[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Council solely on the basis of her/his executive and administrative qualifications, experience, and education.
The City Administrator shall have at minimum a bachelor's degree in public, municipal, or business administration or related field. A combination of a bachelor's degree in an unrelated field and experience in municipal management may be considered by Council.
Candidates with a master's degree in a related field will be given preference during the recruitment process.
The candidate selected for the position must have a minimum of seven years' experience in business, nonprofit, or local government management.
S/he shall be eligible to be a member or associate member of the International City/County Management Association or successor organization.
At the time of her/his appointment, s/he need not be a resident of the City or of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Council by an affirmative vote of at least four members of the Council may authorize residency outside City limits. If Council does not vote to permit residency outside City limits, the City Administrator must become a resident of the City within one year of employment.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator is an "at will" employee and shall serve at the pleasure of Council. Council is authorized to enter into an employment agreement by majority vote with the City Administrator that may include the following points:
A specified period of employment consistent with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Duties, responsibilities, and authority.
Compensation, benefits, and conditions of employment.
Pension benefits.
Resignation and/or termination provisions.
Performance evaluation.
Any other items mutually agreed upon.
No terms of the agreement shall contradict the Charter, Administrative Code, Personnel Code or laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The City Administrator may be removed from office by a vote of at least four members of the Council at any time subject to the terms of her/his Council-approved employment agreement.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator may name a qualified administrative officer of the City to perform his/her duties during his/her temporary absence or disability. If s/he fails to name a deputy, or, if his/her absence or disability continues for more than 30 days, the Council may appoint an officer of the City or such other qualified person to perform the duties of the City Administrator until s/he shall return or her/his disability ceases.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the City. The City Administrator shall be responsible to the Council for the administration of all City affairs assigned to him/her by this Charter or by ordinance. The City Administrator shall:
Provide for the enforcement of all laws and ordinances of the City.
Appoint or remove all department directors with the consent of the Council.
Appoint or remove all other City employees as provided herein or by ordinance.
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies within City government, except as otherwise provided by the Charter or law, and to make recommendations to Council concerning the affairs of the City.
Negotiate contracts on behalf of the City, subject to the approval of the Council.
Make recommendations concerning the nature and location of City improvements.
Assure that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the City or its inhabitants in any statute, public utility franchise or other contract are faithfully kept and performed and shall bring violations to the attention of the Council.
Prepare an agenda for and attend all public meetings of the Council (except those in which personnel decisions regarding the City Administrator are discussed) with the right to take part in discussions, but without the right to vote.
Make such recommendations to the Council concerning policy formulation as s/he deems necessary.
Keep the Council and the public informed of the conduct of City affairs.
Oversee the preparation and submission of the annual budget and budget message to the Council and administer the budget approved by the Council.
Carry out all policies they established by Council for the proper administration of City affairs within the jurisdiction of the Council.
Prepare an annual report.
Perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance or resolution of the Council.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator shall neither seek nor hold any elective government office while serving as City Administrator.
The City Administrator shall not accept gifts from any persons who may gain personally from any transaction with the City.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
All departments, offices, and agencies under the supervision of the City Administrator shall be administered by a department director appointed with the consent of Council. The City Administrator may serve as department director of one or more departments, offices, or agencies or may appoint one department director as the head of two or more departments or agencies.
[11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 8423]
The City Administrator shall annually provide a lawful fidelity bond in an amount to be approved by the Council. The premium of the bond shall be paid by the City.