[Ord. 7405, passed 8-26-1999]
The Police Chief shall have power and authority to regulate and restrict traffic upon the streets and highways and in the parks of the City, subject to the approval of City Council by ordinance as provided in Section 115.12 of the Administrative Code. For that purpose, he is authorized and empowered to propose such traffic rules, regulations and restrictions, consistent with the police powers of the City, as shall be necessary from time to time to provide for the safety and convenience of travel in the streets, highways, and parks as follows:
Regulating or prohibiting stopping, standing or parking.
Regulating traffic by means of police officers or official traffic-control devices.
Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on highways.
Designating particular highways or roadways for use by traffic moving in one direction as authorized in Section 3308 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A. (relating to one-way roadways and rotary traffic islands).
Establishing speed limits for vehicles in public parks.
Designating any highway as a through highway or designating any intersection or junction of roadways as a stop or yield intersection or junction.
Prohibiting or restricting the use of highways at particular places or by particular classes of vehicles whenever the highway or portion of the highway may be seriously damaged by the use or the movement of the vehicles would constitute a safety hazard.
Regulating the operation of pedalcycles and requiring their registration and inspection, and the payment of a reasonable registration fee.
Regulating or prohibiting the turning of vehicles or specified types of vehicles as authorized in Section 3331 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A. (relating to required position and method of turning).
Altering or establishing speed limits as authorized in Section 3361 et seq. of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A.
Enforcement of speed restrictions authorized under Section 3361 et seq. of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A., except that speed restrictions may be enforced by local police on a limited access or divided highway only if it is patrolled by the local police force under the terms of an agreement with the Pennsylvania State Police.
Designating no-passing zones as authorized in Section 3307 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A. (relating to no-passing zones).
Prohibiting or regulating the use of designated streets by any class or kind of traffic.
Establishing minimum speed limits as authorized in Section 3364 of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A. (relating to minimum speed regulation).
Regulating and temporarily prohibiting traffic on streets closed or restricted for construction, maintenance or special events.
Prohibiting pedestrians from crossing a roadway in a business district or any designated highway except in a crosswalk.
Restricting pedestrian crossings at unmarked crosswalks.
Regulating persons propelling push carts.
Regulating persons upon skates, coasters, sleds and other toy vehicles.
Adopting and enforcing such temporary or experimental regulations as may be necessary to cover emergencies or special conditions.
Regulating the operation of streetcars, the passing of streetcars by other vehicles and the driving upon streetcar tracks by other vehicles.
Providing for and establishing procedures governing the removal and impounding of any vehicle parked on the highways or public property of the local authority in violation of any local ordinance adopted pursuant to the authority of this title or of any of the provisions of this title.
Adopting such other traffic regulations as are specifically authorized by the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa. C.S.A.
[Ord. 7636, adopted 8-21-2003]
In cases of emergencies, special danger, special events, or other unforeseen conditions, as in the case of fire, severe weather, parades, sporting events, demonstrations, lawful celebrations, holidays or other unusual occasions when traffic or parking conditions at any point are or may become dangerous, hazardous or unsafe, the Police Chief is empowered and authorized to prescribe and enforce special temporary parking or traffic rules as may be deemed necessary or required by the Police Chief to address such conditions, without the approval of Council.
[Ord. 5228, passed 10-29-1951]
It shall be the duty of the Police Chief and the Police Bureau under his direction to ensure placement of conspicuous signs, to be purchased by the Purchasing Agent, at all points where traffic or parking is regulated or restricted in any manner, as notice to the traveling public of such restriction, at all times when such restrictions are in effect.
[Ord. 5228, passed 10-29-1951]
Immediately upon the adoption of any traffic rule by Council, the same shall be printed at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City.
[Ord. 7405, passed 8-26-1999]
This article shall not repeal any rules, regulations and restrictions prescribed under the terms of Ordinance 3493, adopted June 3, 1921, or Ordinance 5228, adopted October 29, 1951, which regulations shall continue in full force and effect until specifically cancelled and annulled by action of City Council. All other ordinances now in effect, relating to traffic in the City shall continue in effect until annulled or cancelled by action of City Council, or until rules, regulations or restrictions are made under the provisions of this article, which are inconsistent with such former rules, regulations and restrictions. All ordinances, rules, regulations and restrictions, heretofore in effect, which are inconsistent with this article are hereby repealed. If at any time, City Council shall approve any rule, regulation or restriction formulated and established under the provisions of this article, which is inconsistent with any ordinance, rule, regulation or restriction heretofore made by City Council, the adoption of such new ordinance, rule, regulation or restriction shall have the effect of annulling, cancelling and repealing such inconsistent ordinance, rule, regulation or restriction, heretofore made and in effect.
[Ord. 7013, passed 4-12-1990; Ord. 7144, passed 12-23-1993; Ord. 7685, passed 9-24-2004; Ord. 7756, passed 12-22-2005; Ord. 7891, passed 12-30-2008; Ord. 8222, passed 4-27-2017; Ord. 8310, passed 11-26-2019]
Under the authority of this article, approval is hereby given to the Department of Parking to raise the waiver fine for the following parking violations of traffic rules:
<5 days
>5 days, <21 days
Exceeding time limit
Where prohibited
Too near to intersection
Wrong side of street against traffic
Too near to fire hydrant
Parking on sidewalk
Parking in Handicap Zone
Parking on Street Lawn or curb
After 21 days, unpaid tickets will be turned over as a Citation to the District Magistrate's office.
[Ord. 6610, passed 1-8-1976]
Any person violating any traffic rule when regularly adopted by Council or prescribed by the Police Chief shall be punished as provided in Section 101.99 of the Administrative Code.