intergovernmental cooperation agreement as amended from time to time by the participating municipalities.
[Ord. 6895, passed 9-11-1986]
All ordinances or resolutions, or parts of either, which are inconsistent, herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.